The Third Eye Chakra: Discover and Balance the Sixth Chakra | The Art of Living

The Third Eye Chakra: Discover and Balance the Sixth Chakra

Unlock your intuitive power and discover the gifts of a balanced chakra. Find inner clarity and focus with the help of Ajna, your sixth chakra.

By Jade Doherty

Feeling unfocused or unclear? It could be your Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Chakra. Here is your personal guide to balancing the sixth chakra.

What most resonates with you?

Are you feeling:

  1. Angry, irritated, annoyed, put out, provoked

  2. More aware, alert, mindful, attentive, vigilant, observant

  3. Or a mix of the two

These are all connected to your third eye chakra or Ajna chakra as it’s known in Sanskrit. 

But what is a third eye chakra?! How do I balance it? And why does it matter? 

Let’s dive in and get some answers that may well transform how you feel on a daily basis.

In this chakra series, we’re exploring and looking at each chakra. After understanding the root chakra, sacral chakra, navel chakra, heart chakra, and throat chakra in the previous posts, today we’re looking at the third-eye chakra or eyebrow center.

In this article, we’ll cover the role of the third-eye chakra, what it really means if you feel that your third-eye chakra is “blocked” (it’s not what you expect!), and the impact this has on your life. We’ll also look at healing your chakra system, specifically your third-eye chakra through yoga poses, meditation, and other activities, to bring it into balance and harmony. 

What is a chakra?

Aside from the physical body, we also have a subtle, energetic body. Within it are pathways that flow with prana or life-force, and these converge at powerful energy centers, known as chakras. The seven primary chakras flow from the root (base of the spine) up to the crown chakra (top of the head).

Each chakra, or nerve center, is associated with particular qualities and emotions which transpire in different ways. For the sixth chakra, these are awareness, alertness, and anger.

When the energy in your chakra system is moving upwards (from the base chakra up to the crown chakra) you experience the positive qualities of the chakras. Conversely, when the energy is moving downwards (from the crown to the base) you will experience the inverse, the negative qualities of that chakra. 

There is a lot of talk about blocked chakras and chakra healing without mentioning this flow of energy within your energy body. Instead, many focus on specific yoga postures, mantras, expensive crystals, or essential oils to facilitate the healing process. But it is not all that complicated. In this article, we will explore some simple ways to bring harmony and balance.

For an overview of the whole chakra system, check out our Beginner’s Guide.

Third Eye Chakra -at a glance

Name in Sanskrit: Ajna (or Agya) meaning command or to perceive. While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights and inner realms; perception beyond ordinary sight. 

Element: Light

Location: Forehead between two eyebrows, pineal gland

Qualities: Awareness, alertness, anger

When the consciousness moves to the center of the forehead, it manifests either as anger, awareness, or alertness. Knowledge and awareness (upward flow of energy) are manifested by the sixth chakra. The same point is also the seat of anger (when the energy flow is downwards) and is also said to be the region of the mystical Third Eye. You might have read or heard the story of how Lord Shiva opened His ‘Third Eye’ and burnt Lord Kamadeva into ashes.

This Third Eye is the seat of anger as well as the seat of knowledge, spiritual awareness, and awakened wisdom.

When there is an imbalance this happens

When the energy is flowing in an upward direction, i.e. the chakra is in balance, you are more mindful, aware, and alert. Wisdom dawns on you and you tend to see everything from a bigger or higher perspective. You are more self-reflective and in spiritual contemplation mode, able to think and see clearly. When your third eye chakra is working well you feel full of alertness, clarity, and intuition. Like you just know what to do, and answers, solutions, ideas, and insights come to you naturally. 

You might have noticed that if you feel angry you might get a headache. When this chakra is affected by the downward flow of energy i.e. when this chakra has an imbalance (or is “blocked”), you may feel extremely irritable and provoked by trivial things, or experience uncontrollable anger, or being overly judgemental. You might find yourself shouting and yelling at your near and dear ones or your colleagues. Your face may turn red and you might feel tension in your head. All signs of excessive anger.

So how can you begin healing a blocked third eye chakra?

...and breathe

How to Get Unstuck

If you find yourself feeling angry, irritable, you should focus on healing your third eye chakra. 

So what to do?:

Spend some time coming inwards

In order to refocus and gain new insight, some time spent in meditation, in nature, or simply being quiet is a great tool. Sometimes you need to slow down, come in, and gather your focus. 

How to balance the third eye chakra: essential tools for life

Healing the third eye chakra energy center is a huge step on your spiritual path, and opens up not only a new world of spiritual and intuitive insight but also helps you to feel clearer and more focused when it comes to day-to-day life and decision making. A clear third eye chakra helps you to be alert and aware, in all ways!

Here are some tips and techniques for you to try and start healing your third eye chakra:

  • Let’s pose!

Time for some yoga! Yoga poses are great for healing your third eye and awakening your spiritual awareness. A holistic yoga practice, that is one including skillfully sequenced asana, pranayama, and meditation, will help to get your energy flowing upwards through your third-eye chakra (and every other chakra too!). Sri Sri Yoga is such a practice, including asana, pranayama, and meditation to get your energy flowing upwards. Do make sure to include Child’s Pose, and Wide-Legged Forward Fold into your sequence.

  • Pranayama

Breathing techniques are a great way to quiet and focus your mind, allowing your inner clarity, and knowing to arise. Alternate Nostril Breathing is a powerful technique that uses your breath to balance both hemispheres of your brain, bringing calm, clarity, and focus to your busy mind. Bumble bee breathing is also helpful.

  • Candle Gaze

Candle gazing is another powerful technique when it comes to healing the third eye chakra. This technique is all about focus, be it on a candle flame, a picture of a deity you resonate with, or even a dot on the wall. 

  • Take a seat

Meditation. A foundational solution to (almost!) all our imbalances. When you find the right practice for you, meditation is naturally calming and restorative, creating a steadiness at your core. Try SKY Breath Meditation or dive into a dedicated third eye chakra meditation.

Begin your chakra healing journey with Secrets of the 7 Chakras. Join this free on-demand 7-day meditation journey to awaken, rebalance, and harmonize your energy. Guided by meditation master Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, it is an opportunity to dive deeper into the profound wisdom of the chakras and cleanse each one through meditation. Emerge deeply rested, relaxed, and with personal insight. Register for free here.

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Next, we will explore the seventh chakra!

Jade Doherty is a freelance copywriter, meditator, and traveler, who is currently exploring Goa, India.

ART OF LIVING PART I COURSE Discover Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s ancient secret to modern well-being

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