supportive therapy

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Related to supportive therapy: supportive psychotherapy

supportive therapy

1. (Medicine) med any treatment, such as the intravenous administration of certain fluids, designed to reinforce or sustain the physiological well-being of a patient
2. (Psychology) psychol a form of therapy for mental disturbances employing guidance and encouragement to develop the patient's own resources
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This was managed through supportive therapy by the medical team.
Once stable, the path to recovery involves detoxification, outpatient or inpatient recovery, and other types of supportive therapy. Depending on the addiction, a person might be asked to stay in a live-in facility for 30 to 90 days.
This unites multiple aspects of cancer care, including screening, risk modeling, imaging & staging, biopsies and interventions, prognostic indicators, and treatments including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, supportive therapy, oncology surgeries.
The study found that IBS patients undergoing hypnotherapy reported a greater overall improvement in their condition and were more able to cope with, and were less troubled by their symptoms compared with those who received educational supportive therapy. However, hypnotherapy did not appear to reduce the severity of symptoms.
In a paper published in JAMA Psychiatry, researchers reported the outcomes of a randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) versus individual and group supportive therapy in 173 adolescents with a history of suicide attempts.
We still struggle to know what the best interventions are beyond excellent skin care and supportive therapy, and whether associated etiologies (such as specific drugs or infections) should influence selection of therapies.
BioDivide provides the highest quality stem cell supportive therapy products and services.
As supportive therapy while treating all forms of diarrhoea, always provide the birds with Electrosol Oral, a quality product that contains dextrose and electrolytes that provide energy, corrects the electrolyte imbalances and helps in rehydration of the birds.
Our provisional diagnosis was leptospirosis, and we initiated supportive therapy and intravenous (IV) ceftriaxone.