Healing | Topic 36 | GIBC | 2nd Cycle | Topic 36 | GIBC | 2nd Cycle Healing Ps Leslie Hessel | By Dr Arthur Frost | Welcome to Generation Impact Bible College tonight. It's awesome to be with you guys once again. My name is Pastor Leslie Hessel and you are listening to topic number thirty-six and this topic is titled healing. So tonight we going to go through scripture and just get a bit of a concept and idea of what the Bible talks about when it talks about healing and we need to understand where we stand. You and I stand with healing in the in the scriptures today. Uh too many people are getting sick and too many people are being attacked and there's even not just normal stuff that attacks us when things like the pandemic comes around which is like you know very questionable as to the source of where it came from and, yet we have to deal with it and we gotta trust God that he will come and, you know, he will protect us and be with us. So before we get into this topic, let's just commit this time to the Lord in prayer. Father, we just thank you tonight. That as your word goes forth, it will not and cannot return void, but it will accomplish that which is enough to do. We also believe that faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God. And Lord tonight, these people hear the word of God, so it will take root in their lives, and it will, it will bear much fruit and Father God, many will be blessed by it. I pray at the same time, Lord, that you'll just anoint my voice, anoint my ears, anoint my thoughts. And Lord that I'll be able to communicate that which you have to communicate with your people accurately and properly. In Jesus name. So we give you all the glory, honour and praise in advance for everything that will be accomplished tonight. In Jesus name. And everybody said Amen. Welcome to those that have joined us a little bit late. Never too late. So tonight topic thirty-six. And the title of this particular topic is healing. So maybe one of the first questions that you and I can deal with or need to to handle is that we ask ourselves a question why do we get sick? You know why do we actually land up getting sick? And obviously it's a couple of things we can look at first and foremost is we can look at the physical laws. Uh natural laws. In other words, we'll also look at the spiritual laws, laws that relate to the realm of the spirit. And we see when we look at natural laws in Hebrews chapter four verse four, it says, for he has spoken in a certain place on the, on the, the seventh day in this way, and God rested on the seventh day from all his work. So therefore, sometimes people abuse their physical bodies, Jesus himself had to go aside and rest after the creation event. And, and God himself went and rested off the creation event. So, you and I, the same way, we cannot just abuse this physical body and just go whichever way we want to go. and expect it to last forever. No. This body has got its limits. And therefore you and I have to listen to our bodies and go with our bodies. It doesn't mean that you know you get lazy or anything. No. It does mean that you basically sensitive to the body says you need rest. You need rest. We need hungry. You need to eat. Etcetera. Etcetera. So there's certain natural laws that you and I have to comply with. To be able to see that this body is nourished. I mean well and looked after. So all those laws and rules stay. You don't want to abuse the physical body. You need to look after it and nurture it and make sure your immune system and everything else is looked after. Then if we go look at the spiritual side of things. Ephesians 427 says nor give place to the devil. So in other words people give place to the devil because we know that I want just clarify one thing quickly. You know we're looking at why do we sick. Just remember that sickness, the Bible says that every perfect good gift comes from heaven above. So therefore, we understand that God is the source of everything good. Alright. The Bible says the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. So everything bad comes from the devil. God does not lay sickness on us. Let me just quickly clarify that and put that out there. Because there's no evil or bad that can come out of God. God cannot originate sickness. Um every perfect and good gift comes from him. Alright. He sometimes allows sickness? Does he allow those things to come? Ja he does. Because he doesn't basically fight or prevent it from happening. Because we in a world where the devil is the God of this world. Um until such time as Jesus comes back we have been given authority over the devil. But many believers have not yet learnt how to really exercise that faith. By the way it's raining outside. So if you hear a little bit of thunder and stuff. Uh you might just get that on the mic. Alright. So let me also just quickly of sickness. Just quickly clarify something here as well. The, if we look at the natural and the spiritual laws, we basically insinuating rather, let me put it that way. That, that sickness is, is, is, is inflicted by yourself. Upon yourself because of some contravention of some law, somewhere, whether it be natural, whether it be spiritual. Um, the Bible also makes provision that sometimes sickness is allowed on our bodies and something, something might happen. Like, you've seen people born with defects. Okay and even in actual fact in John chapter nine it's not in your nose but John chapter nine, let me, it's round about, I think, the first couple of verses of John chapter nine, there's a dialogue between the, the, the, the, I think it's called disciples of Jesus, with Jesus saying, here's a guy that's been born blind, you know, he's born blind, yet what actually caused the blindness, who sinned, who actually caused the problem, was it his his parents or was it him or what, you know, what, what was the story here? Um, obviously I'm you not the one that causes sin. But somebody somewhere caused a problem. Sin must have come in somewhere. That is that is following that thinking or insinuating that that you had something to do with it. You neglected and and broke something somewhere that caused sickness coming. And in that particular in John chapter nine then Jesus turns around and says no. This happens so the glory of God can be shown through this person. So some people battle to actually ended. So, what I'm trying to say to you is that listen, it's not only the contravention of spiritual, physical laws that can cause certain sickness to come upon your body. Sometimes God has got a plan as well. Because you are a vessel in his hand and because he wants to show his goodness through you, sometimes he allows that, because he'll allow the circumstance to work together. I've even seen it in cases where people have had sickness caused by stress, and then when the sicknesses come upon them, they haven't received their healing when prayed for And then time has gone past and it's like 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. Then suddenly the healing manifests. And then you ask yourself the question, why was it not instant? Why was the process? Why sometimes why sometimes isn't it? And why and then people talk about timing. It's not in God's timing. I don't necessarily believe that it's not not in God's timing. I believe that when we pray for our healing, God answers our prayer and we, we basically can receive by Healing instantly but because of the fact that we are surrendered to him. Sometimes there are situations that he wants to or people that he wants to deal with and he wants to use you as the vehicle or the vessel through which to work. So we need to understand that and receive that in our lives. So therefore sickness comes multiple ways of which obviously contravening spiritual law is going to can cause and does cause sickness. We also know that injuries. I injuries can be due to circumstances, can be due to things happening around about you. Um, you know, the, the, the, lots of things. lots of things that, that basically, you know, not even your doing, somebody else's neglect, okay, that causes you to land up in a particular situation. So, just remember that. The result of, of sickness coming upon your body, every single time is obviously the devil steals your health. So, we walk in perfect health, We see that just now in, first Peter two twenty-four, the Bible speaks about the fact that by the stripes of Jesus, we are healed, okay, so therefore, because of the health that we have, because of what Jesus does, the health is our portion, as a believer, you are healthy. Okay. Jesus paid the price for you to be healthy. And therefore when sickness comes, the devil is not laying sickness on you per se, but he's stealing your health. That's what he's doing. So he puts sickness on you to steal your health. He doesn't want you to be healthy. So therefore devil, you just take your hands off and allow health to continue in Jesus name. That is really the truth of the matter. We see that in John ten ten, that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. There we also see that there are different expressions of faith. In the notes it talks about levels of faith. Um but there's really different expressions of it. There's divine health. There's divine healing and then there's divine knowledge. I get divine health is something that we have because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Divine healing is a process of restoration and and making rock. Now obviously people that walk in in a level of faith or in faith for divine healing will never ever experience sickness. Alright. Because they are walking in a place and a level of faith or expression of faith that allows them to do Divine Healing allows quick restoration to their physical bonding if something should happen. And then of course you got people that that put their faith and confidence in God using a doctor to heal them. Um it's not necessarily the best way but it's an acceptable way because still at the end of the day you'll recover and you'll become old. You'll continue living. So God can and does use doctors. Is that God's first choice? No. God wants you to believe him. He wants you to put your faith and confidence in him. That he will restore and make whole and and and look after us. So then we also see that the healings that that we receive, okay, there are three main ways that healing can come to our bodies. To our natural bodies. Some people or in the notes again it's referred to as types of healings. I don't necessarily understand receive that or understand these types more accurate to say it's a way of receiving. The first way is in Matthew chapter twelve and verse fifteen where it says but when Jesus knew it he withdrew from there and a great multitudes followed him and he them all. So that is instant healing. So as they came up to Jesus and they had a sickness or disease they had confidence that Christ could as he touched them they would be healed. So they received the healing. You see that through numerous scriptures in in in the Bible. Um Mark five with the woman with the issue of blood. She came up to Christ. And she kept on saying to herself. If I can't even touch the hem of his garment. I will receive my healing and I will be made whole. And so that's exactly what manifested. That's exactly what happened. She came up to Christ, through the crowd, touch them with his garment, virtue flowed. And she was made whole. The issue of blood dried up instantly. And she went away there completely healed. Jesus realising that power had left him. Then asked who touched me in the crowd? Disciples, look at him and say to him, but Lord, you see this crowd round about you, I mean it's like hundred people touching you. And so, but Jesus picked up that moment when virtue, power left his body and that was a faith a touch of faith by this woman that when she does, God will heal her. That's a instant healing. Many many examples in scripture of where God performs instantly. We we can and do receive his dealings even today. You trust God and believe God. You put your faith in him. He will heal you and he will heal you instantly. There we see in scripture also progressive healings. So it's not wrong to not receive a instant healing. It's it's it's quite acceptable. It's quite can work as long as you get healed. And that is a progress we see that in Mark chapter eight and verse twenty-four to 2-5 and says and he looked up and said, I see men like trees walking. Then he put his hands on his eyes again. Jesus putting his hands on, on the man's eyes the second time. And made him look up and he was restored and saw everyone clearly. So here you see a progressive healing. You see a healing that starts, improves and then until it comes to a place of complete healing. Now very often when we pray for people, it could be that you start praying and I've seen this happen with deaf ears a lot. Where people are prayed for and then you'll see a a certain degree of healing come come to the ear. There's a partial hearing. And then you'll see by continuous prayer that the hearing will improve until the hearing is totally restored. So I've seen I've seen many different instances of where people's healing happened over time. Sometimes a day. Maybe two days or three days. But still much quicker than it would have under allowing natural healing. Allowing the body to heal itself or applying medication or whatever the case may be to assist in the healing process. So God's healing, Jesus healing. It's a progress but much, much, much quicker and very often also healing something that the doctors say we've got no hope, like normally with cancers and, and, and things like that, they normally throw up their hands in horror and they want to do all the, like, really severe treatments like chemo and all this kind of stuff. And then God comes in and he makes an instant healing with no side effects. So God does do that. Then we see the one that I feel is most probably the, the one that is most examples of in scripture. And that is the one where God gives instruction and he says go and do ABC. And then be obedient to the word of God. They receive their healing instantly. And we see that in John chapter nine verse six to seven says when he had said these things he spat on the ground and he made clay and with wither saliva and he anointed the eyes of the blind men with the clay. Anoint them eyes means that he puts it on his eyes. And then he said to him go washing the pool of Salam, which is translated sent, So he went and washed and came back seen. So here you've got a a story about a person who had to be obedient to the instruction of Christ. And as he was obedient to the word of God so he received his healing. In today's world I see examples of this all the time. Where God gives instruction not only for healing but for many other interventions, miracles in the lives of individuals. That God gives a word, gives them instruction. Do this, go here, phone this one, etcetera, etcetera. And when they do that, that's when the miracle manifests and that's when the miracle happens. So, I want to encourage you. That if you are trusting God for healing now, excuse me. Be sensitive to what God's spirit is saying. You might be in exactly that place where you need to actually just be obedient to the instruction of the word of the Lord. And you will receive your healing. Sometimes it's as simple as just going somewhere, phoning somebody, Stop doing something, whatever the case may be and God will give you the insight and the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding. To be able to be victorious in that which God has for you. Therein can ask the question to ourselves, why should God heal me? You know, what makes me so special, are you so special that God should heal us? In Isaiah fifty-three five, there's a prophetic utterance that Jesus made, or Isaiah made, sorry, about Jesus. And it says, but Excuse me. But he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him. And by his stripes we are healed. So here's a prophetic utterance that already comes by Isaiah in the book of Isaiah. It talks about the fact that what will happen to Jesus. And that through the stripes that he will take upon his back we will be healed. There we see fulfillment of that prophecy when Jesus crucified. Excuse me. We see a fulfilment of that prophecy. And we see the confirmation of it in first Peter two twenty-four. It says who himself bore our sins on his own body on the tree. Here's Jesus on the cross. and he took our sins upon him. We know that. That we having died to sins might live for righteousness. So we receive the gift of righteousness. And we present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto him. So therefore our bodies yet yes why why are we still alive and living them? But they're no longer our belong to Christ because we present them as a living sacrifice. So therefore they're not ours anymore. So I like describing it this way. You are a dead man walking. And because you are a dead man walking it's no longer you that live but it's Christ who lives in you. Okay. So by whose stripes you were healed. So Jesus's action upon the cross then. taking the stripes, paying the price, dying for you and I. By those stripes you were healed past tense. Okay. So in the New Testament we sorry in the Old Testament we are healed. The New Testament we were healed. So we were healed and we now walk in total health. Also see in the Gospels that Jesus many times describes and says that healing is his children's bread. And there was the whole parable that went about the the bread crumbs that fell off the table. And then the Gentile woman says but even the dogs eat from the floor. The crumbs. And Jesus enters around and talks about it and says yes I haven't seen such great faith. No we're in Israel. So we know and understand by the substitutes we healed. We know that healing is a children's bread and therefore it is there for us who believe in Christ and believe in the work of the cross. And it's through that promise that Jesus that God made in Isaiah through the prophet Isaiah and then Jesus fulfilled upon the cross. That you and I can now walk in perfect God. All that we doing is invoking scripture. We invoking promises that Jesus made. And actions that he completed upon the cross. And through that you and I now walk in perfect health Alright. And therefore healing is ours. And if you don't have perfect health, the devil is stealing your health. So just claim it back and tell devil to take his dirty filthy hands off you. So you can walk in the health that Jesus has. Now why do some people not get their healing? And here's some reasons. Yes this is not an exhaustive list. But this is just to give you some insight and some ideas that of things that can cause healing not to necessarily manifest. The first thing is obviously unbelief. Alright, people just don't believe. And so we see in Matthew thirteen verse fifty-eight. Now he did not do many mighty works there because of the unbelief Jesus speaking. So because of the unbelief in that particular place, he was not able to do mighty works, alright? So people were not receiving from him. And so therefore, when you don't believe and you don't receive, that, that is, can cause a problem. And can cause a situation where you will not receive absolutely everything the father has for you. And we need to us and understand that God wants to and we need to believe and we cannot walk in unbelief. Then we also see that the level of faith, okay, the faith that we have can affect that. Now we might argue that that is very similar to unbelief and yes it is. But here there is differentiation that is made in scripture. And we see in Matthew chapter eight verse twenty-six. But he said to them, why are you fearful? Oh you of little faith. So here he's referring these people. There's obviously there is some faith. Okay. They are operating in faith. But they at the same time fearful. Because of the fear their faith has not been able to grow to the level that it needs to be. And then he arose and rebuked the winter season. There was great calm. So the same thing applies when we trust God for healing. That is that we can have our faith could be little and not necessarily where it should be. As I said you can actually argue that as being unbelief. As we discussed in point number one. Nevertheless they will both cause healing not to necessarily manifest in our hearts. The first thing you can check in your life to see that why you're not receiving your healing is is there faith. Once you've got that checkbox ticked don't go back there. Don't self analyse yourself to the to the ends degree. Um but if you had peace that you know you are believing God and there's no you've got no out around that then leave it alone. That checkbox is ticks. You are believing God. Then obviously there is this thing referred to as opening a door to Satan. Alright. So at the same time that can be talking about sin in your life. Or unrepentant sin in your life. Let me put it that way. So there's something that's come into your life and you either not dealt with it. Um and or you create an opportunity for the devil to come in and to and to cause havoc. We see in one Corinthians chapter eleven verse 28 through to thirty-one, it says, but let a man examine himself. And so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup, for he eats and drinks in an unworthy mat, he eats and drinks judgement to himself. Not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason, many are weak and were sick among you and many sleep, for if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. That is, that is talking about the Lord's supper and where you have to examine yourself before you partake of the meal. But the truth the situation is that when we have allowed Satan in and we've allowed him to come in and wreak havoc in our lives and and there's unrepentant sin there or there's something that has not been dealt with. That that can cause a problem. We have we've had testimonies happen in in our ministries and over the years. My wife specifically had an encounter or occasion once we got somebody was prayed for. Um and he had a a frozen and he couldn't use his arm. And he had a young child that he was had never had a opportunity to actually hug because of his frozen arm. And he was trusting God over the time for his healing. His healing never manifested. And then 1 day what happened was the inner service there was a guest speaker. He came and he was conducting the meetings and and obviously praying for the second so on and so forth. And by doing that this man went up and never got his healing again. And when that happened the Lord showed my wife why he was not receiving his healing. But she did not share it with anybody. So after the service we were having a meal with a preacher etcetera etcetera. And phone call came in from his wife saying that he's locked himself in the room and he wants to commit suicide and whatever whatever. So obviously everybody's concerned. The pastor asking excuse himself will go and see if he can deal with the situation. And my wife then asked if it's a man that that had the with his arm and he said yes. So she said well the Lord showed me something in the meeting that, that, that was causing, or could be a, a hindrance. He Come with me. And so she went with him to this particular you can see this particular gentleman. But up until that point she had not revealed to absolutely anybody what exactly the Lord had revealed to her and shown her. So when they got there this guy was in the room and he was locked in. He wanted to commit suicide and he was saying God doesn't love him. God doesn't care about him. God doesn't want to heal him. Argument many people use this but but nevertheless God lives him. God wants to heal him. So what happened was that the pastor then said to her look the Lord lady, what the why you have not received your healing and and do you wanted to to tell you? And he went very very quiet in the room. And then suddenly room door burst open and this guy came running out both ears and both arms in the air and he hugged his son. And it shows you a couple of things. The Lord showed my wife exactly what the sin was and she knew what the sin was. But God was gracious. The sin was never revealed. Never exposed okay. So the man's dignity was was protected. That's the way God operates. And at the same time as that man's dignity was was protected and he was in a room and he he repented obviously before the Lord. He instantly received his healing. Nobody prayed for his healing in the room. Excuse me. He just had to repent. Of that which was not of God in his life. And that which he was was that was preventing stuff. When he did that he received his healing instantly. So I've seen and heard of many of examples like that. Where there's unrepentant sin in the life of an individual, believers, people that love Jesus. Which are prevented things happening. But that's not the case every single time. As I showed you in John chapter nine verse three earlier on. The first couple of verses John chapter nine. Remember the story of the blind man that was was born blind. And then the question asked who sinned. And again here there was nobody that sinned. God wanted to show forth his good works. And God want to show you forth his love. And there was obviously somebody somewhere that needed to witness that healing and see that healing take place. And even today we've we've experienced again we've experienced in our lives. We've seen other people's lives. We we the manifestation of the healing was delayed. Um we don't know why. Can't always explain. Can't always tell you why. All we can surmise or think is that when the healing I know one healing that was displayed about 8 months. Um others that have been 3 months, 6 months, sometimes a year. And it's not because a person doesn't have faith. Not because God hasn't hasn't healed them. Um but it's the manifestation of that healing. That that was delayed. So we need to remember that God's ways are not our ways. God's words are not our words. God's thoughts are not our thoughts. And us being vessel in his hands. He will work in and through us whichever way he sees fit. And we have to allow that because that is what we do. That's on who we are. And so therefore we just trust God. You know it's like Paul with the the thorn in his flesh where where Jesus had my, my mercy, you know, and my grace is sufficient for you. We don't exactly know what that means. Maybe God is healing a later stage when, when God had now used it or maybe he went to the grave with that, I don't know. Nevertheless, God made a statement. He says, my grace is and mercy is sufficient for you. And the same with you and I, so we stand on God's word knowing that even though the manifestation might not happen the way we expect it to happen. Um, he's going to do what he needs to do. And so, how do you and I receive our healing then? You know, first and foremost, we receive it by faith. There's absolutely no doubt about it. Receive it by trusting God. And then it can come through just by that, you can be lying on your bed for, for whatever and God will come and he will heal, touch and heal you, make you whole. Or it could be that you actually need to get some brethren around you and you need to unite your faith and put your faith together. I've had instances like that. Where I've prayed for a situation. I just couldn't get the breakthrough. Then I would call in the, the, the, reinforcements and get my brothers and sisters around me, let's unite our faith, let's come into agreement and then subtly. The manifestation happens, and the God comes through and he touches and heals and makes whole Um it could be that as I said it's a repentance that needs to happen. Close the door of sin. Get rid of sin. Whatever the sin may be. Um you know if God shows you. Now you know this is what normally tell people. Don't you do self-inspection alright. To make sure there's nothing in your life that's causing a a blockage. But if you don't find anything don't now go and dig for stuff that doesn't exist. Trust the Holy Spirit that by the gifts of the Holy Spirit he will come and he will show himself true. You that we talk about the gift of discernment, the gift of knowledge, the gift of wisdom. Allow those gifts to operate. Those all revelation gifts, our revelation gifts. The gifts that will reveal stuff unto you. So trust God to reveal stuff and to show stuff. So that it can be dealt with and it can be taken out and and you know prayed for and done whatever to sort it out. And then ultimately we call the elders and we pray and we anoint with oil. Okay so that's what we do. A good example in James chapter five and verse fourteen through 16, which says, is anyone among you sick? Question mark. Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another. There we see that whole confession story comes up, repent and repent from unrepentant sin. And pray for one another and that you may be healed. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. So we love quote that the the last part of that verse. But there's some stuff that needs to happen before that. Then lastly, who can pray for the sick? Anybody can. Any believer can. We know in Mark sixteen, Great Commission. It says in these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons or they will speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents and they will drink any deadly they will not hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick. And they will recover alright and then one Corinthians twelve nine talks about the gifts of healing. And then one Corinthians 1228 it continues and firms the gifts of healing. miracles and faith. So we know and understand that we anybody can pray. Any believer can pray. And God will honour his word. It's not the person who's praying necessarily. It's the word and the faith that goes out with that word. Very interesting is that in in the Mark 16. It talks about they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. It talks nothing about prayer. So I've had instances where we've gotten and been with people where we've literally just laid hands on people. Not even prayed for them. Not verbalised anything. We literally just went in and said give me your hand or you touch the afflicted area and as you touch just the physical laying on of hands in faith sees the healing comes through. So tonight let me challenge you. If you've got anything in your life or any sickness or disease in your life that you're trusting God for. Healing. Why don't you just stretch your hands out towards the the screen right now and let's pray. Father I thank you that every single person that's afflicted by any kind of sickness or disease right now. I pray for their healing in Jesus name. I pray that they set free. Delivered Father God and walk free from whatever affliction is upon them. And look forward to the testimonies and the confidence that comes out of that in Jesus name. Amen.