Spring into STEM - The Tech Interactive

Spring into STEM

April 5, 2024

Spring is in the air! Engage your learners through these nature-loving lesson plans this season.

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Try these nature-loving ways to keep your learners entertained this spring.

1. Building for Birdie

Help our feathered friends create the nest of their dreams!

Does your rockin’ robin need lots of space for parties, or does your paradise parakeet need some excellent protection from hurricane winds? Whatever your birds need, you can build it! This activity is perfect for ages 5 and up, brought to you by Stanford Children’s Health.

See Activity

2. Make your own Air Bee ‘n’ Bee

Design a resting area for our fearless pollinators!

Bees, butterflies, and lady bugs are coming out of winter dormancy or migrating, and will soon be hard at work going from flower to flower. Design an “Air Bee ‘n’ Bee” with our Pollinator Pit Stop activity.

Guide Here

3. April showers bring ... awareness to water conservation

Design a storm drain cover to protect our waterways!

On days with heavier rainfall, trash can easily wash into storm drains and enter our natural waterways, polluting the environment. With our Building a Storm Drain activity, your learners will design a storm drain cover to keep trash out while letting water pass through. 

 See Activity

4. Sounds of Spring

Identify soundwaves of different spring animals!

Babbling brooks, tweeting birds, light rainfall, buzzing bees. What are your sounds of spring? Record them and see if you can identify the sound waves in this fun listening-version of Match It. All you’ll need is a smartphone and the Arduino Science Journal application.

See Activity

5. Caution! Wildlife Crossing

Build a structure to help wildlife get across busy highways

Help the chicken (or mountain lion or deer) cross the road so they won’t get hurt finding food or getting home during their spring migration. It’s a problem real engineers are solving by creating wildlife corridors.

See Activity

Love these ideas? Visit the The Tech Interactive for more hands-on learning including our Solve for Earth exhibit that empowers you to fight climate change.

Be sure to check out all of our resources: