How to Fix "No Device Drivers Were Found" Error Installing Windows?

How to Fix “No Device Drivers Were Found” Error Installing Windows?

This error frequently occurs if the Windows installation media lacks disk drivers, preventing the visibility of connected disks during the Windows installation process. To resolve this issue, you will need to download the disk drivers using another device and then transfer them to your Windows installation media.

Furthermore, numerous users have found success by formatting and activating the primary partition and resetting the motherboard’s BIOS settings.

The primary cause of this issue is the absence of disk drivers. Additionally, this error may occur if the primary partition intended for the Windows installation is not active. Activating the primary partition ensures the system prioritizes that disk for booting.

If you are assembling a new computer and encounter this error, make sure that the disks are properly connected using the SATA cable. The disks could also be disabled in the motherboard’s BIOS settings, which would lead to this error.

Another common issue is the use of a USB 3.0 port for the Windows installation USB. Sometimes, USB 3.0 does not work due to conflicts with USB 2.0 drivers or compatibility issues. Therefore, before trying the methods below, consider using a USB 2.0 port instead.

1. Download disk drivers via another device

When this error occurs, Windows fails to detect disk drivers. If your computer’s operating system is operational, you can download the drivers using the same device. Otherwise, use an alternative device. Then, browse the drivers and select the appropriate one according to your processor.

  1. Open a web browser and search for the “Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver” if you have an Intel processor, or the “AMD Rapid Storage Technology driver” for AMD processors.
  2. Press Enter to view the search results.
  3. Visit the official manufacturer’s website (Intel or AMD) based on your processor model.
    Opening Official Manufacturer's Website
    Opening Official Manufacturer’s Website
  4. Download the driver suitable for your version of Windows.
    Note: Ensure that you download the drivers in a .zip file format.

    Downloading Intel Rapid Technology Driver
    Downloading Intel Rapid Technology Driver
  5. Connect your Windows installation USB to your computer.
  6. In the directory of your Windows installation USB, create a new folder named “drivers”.
    Creating a folder named 'drivers'
    Creating a folder named ‘drivers’
  7. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the driver.
  8. Right-click on the .zip file and select Extract to “F6flpy-x64-Non-VMD”.
    Note: It is recommended to use WinRAR or 7-Zip for extracting the file.

    Extracting Driver Folder
    Extracting Driver Folder
  9. Open the extracted folder, copy its contents, then proceed to the ‘drivers’ folder in the Windows installation USB directory and paste them there.
    Pasting drivers into the USB
    Pasting drivers into the USB
  10. Boot from your USB, and when the “No Device Drivers Were Found” error appears, click Browse.
  11. Navigate to the ‘drivers’ folder within the Windows installation USB directory.
  12. Select the appropriate driver and click Next.
    Note: If you are unsure about compatibility, you can try each driver until the correct one is identified.
  13. This should allow Windows to detect the disks connected to your computer.

2. Activate the partition

Activating the partition designates it as the bootable partition that the computer’s BIOS or UEFI firmware will use to boot the operating system. When installing Windows, if the intended installation partition is not set as active, the installation process may not recognize the disk as a valid target for installation.

By marking the partition as active, you inform the system that this is the correct partition to boot from, which can resolve issues where the installer doesn’t detect the intended installation location, thus allowing the installation process to proceed correctly.

  1. Insert your installation media and boot up the Windows setup.
  2. Click Next, then Repair your computer to access the Windows Preinstallation Environment.
  3. Select Troubleshoot and choose Command Prompt.
    Launching Command Prompt
    Launching Command Prompt
  4. Type diskpart to access the DiskPart utility.
  5. Use the following commands, replacing “X” with the correct disk or partition numbers:
    list disk
    select disk X
    list partition
    select partition X
  6. After activation, exit the command prompt and restart your computer to install Windows.

3. Format your Disk

Formatting your disk can resolve the error by removing all existing data and file structures on the drive, effectively resetting it to a clean state. This process prepares the disk for a fresh installation by establishing a new file system, which can also eliminate potential software conflicts or corrupted data that might be preventing Windows from recognizing the disk during installation.

Keep in mind that formatting erases all data on the disk, so ensure you back up any important files beforehand.

  1. Boot from the installation media and initiate the Windows setup.
  2. Click Next, then select Repair your computer to enter the Windows Preinstallation Environment.
  3. Choose Troubleshoot followed by Command Prompt.
    Launching Command Prompt
    Launching Command Prompt
  4. Enter diskpart to use the DiskPart utility.
  5. List all disks with list disk and select the target disk for Windows installation:
    select disk X

    Note: Replace “X” with the number of the disk you will install Windows on.

  6. Type clean to purge the disk of its contents.
    Cleaning disk using DiskPart utility
    Cleaning disk using DiskPart utility
  7. Create a new primary partition:
    create partition primary
  8. Format the new partition with NTFS using the command:
    format fs=ntfs quick
    Formatting the Disk to NTFS
    Formatting the Disk to NTFS
  9. After formatting, type exit and attempt the Windows installation again.

4. Reset Motherboard BIOS Settings

Resetting the motherboard BIOS settings can resolve the error as it restores the system to its default state, ensuring that any misconfigurations, incorrect boot order, or disabled ports that might be causing the issue are cleared. This action often re-enables the disk controller mode required for the Windows installer to recognize the attached storage devices, thereby facilitating a smooth installation process.

  1. Power off your computer completely.
  2. Power on and press the designated key (F10, F2, F12, F1, or DEL) upon seeing the manufacturer’s logo to enter BIOS settings.
  3. In the BIOS menu, press F9 to reset the settings to default.
    Resetting Motherboard BIOS Settings
    Resetting Motherboard BIOS Settings
  4. Boot from the Windows installation media again and check if the issue has been resolved.

5. Create a Windows Installation Media

Creating a Windows installation media can resolve the problem because it provides a fresh copy of the Windows setup files, complete with the latest drivers and updates. This ensures that any missing or outdated drivers that might be causing the error are replaced with the correct versions required for your hardware during the installation process.

Essentially, it creates a clean slate that can help overcome issues related to corrupted or incompatible installation files.

  1. Visit the official Microsoft website to download the Windows Media Creation Tool.
    Downloading Windows Installation Media Tool
    Downloading Windows Installation Media Tool
  2. Run the tool after downloading it and accept the license terms.
  3. Select Create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file) for another PC and click Next.
    Selecting Installation Media Option
    Selecting Installation Media Option
  4. Follow the prompts, choosing ‘USB flash drive’ and then clicking Next.
    Selecting USB Flash Drive
    Selecting USB Flash Drive
  5. Proceed with Next to start the creation process.
    Beginning the Creation Process
    Beginning the Creation Process
  6. Wait until the message Your USB flash drive is ready appears, then click Finish.
  7. Boot from the newly created media to install Windows and check if the driver issue is resolved.

If none of the above methods work, your USB flash drive or hard disk could be at fault, which might be why you cannot see the drives during Windows installation. In such cases, consider taking your computer to a repair shop for further diagnosis.


Hamza Mohammad Anwar

Hamza Mohammad Anwar is an intermediate JavaScript web developer with a focus on developing high-performance applications using MERN technologies. His skill set includes expertise in ReactJS, MongoDB, Express NodeJS, and other related technologies. Hamza is also a Google IT Certified professional, which highlights his competence in IT support. As an avid problem-solver, he recreates errors on his computer to troubleshoot and find solutions to various technical issues.