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The Mummy Returns is a 2001-adventure film produced by Universal Pictures, and the second installment of the studios’ remake Mummy trilogy. Starring the returning cast of Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Arnold Vosloo, John Hannah and Oded Fehr, and introducing Freddie Boath, with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje in new roles.


The Scorpion King's Campaign[]

In the year 3067 B.C, the Scorpion King, a fearsome warrior who led a vicious campaign to conquer ancient Egypt, marches to the city of Thebes intending to rule. After a violent campaign between the Scorpion King's army and the army of Thebes which lasts for seven years, the battle goes to the army of Thebes, who cast out the invaders into the desert of Ahm Shere.

The Scorpion King soon finds himself the last living member of his army, all the others having died from the desert heat, exhaustion, and lack of food or water. At that point, the Scorpion King himself is dying, and in his last moments, he prays to the god Anubis, pleading for the chance to win one last battle in exchange for his soul. In response, the god sends out a large black scorpion from the sands, which the warrior chews up, despite its successful attempts to sting him, which results in a great oasis sprouting from the desert.

The Scorpion King, with his fallen soldiers replaced with the Army of Anubis itself, returns to Thebes and continues his siege, winning the city and killing many. Once the battle is ended, however, the Scorpion King's soul is taken to the Underworld, as is the Army of Anubis.

The King is branded by Anubis and will awaken 5000 years later. Upon awakening, anyone who kills the Scorpion King can either send his army back to the Underworld or use it to enslave mankind and take over the earth. His bracelet is left on sands and is now the guide to locating him and the Army Of Anubis.

Finding the Bracelet[]

5,000 years later, in 1933 A.D, Rick O'Connell has long since married Evelyn Carnahan and sired a son, 8-year-old Alex O'Connell. The O’Connell’s have reached a temple along the banks of the Nile where Evelyn seeks the Bracelet of Anubis, the emblem of the Scorpion King. Evelyn knows about the temple and how to access the Bracelet from visions that she has been having. As Evelyn looks at some carvings on a wall, Rick is told by his son Alex that the tattoo on his wrist is alike to a symbol that appeared in the atrium of the temple that they are exploring. Later, three thieves, Spivey, Red, and Jacques, arrive to retrieve the bracelet.

While Red goes after Rick and Evelyn, Spivey and Jacques stay behind to look for other artefacts. Meanwhile, Rick and Evelyn find and enter the chamber where the bracelet is kept. Back at the main chamber, Alex secretly harasses Spivey from on top a wooden platform but is later found out by Jacques who goes to kill him. As Evelyn struggles to open the box containing the bracelet, Rick finds the key and they open it to discover the Bracelet of Anubis while Red readies his pistol to fire.

The chest containing the Bracelet is taken from its resting place, but at that moment, a rushing sound rings out: the O’Connell’s then realize that the Bracelet was under protection, for the inscriptions around the chest said that whoever opens the chest will "drink from the Nile". With that, a large torrent of water comes down the corridors, taking Rick and Evelyn with it, almost drowning them as they take the chest with them.

In the atrium, Alex is cornered by Jacques and Spivey, how

wever, Red rushes in telling everyone they need to escape, and they decide to escape as the temple crumbles, but before leaving Jacques kicks the ladder, he’s climbing down to prevent Alex from escaping. Rick and Evelyn are caught in the flood and barely cling for life. While trying to escape Alex mistakenly causes the crash of the supporting pillars within the main atrium, breaking through the walls and stopping the waters from drowning his parents.

Imhotep Discovered[]

The scene then turns to an excavated Hamunaptra. The excavators are paid by a cult lead by Baltus Hafez, curator of the British Museum. In a tent, a warrior named Lock-Nah states that the discovered Book of the Dead gives life. A woman named Meela Nais, who is revealed to be Anck-Su-Namun reincarnation states that the Book of Amun-Ra takes life away. Just then the excavators unearth a swarm of scarabs that devour some of the excavators and a couple of cultists. The cultists then force the scarabs back into the pit using flame throwers. Just then, a call sounds out, and Hafez exclaims, "We've found him."

Most of the excavators and cultists rush over to the site as a corpse covered in mineral is lowered, it is revealed to be the remains of Imhotep. Meela watches in reverence at having discovered her former lover and Lok Nah uncovers an urn containing Imhotep’s mummified soldiers remains. Red and his friends who have arrived, revealing the cult wanted them to obtain the bracelet for them, push their way through the crowds of diggers, Red threatens to shoot one digger through the face if he doesn’t move, this threat being furthered by Spivey, who states that Red has shot someone before. Hafez demands the Bracelet from the thieves, but Red tells his employer that the opportunity had passed them by; Hafez crossly insists that he and his cultists need that Bracelet, as Lock-Nah, Hafez' enforcer, punctuates this by adding that they need it before it opens and drawing his blade out. Red and the thieves instantly draw their pistols out as well, Spivey pointing his at Red's head by mistake.

Only Meela Nais, ends the dispute by telling Hafez that she should have handled it, Hafez quietly remarks that her history might have become an issue. Red tells Hafez that he needn't worry, for the thieves know where it’s going and that they would take care of it.

Hafez, in a resolute tone, tells Red and the thieves that he has a different chore for them instead, Meela demands where the Bracelet has gone; Red replies that it’s on its way to London. Shoving Red out of his way, Hafez declares that he and his cultists must go to London, unknown to them Ardeth Bay is a disguised member of the digging team and has been listening to everything.

Battle at the O’Connell Residence[]

The O'Connell's arrive back to there mansion home in England, with the Bracelet, Evelyn decides to journey to the Lost Oasis of Ahm Shere to find the Scorpion King by using the bracelet as a map. Rick protests this as he does not want to endanger their lives and begins flirting with Evelyn to change her mind. Unknown to them Alex who is carrying the chest opens it and wears the bracelet which shows him a vision of Karnak. He fails to take the bracelet off and places a football statue inside the chest and rolls his jacket sleeve down to cover the bracelet.

As Rick and Evelyn begin to kiss, they notice some female underwear and Rick irritably realises it’s one of Jonathan girlfriends and goes to find him. Meanwhile, Lock-Nah and a handful of armed cultist thugs arrive at the O’Connell residence and head to confront Evelyn O'Connell, Hafez himself, accompanied by Meela, Shafek and two other thugs’ heads upstairs to interrogate Rick O'Connell about it. The cultists find Jonathan Carnahan instead, with a woman named Sheila, and the cultists thus mistake him for O'Connell.

The cultists force Sheila out and confront Jonathan about the Bracelet of Anubis, but Jonathan, thinking Hafez is working for a man named Johnny that Jonathan is indebted to, pleads for more time to pay what he owes. Hafez states that he knows no-one named Johnny and begins to ask about the Bracelet of Anubis. Jonathan states honestly that he has no idea what they are talking about, but Hafez does not believe him, having Shafek take a dagger and hold Jonathan back. Jonathan then lies, saying that he lost the Bracelet in a card game, and at that moment, Hafez's attention is diverted as he eyes the Spear of Osiris in Jonathan's hand; Jonathan claimed the Spear years ago when it was taken from Hamunaptra by Beni.

Meela Nais then walks into the room with a basket in her hands, asking where Jonathan's wife is, believing him to be O'Connell. Jonathan lies that Evelyn had gone off to Baden-Baden or Tibet, but this excuse does not register with Meela, who pulls out a venomous Egyptian asp from the basket and brings it closer to Jonathan so that it would bite him. As Meela steps further with the snake, Jonathan lies once more and stated that the Bracelet is in a safe downstairs, furthering his lie and giving a combination; Meela is not distracted by this, as she moves closer with the asp in her hand. At that moment, Rick steps in, seeing Jonathan being held back and tortured with a snake and a dagger.

O'Connell, thinking that it is another of Jonathan's wild parties, asks the "guests" to cease their activity but is stopped as Meela throws the asp at O'Connell. O'Connell catches the snake and throws it back at one of the cultists, and in a reciprocal move, another cultist throws a dagger at Rick, almost hitting him, but dodging once O'Connell throws it back, hitting another cultist instead. Another cultist open fires with a machine gun, but O'Connell and Jonathan escape, with Jonathan pocketing the Spear from the curator's hands.

Lock-Nah finds Evelyn and Alex and asks where the chest is. Evelyn, angry at the intruder in her home, draws out a sword from her wall and demands that Lock-Nah leave. As Evelyn demands that Lock-Nah must leave, several thugs step out from behind him, outnumbering Evelyn. As Lock-Nah declares that he will kill her and take it anyway, just then Ardeth Bay, a rival of Lock-Nah steps out to defend Evelyn and Alex. A fight ensues with several cultists brought down; Lock-Nah takes the moment to approve of Ardeth's duelling skills before removing his cloak and joining in the fight.

Ardeth himself almost brings down Lock-Nah but is distracted as Evelyn is knocked out by another cultist. Lock-Nah overpowers the Medjai, slashing him in his shoulder and nearly killing Ardeth with a dagger before kidnapping Evelyn. Lock-Nah doesn’t realize that the chest's contents have been altered by Alex.

Imhotep's Resurrection[]

Rick and Jonathan escape outside and see Evelyn being taken by the cultist however are stopped from pursuing by gunfire. As Alex and Ardeth arrive outside an enraged Rick demands what Ardeth is doing and why Evelyn has been taken. Ardeth reveals that if they can find the cult leader Hafez then they will find Evelyn.

Alex recognizes him as the curator of the British Museum and the group decide to follow. Ardeth then reveals that the cult has rediscovered Imhotep corpse and somehow the women with them they were able to know exactly where Imhotep was buried. Alex then reveals he is wearing the bracelet however Ardeth then warns him that the bracelet being activated will result in the next apocalypse.

Rick tells Ardeth to lighten up and everyone enters the car and race to the museum to save Evelyn. Ardeth then reveals that they have seven days to stop the Scorpion king from rising and the cult intends to resurrect Imhotep as he is the only one strong enough to fight the Scorpion King due to the powers he possesses as a result of the Hom Dai curse and will gain command of Anubis's army.

Arriving outside the museum Rick and Ardeth step out to engage the cult, while Alex and Jonathan stay in the car. While arming themselves with weapons Ardeth notices the tattoo and realizes that Rick is a fellow Medjai and quotes an old saying which Rick answers. However, Rick dismisses Ardeth statement and the significance of the tattoo. Inside the museum Lock-Nah, along with the other cultist followers, participate in the ritual that will bring Imhotep back to life, performed in the storage facility of the British Museum.  The ritual is being performed by the museum curator and cultist leader, Baltus Hafez. Evelyn is brought in by the cult members and awaken to realize in horror that Imhotep remains are inside of the chunk of mineral as Hafez performs the rite that would bring Imhotep back to life within the British Museum.

The final incantations are read, and Imhotep breaks free of the mineral, roaring fiercely as the rotted flesh surrounding his skull creeps up to his face, regenerating partially. Imhotep demands to know what year it is and is informed by Hafez that the Year of the Scorpion has come. Hafez and Lock-Nah use a syringe filled with acid to open the chest, expecting to find the Bracelet of Anubis inside; they find instead a statue of a baseball player, which had been placed inside of the chest by Alex when he inadvertently put on the Bracelet. Hafez asks Lock-Nah where the Bracelet has gone and Lok Nah realizes Alex is wearing it.


Rick and Ardeth hide behind a ledge and witness Imhotep’s resurrection and see Meela step into the room. Evelyn has a vision in which Meela appears as Anck-Su-Namun to Imhotep, as she has the exact appearance of his lost love. Meela then explains that she is Anck-Su-Namun reincarnated, to which Imhotep replies that she is only Anck-Su-Namun in body, but soon after calling back her spirit from the Underworld, she would be her true self and their love will once again be whole.

Meela offers a gift to Imhotep: Evelyn O'Connell bound down by ropes and carried on board by several cultists; Meela knows that watching Evelyn die will please Imhotep, as he recognizes Evelyn at once. Evelyn is moved closer to a large stone basin that is filled with fire as Imhotep gives the order to have her burned. Evelyn is almost thrown in when Rick O'Connell leaps in and saves her before she can be harmed.

The cultists then began to open fire as the O’Connell’s fire shots: Ardeth Bay covers the O’Connell’s from a staircase, firing shots at both the cultists and Imhotep, but the shots don’t register to Imhotep as they make holes but cause no permanent damage. As Imhotep witnesses both sides fighting, he sees O'Connell and is shot in the chest by the adventurer. The fight progresses on until Imhotep walks to a side of the loading dock where the urn containing Imhotep's servants is stored: Imhotep opens the jar, unleashing four mummified soldiers, and gives the order to kill off his enemies.

Ardeth's First Bus Ride[]

O'Connell and Ardeth Bay escape with Evelyn, unknown to them Jonathan has broken the key to Rick car and has somehow taken a bus to help them escape. The mummies then burst out, although Rick and Ardeth manage to shoot one down each the other two succeed in boarding the bus and Rick and Ardeth struggle to kill them, Jonathan struggles to manoeuvre the bus.

Rick is fighting one mummy; however, his shotgun falls and is taken by Evelyn who saves Ardeth from being devoured and Rick punches the mummy and drops down as the bus top is torn off from going under a bridge, destroying the mummy.  While recovering, Rick and Evelyn begin to kiss much to Alex disgust, and he walks to another side of the bus.

Lock-Nah and the other cultists then kidnap Alex, taking him into their limousine and driving off and prevent Rick from saving Alex by separating the bridge. That night, Imhotep stands out from a balcony with Meela, looking out at London, Hafez informs Imhotep that his enemies have taken the Spear of Osiris, which Imhotep considers to be of little concern, as he states that his powers will be so great once he reaches Ahm Shere that nothing can stop him. Imhotep then leans in to kiss Meela, and although she loves him, she is still reviled at his appearance: Imhotep then puts Meela into a trance that enables her to see herself in her past life as Anck-Su-Namun.

As Meela is in her trance, she sees Imhotep not as a mummy, but as his living self, whole again, who she kisses deeply, not seeing that she is kissing a mummy that is rotting away further as she touches him. While Rick embraces and comforts a crying Evelyn, Ardeth urges them not to give up as Alex is wearing the bracelet. Realizing they need to reach Karnak first, Rick decides to access transport so they reach Karnak before the cult do as the bracelet will show Alex the next step of the way.

Journey to Karnak[]

The O’Connell’s set out to rescue Alex, accompanied by Evelyn's brother Jonathan and Ardeth Bay. Rick's associate from his past adventures, Izzy, a pilot, provides group transportation in return for Jonathan's gold spear. The Medjai tribes band together and decide to journey to the desert of Ahm Shere to fight the army of Anubis, guided by Ardeth pet bird Horus who will act as a messenger for them.

Sometime after, Imhotep and his cultists head to Cairo by train, Imhotep remains in a boxcar adorned with ancient Egyptian artefacts and antiquities. As the cultists travel on, Alex is brought forward to Imhotep, for the mummy wishes to speak with Alex. To hide his rotted appearance, Imhotep dons long black robes and a detailed dark mask. Speaking to Alex in ancient Egyptian, knowing that the Bracelet of Anubis, Alex having put it on while back in London, will grant him the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, particularly their language. Imhotep explains that Alex is the chosen one and that Alex will guide their way to Ahm Shere.

Alex, slightly frightened, attempts to defy Imhotep by stating that he might get them all lost, to which Imhotep commends Alex on having his father's strength, and remarks to Alex that he still knows something that Alex does not: the Bracelet of Anubis is both a gift and a curse, and Alex explains that he already knows of the Bracelet's properties: from the moment that the Bracelet was put on, the wearer has seven days to reach Ahm Shere before the Scorpion King awakens. However, Imhotep warns that if he does not enter the temple before sunrise on the seventh day he will die as the bracelet will suck the life out of him.  Alex tries to act defiant once more by remarking that his father will defeat Imhotep, stating it in the earthy phrase "kick your arse", but Imhotep removes his mask, which shows his rotting face, stating his disbelief.

Imhotep then waits in his chamber as the three thieves Red, Jacques and Spivey are brought in: the same three thieves that have been employed by the cultists for having demanded more money. They have taken with them the chest that once contained the Book of the Dead and five sacred canopic jars. Imhotep hides somewhere within the room and catches the three thieves off guard by jumping forward and roaring. The three thieves, horrified at the sight of that dead man, scream and fire their guns at the mummy, which has no effect on Imhotep, who simply stands there laughing.

As Spivey heads back towards the door, Meela Nais appears through the spy-hole, telling him to open the chest that they brought, for the mummy wants the chest opened, and he tears off the lid, Jacques who knows of the chest properties cries out against it. The chest is opened and as the dust clears, the mummy is gone, he then appears to Spivey and comes down from the ceiling and seizes him by the shoulders and kills the screaming man by sucking out his organs, fluids and flesh, leaving the thief with a skeletal husk. The other two, distraught at what has happened, begin to fire at the mummy in vengeance but are killed off as well.

The thief’s bodies litter the floor of the boxcar and Imhotep stands fully regenerated as Meela comes closer to him, bowing before him before sharing a kiss. Before long, the train stops in Karnak and Imhotep looks outside the window, seeing that Alex is trying to escape the train and is being fired at by two cultists with machine guns. Imhotep uses his powers to lift the two men into the air, knocking them against one another and throw them at a pair of stone pillars. As Alex runs, the next location appears to him: the temple island of Philae, but the vision is interrupted as Imhotep strides in using his powers to lift Alex into the air, suspending him from moving, and jokingly wags his finger at him in a "no" manner.

Ancient Rivalry[]

Later Imhotep spends time with Meela, who sits beside him in front of a sacred pool of water within the ruins. Imhotep tells Meela that the time has come for her to resume being who she truly is, and places Meela in a trance that brings her back to her previous life as Anck-Su-Namun; the trance also affects Evelyn O'Connell, who is in a dirigible that is tracking the cultists, and so both women enter a trance that shows them their past lives. It is revealed that Evelyn is the reincarnation of Seti I daughter Nefertiri and that she and Anuck Sun-Namun were ancient rivals.  It is also revealed that Seti had entrusted Nefertiri with the task of watching over the ancient Bracelet of Anubis, the final remaining artefact of the Scorpion King.

As the vision continues it is revealed that one day, for the entertainment of Seti and his courtiers, Nefertiri and Anck-Su-Namun duel in the royal court with sais, but quickly move on to other weapons before Nefertiri is eventually brought to heel by Anck-Su-Namun. It was after the battle had ended with her defeat that Seti made an announcement to his court: Anck-Su-Namun will be his future wife, as he believes that she can protect him from any conspirators, while Nefertiri will be charged with protecting the Bracelet. Nefertiri is evidently dismayed at the fact that Anck-Su-Namun will become her stepmother, but she does not voice any disapproval, most likely knowing that it will amount to nothing. Instead, she embraces her father and takes note that, Imhotep is exchanging covert glances with Anck-Su-Namun.

That night, Nefertiri walks onto the balcony of her room in the palace to take the night air. As she stands there, she sees Anck-Su-Namun kiss, Imhotep. Seit enters the chamber and Nefertiri watches Imhotep remove his sword from his belt. Realizing their intentions, Nefertiri calls out to the Medjai, Seti's loyal bodyguards that her father is in danger. Unfortunately, it is too late and the princess watches in horror as Anck-Su-Namun strikes the first blow to her father, stabbing him deeply in the back with a dagger, before joining Imhotep in stabbing the monarch repeatedly until he dies.

Overcome with horror, Nefertiri inadvertently leans too far over the edge of the balcony and falls to her death. Evelyn who has been reliving this moment almost jumps over the dirigible before Rick catches her. After revealing her visions to Ardeth, he theorises that Rick is a reincarnated Medjai assigned to protect Evelyn and that Alex is the key to finding Ahm Shere. Therefore the three make up the three sides of the pyramid. Although disbelieving of this Rick acknowledges there might be some truth in what Ardeth is saying.

Meanwhile at Karnak Meela relives the moment that caused her life to end: the murder of Seti, and her suicide before the Pharaoh's royal guards: Meela unknowingly re-enacts her suicide and stabs herself in the stomach with a dagger as she had done centuries ago. As Meela slumps down dying, Imhotep reads the verses from the Book of the Dead that bring Anck-Su-Namun's soul back to Meela's body, and both lovers recognize each other, share a passionate kiss. The O’Connell’s later arrive at Karnak and discover that Alex has left the clues to follow at each location so they can trace the cult.

Alex's Rescue[]

Lock-Nah discovers that Alex has been leaving clues to his rescuers, so Imhotep makes a wall of water that attacks the dirigible. The dirigible reaches a canyon and they see Imhotep tidal wave with the waters of the river, pursuing the dirigible. Izzy sees that the tidal wave is coming forward and ignites the engines full throttle to escape the flood and the tidal wave is averted. As the aircraft and its passengers continue through the canyon, Jonathan looks out and sees their destination: the lost Oasis of Ahm Shere. As the group look on at the Oasis, a rumbling sound rings out and the tidal wave returns. Izzy again hits the engines full blast to escape the waters, but the engines overheat and the boosters on the dirigible burn out; as the craft remains stationary in the air, Izzy sinks into the cockpit meekly and the tidal wave takes the craft and its passengers down.

The O’Connell’s crash in Ahm Shere and Alex is left grief-stricken at the seeming loss of his parent while Imhotep strides on triumphantly. Izzy stays with the dirigible in hopes of repairing it, before, O'Connell and his friends leave, Jonathan pockets the gold Spear given to Izzy. While Horus fly’s out to deliver another message, he is shot down by a cruel Lok Nah who has been watching the bird travel. Ardeth is heartbroken by his friend’s death and intends to leave so he can warn the Medjai about the army. However, Rick pleads for his help and Ardeth out of loyalty agrees.

The O’Connell’s prepare their weapons and Rick and Ardeth leave to save Alex while Jonathan and Evelyn provide cover fire. The cult is attacked by a group of mummified pygmies which are ordained to kill off whatever humans they can catch. Ardeth duels and kills Lok Nah who is trying to retrieve the bracelet from Alex as it is the key to awakening the Army of Anubis. The pygmies attack and kill all the cult members but do not manage to capture the cultist leader Baltus Hafez, who abandons his two remaining men to die while he runs off; the pygmies leap onto the men and stab them with daggers and spears, killing them both. Continuing their chase, they swing through the trees and almost catch Rick O'Connell and his son Alex, but before one can attack them, it is blown apart by a gun in Rick's grip.

The pygmies, however, outnumber O'Connell and his family as they pursue them through the oasis, separating Jonathan Carnahan.  The pygmies continue to chase off the O'Connell family and reach a fallen log that the group cross like a bridge. Jonathan quickly catches up while Risk takes the precaution of throwing a lit stick of dynamite at the cannibals, which they catch and fight over before it explodes, tearing the fallen log in two and casting the pygmies down into a canyon. Alex then reveals the bracelet will kill him unless he reaches the pyramid and Evelyn sees the sunrise, so Rick grabs Alex and runs towards the pyramid to save his son.

Awakening the Scorpion King[]

Rick and Alex run to the pyramid, barely making it before sunrise. The bracelet detaches from Alex's arm, However, Hafez finds and wears it on. Ardeth leaves and regroups with the Medjai in case the Army of Anubis rises. Evelyn and Jonathan arrive at the pyramid and see that Rick and Alex have made it. As Evelyn is caught off guard, Anck-Su-Namun sneaks up on her and stabs Evelyn in the stomach with a dagger, killing her. Jonathan tries to help Evelyn by stopping Anck-Su-Namun, but is quickly deterred as Imhotep lifts him by his throat and throws him aside.

Anck-su-Namun walks into the pyramid with Imhotep and sardonically wave’s hello to Alex as she holds the Book of the Dead. Rick rushes to help Evelyn, however, it is too late and she succumbs to her wounds, to her family’s devastation. While walking through the pyramid Imhotep steps onto a platform that is surrounded by two large statues, both of which to strip him of his immortality, taking away his powers. Imhotep states that Anubis has taken his powers, wishing him to face the Scorpion King as a mortal. However, Imhotep is firm in his decision to fight the Scorpion King all the same. Anck-Su-Namun begs him not to go; Imhotep insists that he can win the fight without his powers, reminding Anck-Su-Namun that if he dies, she must bring him back with the Book of the Dead. Anck-Su-Namun forbids this, saying she cannot bear the heartache of losing him again. He kisses her as a distraction, then proceeds forth to face the Scorpion King as Anck-Su-Namun screams after to him in despair.

A heartbroken Rick embraces his son and leaves him outside while he steps into the Pyramid to avenge Evelyn death. Hafez enters a room inside the Pyramid and places his arm wearing the bracelet into a giant scorpion statue which regenerates the pyramid and awakens Anubis's army.

The Final Battle[]

Rick finds Hafez trying to remove his arm from the statue and states that Imhotep is a dead man. However, while trying to remove his arm Hafez cries out in pain as his arm is stripped of its flesh. Rick leaves and eventually finds Imhotep trying to summon the Scorpion King and they fight.

The Medjai await the army arrival and see a shadow which causes the sand to become an ashy, tar-like substance, regenerating the soldiers of the Army of Anubis, which congealed slowly from the ashes and morph into jackal-headed humanoid mummies; the Army engages the Medjai in battle.

However, the Anubis warriors are easily killed by decapitation and are soon slaughtered, despite inflicting heavy casualties on the Medjai. Ardeth notices the odd ease of their victory, and after hearing a rumble from ahead runs to the top of a dune, along with his men to see a mammoth, never-ending army of Anubis warriors, stretching off into the distance; the force they have just defeated was only the vanguard, and now the main army is bearing down on them, too immense for the remaining Medjai to have any hope of defeating.

While Jonathan comforts Alex over Evelyn death, Alex realises the Book of the Dead can resurrect her and they collaborate to steal the Book of the Dead from Anck-su-namun. They find Anck-Su-Namun and Jonathan decides to fist-fight with Anck-Su-Namun in order to "teach her a lesson"; Jonathan is actually distracting Anck-Su-Namun from watching over the Book of the Dead and its key, which she has left behind as she fights Jonathan off, punching him hard. As the two fight, Anck-Su-Namun takes a pair of twin blades from a nearby statue and uses them in her fight, slashing Jonathan in the chest, and almost killing him before he can shake her off.

Alex asks Jonathan about the final stork symbol he can’t finish, Jonathan remembers the stork symbol as being Amenophus and Alex finishes the final spell needed to resurrect Evelyn. Anck-Su-Namun is about to kill Jonathan when Evelyn, who has just been brought back to life by Alex, intervenes shaking her off before sending Jonathan and Alex to find Rick. Evelyn and Anck-Su-Namun fight as they had centuries ago and Evelyn fights and defeats Anck-Su-namun with the fighting skills acquired in her current life as well as those from her past life.

The Scorpion King interrupts Rick and Imhotep's fight and is revealed to have become a half-human half scorpion monster. Imhotep tells the Scorpion King that he is the Scorpion King's slave, but Rick is sent to kill him so the King focusses on killing Rick and ends up killing Hafez who walks into the chamber.

The Death of the King[]

While escaping from the Scorpion King Rick sees some carvings on the wall that reveals Jonathan stick is the weapon that can extend out to become a spear and kill the Scorpion King. Upon realising this Rick finally begins to believe in his destiny of being a warrior.

Alex and Jonathan go to help Rick, who tells them that Jonathan needs to activate the spear before he resumes running from the Scorpion King.

Once activated the spear, Jonathan intends to throw it at the Scorpion King, but when he tries, Imhotep catches it and hurls the spear at the Scorpion King himself.

Instead, Rick catches the spear before it can pierce the Scorpion King and runs him through, ordering him to take the Army of Anubis back to the Underworld with him which saves the Medjai from certain death, The Scorpion King's death causes Anubis to turn the oasis back into a desert, and the oasis is being sucked into the pyramid. Rick and Imhotep are hanging from the edge of a pit that leads into the Underworld. Evelyn risks her life to save Rick despite his pleas for her to go, but Anck-su-namun refuses to save Imhotep.

Seeing Anck-Su-namun abandon him, Imhotep willingly let’s go. Anck-su-namun later falls into a scorpion-filled pit and dies. The O’Connell’s reach the top of the pyramid, which is being sucked into the desert. Izzy arrives with a modified dirigible and saves the O’Connell’s. Jonathan grabs the diamond at the top of the pyramid. Ardeth Bay salutes them as they fly over him, Rick and Evelyn who have survived the events are happy to be together again and kiss in joy, much to Alex and Jonathan disgust. The adventure ends with Izzy and Jonathan comically arguing over the diamond Jonathan has taken.



  • There is a shot in the film where, in London, Tower Bridge and the dome of St. Paul’s Church and Big Ben are all scrunched-up into one frame. This is geographically anachronistic to the landmarks’ true locations in the city.
  • The movie was released on DVD on October 2, 2001.
  • The soundtrack was released on May 1, 2001.
  • One of the big errors in this movie is the date compared to Alex's age. The movie places Alex's age at about 8 years old and takes place in 1933. But the previous film took place mostly in 1926. Meaning that if the O'Connell's got married right away and had Alex immediately he would have been born late 1926, or sometime in 1927, making his age 6 or maybe 7 years old.
    • Furthermore, while on the train, one of the thieves states that the chest connected with the Hom-Dai curse was last opened nine years ago; Since the last movie took place in 1926, that should place the movie in 1935, thus plausibly making Alex eight years old.
    • The movie taking place in 1933 was likely a production error.


All appearances are considered first appearances. For character appearances see the "Cast" section.

Mentioned Characters[]

  • Ramses(Mentioned only)
  • Anubis(Mentioned only)
  • Alexander the Great
  • Julius Ceasar (Mentioned only)
  • Napoleon Bonaparte(Mentioned only)









"The Mummy Returns (2001)" Theatrical Trailer

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1290 BC / 1923-1926 AD 3067 BC / 1933 AD 200 BC / 1947 AD
Devil Bunny Joker The Mummy Returns The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor