References in classic literature ?
Certainly not; for he thinks that a friend ought always to do good to a friend and never evil.
SOCRATES: And surely the good man has been acknowledged by us to be useful?
(while it is necessary that every one should do well in his calling, in which consists his excellence, as it is impossible that all the citizens should have the same [1277a] qualifications) it is impossible that the virtue of a citizen and a good man should be the same; for all should possess the virtue of an excellent citizen: for from hence necessarily arise the perfection of the city: but that every one should possess the virtue of a good man is impossible without all the citizens in a well-regulated state were necessarily virtuous.
"Good," said Sir Henry's voice at last, and it sounded awful in the intense stillness, "how many matches have you in the box?"
And be the roads heavy and muddy, or dry and good; be they stony or smooth, uphill or downhill, it is all the same -- on, on, on, one must go, at the same pace, with no relief and no consideration.
IN MERRY ENGLAND in the time of old, when good King Henry the Second ruled the land, there lived within the green glades of Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham Town, a famous outlaw whose name was Robin Hood.
It would take a dozen pages to enumerate all the reproaches the historians address to him, based on their knowledge of what is good for humanity.
Without adding another word, the Marionette bade the good Fairy good-by, and singing and dancing, he left the house.
The Italians have an ungracious proverb, Tanto buon che val niente: so good, that he is good for nothing.
In these, instead or representing real people, the actors represented thoughts, feelings and deeds, good and bad.
That they may not quarrel with one another, the good females!
List and hearken, gentlemen, All ye that now be here, Of Little John, that was Knight's-man, Good mirth ye now shall hear.