Psychology 16 (Lifespan Development) Chapter 11 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet

Psychology 16 (Lifespan Development) Chapter 11 Quiz

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Which girl is the most likely to experience puberty first?
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Which girl is the most likely to experience puberty first?
Jaeda, who is an overweight, middle-SES African American.
Early-maturing adolescents of both sexes __________.
often seek out older companions
In industrialized nations, age of menarche __________ per decade from 1900 to 1970.
declined by about 3 to 4 months
Disturbed eating is highest in __________
Western nations
In a study involving weather predictions, media multitaskers __________.
activated subcortical areas involved in implicit memory
Female puberty usually concludes with __________.
the completion of breast growth.
Virtually all __________ know about __________ ahead of time, but many say that no one spoke to them before or during puberty about physical changes.
boys; ejaculation
Occasional drug experimenters are __________.
usually psychologically healthy, sociable, curious young people
Which statement about the sexual behavior of U.S. adolescents is true?
In general, U.S. boys' and girls' rates of sexual intercourse are similar.
Most potential high school dropouts need __________.
intensive remedial instruction in small classes
Which statement about sexual orientation is true?
Attraction to members of the same sex is not limited to lesbian, gay, and bisexual teenagers.
With respect to propositional thought in an entirely verbal mode, young children have great difficulty reasoning from premises that contradict reality or their own beliefs because they __________.
fail to grasp the logical necessity of propositional reasoning
In making decisions, teenagers __________.
take far greater risks than adults in their twenties
The decline in the overall U.S. high school dropout rate since the mid-2000s is largely due to __________.
substantial gains in Hispanic teenagers' graduation rates.
The dropout rate in the United States is higher among __________ and is particularly high among low-SES __________.
boys than girls; ethnic minority youths