FULL | tradução de inglês para português - Cambridge Dictionary

Tradução de full — Dicionário inglês-português




(of a container or a space) holding or containing as much as possible or a lot
pleno, cheio, lotado
This cup is very full so be careful with it.
My plate was already full.
I tried to get in the cinema last night but it was full.
Don't talk with your mouth full!
The shelves were full of books.
When she looked at him her eyes were full of tears.
I tried to get on the 8.45 train but it was full.
Don't fill your glass too full or you'll spill it.
The stadium was only half full.
containing a lot of things or people or a lot of something
cheio, repleto
This sweater is full of holes. Este suéter está cheio de buracos.
His essay was full of spelling errors.
I'm full of admiration for you.
You're always so full of energy.
be full of yourself C2 disapproving
to think that you are very important in a way that annoys other people
estar cheio de si
I can't stand her - she's so full of herself. Não a suporto, ela é tão cheia de si.
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Please give your full name and address. Por favor, dê seu nome e endereço completos.
We do not yet have full details of the story.
Few journalists have managed to convey the full horror of the situation.
Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill.
Today's my last full day in Paris.
He unwound the rope to its full extent.
Are you a full member (= do you have all the membership rights) of the club?
Some plants need to be in full sun (= to have the sun shining on them) all the time.
in full
no valor total
The bill must be paid in full by the end of the month. A conta deve ser paga no valor total até o final do mês.
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James is very bright, but he doesn't make full use of his abilities.
Nobody got full marks (= all the answers right) in the spelling test.
It doesn't seem likely that we will see a return to full employment (= that all the people in the country will have a job) in the near future.
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(also full up)
having eaten so much food that you cannot eat any more
No more cake for me, thanks, I'm full.
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(Tradução de full do Cambridge English-Portuguese Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Tradução de full | Dicionário GLOBAL inglês-português

not having any extra space
The glass was full. O copo estava cheio.
a stadium full of people um estádio cheio de gente
a full tank of gas um tanque de gasolina cheio
at or to the greatest amount possible
to drive at full speed dirigir em velocidade máxima
a full load of classes uma carga máxima de aulas
full blast/volume
volume máximo último volume
with the radio on full blast com o rádio no volume máximo
having a lot of
The dogs were full of energy. Os cachorros estavam cheios de energia.
a day full of surprises um dia cheio de surpresas
The woods were full of mosquitoes. A floresta estava cheia de mosquitos.
[ not before n ]
not able to eat any more
No thanks, I’m full. Não, obrigado. Estou satisfeito.
She asked for a full report. Ela pediu um relatório completo.
What is your full name? Qual é seu nome completo?
(of sb’s body or a body part) rounded and wide
grosso/-ssa cheio/-ia
full lips lábios grossos
a woman with a full figure uma mulher de silhueta cheia
having a lot of activity
ocupado/-da cheio/-ia
a very full schedule/life uma agenda/vida muito ocupada
My calendar is full. Meu calendário está cheio.
(of the moon) completely round
a full moon lua cheia
The moon was full. A lua estava cheia.
(of a sound, taste, smell) having richness and depth
the full flavor of the wine o aroma encorpado do vinho
Her voice is full and warm. A voz dela era encorpada e calorosa.
full of yourself
showing that you think you are special or important
cheio/-ia de si
I can’t stand her – she’s so full of herself. Não a suporto. Ela é tão cheia de si.
in full
including all of sth
The bill was paid in full. A conta foi totalmente paga.
in full swing
very active
em plena atividade
The party was in full swing by 10:00. A festa estava em plena atividade às 10:00.

(Tradução de full do Dicionário GLOBAL inglês-português © 2021 K Dictionaries Ltd)


Tradução de full

em chinês (tradicional)
容納很多的, (容器或空間)裝滿的,充滿的, 充滿…的…
em chinês (simplificado)
容纳很多的, (容器或空间)装满的,充满的, 充满…的…
em espanhol
lleno, completo, detallado…
em mais idiomas
in Marathi
em japonês
em turco
em francês
em catalão
in Dutch
in Tamil
in Hindi
in Gujarati
em dinamarquês
in Swedish
em malaio
em alemão
em norueguês
in Urdu
em ucraniano
em russo
in Telugu
em árabe
in Bengali
em tcheco
em indonésio
em tailandês
em vietnamita
em polonês
em coreano
em italiano
पूर्ण, संपूर्ण, (डबा अथवा जागेच्या संदर्भात) शक्य तितके सर्व किंवा जास्तीजास्त भरलेले…
いっぱいの, 満員の, 物が詰まった…
dolu, dopdolu, tam…
plein/pleine, rempli/-ie, plein/pleine de…
ple, complet, detallat…
vol, volledig, wijd…
(ஒரு கொள்கலன் அல்லது ஒரு இடத்தின்) முடிந்தவரை அல்லது நிறைய வைத்திருக்கும் அல்லது கொண்டிருக்கும், நிறைய பொருட்கள் அல்லது மக்கள் அல்லது நிறைய விஷயங்களைக் கொண்டிருத்தல், நிறைய நடவடிக்கைகளை உள்ளடக்கியது…
(पात्र या स्थान) भरा हुआ, (वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों या किसी चीज़ से) भरा होना, बहुत व्यस्त होना…
ભરેલું, ભરચક, છલોછલ…
fuld, fyldt, hel…
full, hel, fullständig…
penuh, lengkap, labuh…
voll, vollständig, ganz…
full, fylt, fullsatt…
بھرا ہوا, پُر ہونا, پورا…
повний, цілий, цілісний…
полный, заполненный, несокращенный…
నిండా/ పూర్తిగా, నిండా/పూర్తిగా, అన్నీ/మొత్తము/పూర్తి…
مُمْتَلِىء, مُكْتَمِل, أقصى سُرعة…
ভর্তি, ভরাট, কোনোকিছুতে বা মানুষে ভর্তি…
plný, celý, úplný…
penuh, lengkap, panjang…
เต็ม, สมบูรณ์, มีวัตถุดิบจำนวนมาก…
đầy, trọn vẹn, rộng lùng thùng…
pełny, cały, najedzony…
가득찬, -이 아주 많은, 완전한…
pieno, intero, tutto…
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