Fichas de aprendizaje Federal Government | Quizlet
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B)recess appointment.
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Los estudiantes también visualizaron las siguientes unidades:

Términos de la unidad (258)
The delegate model of representation requires that
A)representatives follow their conscious in voting regardless of how strong their constituents' opinions are on an issue.
B)voters are allowed to vote directly on all government policies without having to channel their preferences through an elected representative.
C)representatives remain in constant touch with constituents and that constituents follow each policy issue very closely.
D)interest groups are prohibited from lobbying elected representatives.
A major risk of the delegate model of representation is that
A)no new laws will be passed because all representatives must agree before a bill can be enacted.
B)elected officials will spend too much time attempting to raise money for their next campaign because they must seek re-election so frequently.
C)elected officials will completely ignore their constituents' preferences because they are following their own beliefs about which policies are best.
D)the voices of only a few active and informed constituents will be heard because most people do not pay close attention to every issue.