Government Exam 1 Study Questions Chapter 1 Flashcards | Quizlet

Government Exam 1 Study Questions Chapter 1

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1. According to the text, politics is defined as ______.
A. the ability to get others to do what you want
B. who gets what, when, and how
C. the way we organize and live our collective lives
D. the process by which societies resolve, reduce, or eliminate conflict
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1. According to the text, politics is defined as ______.
A. the ability to get others to do what you want
B. who gets what, when, and how
C. the way we organize and live our collective lives
D. the process by which societies resolve, reduce, or eliminate conflict
In the definition of politics, government rules can be thought of as the "______" and power and resources can be thought of as the "______."
A. where; how
B. how; where
C. how; what
D. what; where
______ can be described as a system or an organization for exercising authority over a body of people.
A. Political partisanship
B. Federalism
C. Power
D. Government
In the relationship between politics and government, ______.
A. politics is the system for exercising authority over people, whereas government is the process through which power is gained and lost
B. politics is the process or activity through which power is gained and lost, whereas government is a system for exercising authority over a body of people
C. politics is merely a narrow, self-interested activity, whereas government is solely an institution for serving the needs of the people
D. politics is democratic, whereas government is authoritarian
When those in government exercise power recognized by citizens as right and legitimate, they are exercising ______.
A. authority
B. leadership
C. justice
D. status
How do rules fit into the concept of "who gets what, and how"?
A. Rules can be thought of as the what.
B. Rules are not relevant
C. Rules can be thought of as the who.
D. Rules can be thought of as the how.
What are organizations called where government power is exercised and where political struggle takes place?
A. institutions
B. capitalist economies
C. monarchies
D. democracies
______ refers to a particular view of how we ought to organize and live our collective lives.
A. Authority
B. Politics
C. Social order
D. Authoritarianism
According to the text, power is defined as ______.
A. a type of totalitarianism
B. the ability to get other people to do what you want
C. the use of force to obtain desired goals
D. the essential quality of leadership
The market controls economic decisions in a(n) ______ economy.
A. socialist
B. totalitarian
C. authoritarian
D. capitalist
Which of the following reflects the type of economic system found in the United States?
A. socialism, in which economic decisions are made by the government
B. regulated capitalism, in which business has substantial freedom from government interference, but the government does step in and regulate the economy to guarantee individual rights
C. pure capitalism, in which all means used to produce material resources are privately owned
D. pure laissez-faire capitalism, in which the government has no economic role at al
Government assurances that the rules will work smoothly and treat everyone fairly, with no promises of particular outcomes, are ______.
A. regulations
B. promises
C. procedural guarantees
D. the social contract
In socialist economies, control over economic decisions is exercised by ______.
A. consumer purchasing power
B. the market
C. the government
D. supply and demand forces
In a socialist economy, economic decisions are determined by ______.
A. individual decisions in the market
B. the presidents of leading corporations
C. vote of the people
D. political leaders on the basis of what society needs
The key difference between pure capitalist economies and pure socialist economies is that ______.
A. politicians make economic decisions in capitalist economies, whereas the market controls economic decisions in socialist economies
B. the government plays a regulatory role only in socialist economies
C. the market controls economic decisions in capitalist economies, whereas politicians make economic decisions in socialist economies
D. capitalist economies are seldom democracies, whereas socialist economies frequently are democracies