Walmart Online Pharmacy, Pharmacy App

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Walmart online pharmacy

Refill online

Easily add or upload new prescriptions & save time.

Payment & delivery

Pay securely online & get free deliveries of prescriptions.

Prescription management

Manage family prescriptions or transfer them through the app.

Transfer your prescriptions online.

Getting started

How can I access Walmart Pharmacy online account?

What are the advantages of having an online pharmacy account?

How do I link my Walmart pharmacy online account to Walmart Pharmacy?

Opening an account

What is Two Factor authentication?

How will my information be stored & protected?

How do I delete my account?

Prescription ordering

Can I fill a new prescription online?

How can I request for a new prescription to be filled out online?

How can I request a refill from my account?

When can I pick up my prescription order?

Can I request a refill if I don’t have a Walmart Pharmacy account?

How do I pay for my prescription order?

Prescription management

Why can’t I refill some of my prescriptions online?

How can I cancel or edit an order once submitted?

How can I submit an online request for renewing my prescription once I have no remaining refills?

Account management

Can I transfer my prescriptions online from another pharmacy?

How can I link my dependent’s account to my Walmart Pharmacy online account?

Can I have my prescriptions delivered to my house?

How do I see my prescriptions from multiple Walmart Pharmacies?

How can I sign up for refills and pickup notifications?

Prescription text reminders

How do I enroll in prescription text reminders?

How often would I get text messages from Walmart Pharmacy?

How do I opt-out of prescription text reminders?


Can Walmart pharmacy deliver my prescriptions?

How can I request for delivery of my prescriptions?

Are all prescriptions eligible for delivery?

Are there any minimums (e.g., number of prescriptions, cost of prescriptions) to be eligible for prescription delivery?

When will my prescriptions be delivered?

Will my prescriptions come in special packaging? / How will my prescriptions be delivered?

Is there a delivery fee attached to my prescription?

Who can receive my prescription delivery?

Online Payments

How can I make payment online?

Which credit card will be charged?

What payment options are accepted?

I have new insurance and/or credit card, how can I update it?

How will my payment information be secured?

Privacy centre

Walmart Privacy Policy

About Walmart Online Pharmacy, Pharmacy App | Walmart Canada​