The Art of Dying by Osho | Goodreads
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The Art

The Art of Dying

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In this volume Osho comments on stories compiled by the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber. Osho helps the reader to face the reality of his own death without fear, and thereby be able to live life to the optimum. Originating in Poland around 1750, Hasidism sought a direct, spontaneous experience of religious life, and created a great tradition of laughing saints and wonderful stories.

152 pages

First published January 1, 1978

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About the author


3,576 books6,291 followers
Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990) and latter rebranded as Osho was leader of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader and mystic.

In the 1960s he traveled throughout India as a public speaker and was a vocal critic of socialism, Mahatma Gandhi, and Hindu religious orthodoxy.

Rajneesh emphasized the importance of meditation, mindfulness, love, celebration, courage, creativity and humor—qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious tradition and socialization.

In advocating a more open attitude to human sexuality he caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru".

In 1970, Rajneesh spent time in Mumbai initiating followers known as "neo-sannyasins". During this period he expanded his spiritual teachings and commented extensively in discourses on the writings of religious traditions, mystics, and philosophers from around the world. In 1974 Rajneesh relocated to Pune, where an ashram was established and a variety of therapies, incorporating methods first developed by the Human Potential Movement, were offered to a growing Western following. By the late 1970s, the tension between the ruling Janata Party government of Morarji Desai and the movement led to a curbing of the ashram's development and a back taxes claim estimated at $5 million.

In 1981, the Rajneesh movement's efforts refocused on activities in the United States and Rajneesh relocated to a facility known as Rajneeshpuram in Wasco County, Oregon. Almost immediately the movement ran into conflict with county residents and the state government, and a succession of legal battles concerning the ashram's construction and continued development curtailed its success.

In 1985, in the wake of a series of serious crimes by his followers, including a mass food poisoning attack with Salmonella bacteria and an aborted assassination plot to murder U.S. Attorney Charles H. Turner, Rajneesh alleged that his personal secretary Ma Anand Sheela and her close supporters had been responsible. He was later deported from the United States in accordance with an Alford plea bargain.[

After his deportation, 21 countries denied him entry. He ultimately returned to India and a revived Pune ashram, where he died in 1990. Rajneesh's ashram, now known as OSHO International Meditation Resort and all associated intellectual property, is managed by the Zurich registered Osho International Foundation (formerly Rajneesh International Foundation). Rajneesh's teachings have had a notable impact on Western New Age thought, and their popularity has increased markedly since his death.

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Profile Image for Ȝmman Saqqaf.
50 reviews40 followers
February 21, 2017
I was discussing philosophy and talking about philosophers in general with my guru. However, I was expressing my ire for people who claim to be philosophers or claim writing a book under the genre of philosophy or spirituality. In point of fact, they are WAY TOO FAR from being philosophers or having the ability of writing philosophical writings. You can know who I'm talking about when you read a peace or a book for them and suddenly they start talking about religions, god, life, death, so on and so forth. Initiate by comparing two things using prepositions like (as, like ...) and they'll never stop for it's an ongoing process for all their writings. Their whole ""PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIENCE"" is based on something being like this or that "Religion/God/Life... etc is like Blah, Blah, Blah".

Not anyone who discusses life and death can become philosopher, not anyone who's atheist, monotheistic, polytheistic or a wanderer between religions and in search of god, is or can be a philosopher. It's absolutely your right to write whatever you think about or believe in, in whichever subject, people do this every single second yet they never claim wisdom or philosophy. Let's get that in our minds please.
Take Voltaire for example; the saying we've been uttering since god knows when (Actions Has Consequences) came from what Voltaire philosophically had said in his book Candied "There is no effect without a cause). Now this is philosophy because it was subject to experience and scrutiny by a man who's eligible to write philosophy.
What Voltaire said is worthy to be written and taught as well. Certainly, you can't claim philosophy just by linking words together or trashing things or thinking that you are superior on your peers because you read too many books, being Atheist/agnostic, etc, having friends from different cultures and quoting Nietzsche, Plato, Socrates and many others will make you judicious.

I don't know how or why, but this whole thing brings me to read The Art of Dying.

Whenever I begin to think this book is actually about THE ART OF DYING, Osho strikes me on the head to tell me it's about the art of LIFE. When you understand the art of life you will automatically understand the art of dying for they are exceedingly linked to each other. The importance of this book lays in this sentence "The greatest Masters have never said anything about life -- they have always thrown you back upon yourself." As a matter of fact, I've applied this sentence on everything. In the matters of life and death, you can't ask someone to teach you about it or read numerous books to tell you what is life and how is death; it's all on you to puzzle out.

Does God exist?
Simply, we can't know whether God exists or not, both atheists and theists are mistaken in their remarks, and rationalists are right simply because they seem Cartesian in this regard, distinct with this the divine undisputed issues, and the objectives of humanitarian questions. We don't know much about the internal mechanism of the world and that makes any kind of the big complaints about the nature of existence and If there was an incentive presence somewhere or not, a lot of people revert that to The School of Natural - A proposal supposed that the progress of the world is whereby to independent operations - But this does not opposed to the existence of a great founder who linked the movement of all things (Deism). As previously noted, perhaps we are all living in a simulation where there is a programmer (God) controls all assets, or perhaps rationalists are right about the presence of a deep power in the existence, in which we don't realize. It's not necessarily to be the omnipotent Lord, the knower of the Abrahamic breed, but (hypothetically) despite this, an existed power. Again this is not a scientific question in itself rather than a platonic intellectual experiences forces us to confront the humanitarian questions.

What would you do if you could solve the MYSTERY of life?
I've always thought of this question, and I've never find a satisfying answer. What Osho said made it perfectly clear to me; how many people intent on committing a suicide? I wanna pick a specific group whom does it out of the lack of understanding for life, who spent most of their life searching and digging for answers and nothing ever satisfies them or maybe they just didn’t want to be satisfied. Osho said: "That is the meaning of mystery. When we say that life is a mystery, we are saying that life is not a problem. A problem can be solved. A mystery is that which cannot be solved. Insolubility is unbuilt. And it is good that life cannot be solved, otherwise what would you do then? Just think of it. If life is not a mystery and somebody comes and explains it to you -- then what will you do? There will be nothing left except to commit suicide. Even that will look meaningless."

A lot of substantial points have been discussed in this eye-opening book. I'll update this review after a second read for it.

I gave it 4/5 because the whole purport could have been summed up in 80 pages; but Osho persevered emphasizing what he had already emphasized, which was really disturbing.

Profile Image for Sash Chiesa .
66 reviews53 followers
September 26, 2015
This dangerous man never fails to mesmerize me, tempt me and seduce me into more and more. His boundless wisdom, his rebellion, his movement are a blessing for us all and a bliss for one who really is able to suck up the nectar.
Profile Image for M.
162 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2020
Osho is a rebel. He drags you from conventional wisdom to his interpretation of spiritual science. Irrespective to his controversial lifestyle, he was a stunning orator and this book like many of his other books, shake the readers thought process. I love reading his books for the funny anecdotes and quirky retorts.
Profile Image for Utsab Chowdhury.
12 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2020
The book is a gray area drafting banalities between the real psychological approach to understanding living and the anxiety of dying and accepting it and the spiritual way of this acceptance. There are lots of points one can make that doesn't actually lead a person to a truly aware, and true acceptance of the "END" that lies in front of him, rather persuades in making a connection to the continuation through universal consciousness.
The body being just a state for the living.

Profile Image for Jaydeep Vyas.
2 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2018
I started reading this books just out of curiosity to understand the existence of the life. All I got in return was a understanding of being, over the understanding of having it. Thanks for the way, and also thanks for not showing the destination. Because in the end destinations are the things which a person’s feeling decides.
Profile Image for Guy.
Author 3 books4 followers
June 27, 2012
for me this is the best book from Osho. Both for the spiritual teaching and for, what I see as, the glimpse into the man.

Profile Image for Aygul Tunç.
95 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2020
Osho'nun felsefesinin üç öğesi: yaşam, aşk ve kahkaha. Çok düşündürücü bir kitaptı. Doğu felsefesini merak edenler, özellikle ölümden korkanlar burada bazı sorulara cevap bulabilecektir. Ya da bu konuda farklı bir bakış açısı edinebilirler. Ölümü sadece yaşamın bir durağı olarak nitelendirmesi anlamlıydı. Enerjiden oluştuğumuza göre yok olmayacağımızı biliriz ama biz bu dünyaya bağlandıkça korkularımız da çoğalıyor. Özellikle bizim gibi toplumlarda zaman kavramı her yerde işlemiş ama kullanmayı bilmiyoruz. Boş ve anlamsız hayatımız için zaman harcayabiliyoruz. Oysaki bu dünyaya boşa gelmedik, kendi ruhumuzun tekamülü var ve bunu bulmak için çaba harcayacağımıza sıradan arzuların peşindeyiz. Tek hedef tüketmek, halbuki tersi olmalıydı, yaratmak. Amacımız kendi varoluşunu sorgulayıp eksikleriniz üzerine gidip yargılamadan kendinizi daha iyi hale getirmek olmalıydı. En zenginlerin yaşadığı yer mezarlıklardır derler, çünkü orada ölen bir sürü potansiyelini keşfetmemiş pişmanlıkla ölen insanlar yatar. Korkmamız gereken "ölüm" değil, yaşarken yaşadığımızın farkına varmadan ölmektir. Her şeyin geçiciliğini bilince üzülmek için zaman harcama, dersi anlamaya çalış ve gitmesi, bitmesi gerekenlere yol ver, çünkü sen de aynı değilsin. O zaman, başka yola gitmek gerekiyor ve kendi tekamülünü tamamlaman gerekiyor. Geriye yaslan ve bir ağaç gibi hayatı yargılamadan gözlemcisi ol.

Bu günlerde korkularınızı yenmeniz dileğiyle.

"Yaşam doğumla ölüm arasındaki küçük boşlukla sınırlı değildir, aksine doğum ve ölümler, yaşamın sonsuzluğunda küçük bölümlerdir."

"Her zaman bilinmezi seçip balıklama dalın. Bu uğurda acı çekseniz bile buna değer- karşılığı mutlaka gelecektir."

"Kişinin içindeki tanrının, başka hiçbir tanrıya tapınılmasına ihtiyacı yoktur. Gereken tek şey bir uyanış, farkındalık ve kişinin kendi varlığına dair bilinç kazanmasıdır."

Profile Image for Talía Villar.
9 reviews
March 11, 2021
Quien teme la muerte está claro que se habrá perdido toda su vida. La vida y la muerte forman dos caras de la misma moneda: una no puede existir sin la otra. Quien haya vivido una vida en la que haya buscado mirar mucho más allá de lo visible, habrá encontrado el sentido de la vida y verá la muerte como una continuación, como una culminación o incluso un regalo. Si vives temiendo a la muerte, no habrás vivido plenamente y vivirás tu muerte de forma dolorosa porque has vivido una vida desde el ego. En el camino de la vida, cada uno tiene sus tiempos para comprender que todo al final, tanto la vida como la muerte se resumen en el Amor. "La pérdida del miedo a la muerte es el inicio de la maestría en el arte de vivir".

Yo ya puedo decir que no tengo miedo de la muerte y me siento libre.
Profile Image for Terss.
539 reviews41 followers
August 26, 2018
Budizm ve meditasyon üzerine bir kitap. Okurken keyifli şeyler öğrendim özellikle de soru sorma v ölüm üzerine.

"Tüm korkuların temeli ölümdür.Yapılması gereken ilk şey ölümden kurtulmaktır. Böylece tüm korkular yok olur. Her korkuyla tek tek uğraşmanıza da gerek kalmaz, zaten buna bir değil birkaç ömür bile yetmez."

"Ölüm yalnızca her an duraksamaksızın ölmeye hazır olan insanların karşısında yenilgiye uğrar. İşte bu insanlar ölümsüzleşir, birer buda'ya dönüşür."
Profile Image for Rajiv Chopra.
608 reviews13 followers
April 12, 2022
Osho starts with the Art of Dying. The secret is to live a life well. Apart from this, there are another nine lectures, each of which deals with various aspects of life. He was a plain-speaking man, with no respect for 'holy cows'.
I love the anecdotes in the book. these bring his lessons to life.
You may not agree with everything he says, but there is enough to take away, and to help you lead a better life.
1 review1 follower
January 1, 2019
This is my first book I read of Osho and it was the gate to new world , its hard to describe the feeling when I read it but I can say Osho is the river rivering , the total universal harmony flowing throw him and I wish you read him with your heart not your mind ♥️
1 review
May 12, 2020
One of the best book. Simple with deep insights yet disturbing for modern religious person.
1 review
May 4, 2021
Must read

I would recommend this book for people who got bored of the worldly systematic routine . Read and get clear.
Profile Image for Ana Reyes.
47 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2022
No hay ningún libro sobre la muerte que hable tanto de la Vida.
8 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2023
Spiritual, self-help
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kilroy.
20 reviews5 followers
September 24, 2013
Ölüm' e batının yakalayamadığı bakışaçısını anlatan kitap.


Her an ölebileceğimize göre ölüm herzaman burada ve şu andadır.
Ölüm diye birşey de yoktur çünkü ego ve fiziksel beden ölse bile bilinç kurtulur ve yaşamını sürdürür.

Meditasyon ve ölüm oldukça benzer deneyimlerdir. Meditasyon sizi ölüme hazırlar.

Yalnızca özgürlüğüme saygı gösterildigi zaman gerçek anlamda sevebilirim.

Hiçbirşeyi erteleme. Kafanda bir soru belirdiği zaman, yanıtını en kısa zamanda bulmaya çalış.

Ölüm aniden karşınıza çıktığında, dünya ayaklarınızın altından çekilivermiş gibi olur. Birdenbire bu ölümün aynı zamanda sizin ölümünüzüde içerdiğini görürsünüz. Her ölüm, herkesin ölümüdür.

Ölümle beden yitirilecek, zihin, beyin artık ona eşlik etmeyecektir. Oysa zihnin salacağı arzular, geçmiş yaşamda yarım kalan ne varsa kişi hedef olarak onlara yönelecektir, yeni yaşamında. Bu nedenle ölüm anında ne yaptığinız doğumunuzun nasıl olacağını da belirler.

Her zaman bilinmezi seçin, daha büyümüş, daha olgun ve daha zeki olacaksın.

Batılı insan ölmeden önce herşeyi bitirmek ister. Ancak ulaştığı sonuç; birkaç şeyi bile zerafetle, güzellikle ve mükemmel olarak tamamlayamaz.

Meditasyon; rahatlamış, endişesi, acelesi, gitmesi gereken bir yeri olmayan, an be an karşısına çıkan her şeyin tadına varan bir zihne ihtiyaç duyar.
Suçluluk duygusu olmadan insanları esaret altına almak mümkün değildir.
Birkaç insanın iktidar hırsı yüzünden milyonların esaret altına girmesi gerekir. Önemli olan tek şey zihninizin tamamen temizlenmiş, boş ve sessiz olmasıdır.
Ve birkez ölümü ölmeden önce tanıdığınızda, ölüm korkusu sonsuza dek yokolacaktır. Ölüm yalnızca bedeninizi ve zihninizi alacak, sizi değil. Siz ebedi yaşama aitsiniz.

Bardo Thodal mantrası:(ölmekte olan kişiye)
- Rahatla ve sessiz ol. Kendi merkezini bul ve orada dur. Bedenin başına ne gelise gelsin oradan ayrılma. Yalnızca olup bitene tanık ol.
Bırak ne olacaksa olsun, araya girme. Hatırla, hatırla, hatırla ki sen yalnızca tanıksın; bu senin gerçek doğan. Bunu hatırlayarak ölürsen teker duracaktır.

Aydınlanmamışsanız yaşam çirkindir ama aydınlandığınız zaman ölüm bile güzelleşir.

Bir şeyi öğrendiğiniz zaman ona inanmaya ihtiyacınız kalmaz çünkü artık biliyorsunuzdur. Bilmediğiniz bir şeye ise asla inanmayın çünkü inandığınız zaman asla öğrenemezsiniz.

Sıkıntı zengin insanlara özgü bir ayrıcalıktır.

Yalnızca bilincli biri gerçekten yaşar ve gerçekten yaşayanlar, huzur içinde, sessizce, yüzlerinde bir gülümsemeyle ölür. Yüzünde gülümsemeyle ölen bu insanlar için aslında ölüm yoktur. Çünkü onlar geride bırakılanın yalnızca beden olduğunu bilirler.
Profile Image for Bhakta Kishor.
286 reviews44 followers
July 24, 2020
A significant thing that every human being has to do is to structure their psychological and emotional framework around the most fundamental fact of their life – their mortality. Only when you do this will you naturally become eligible for a spiritual process, to a dimension beyond the mundane. The nature of your logical mind is such that it would like to eliminate death completely from its scope of thought. This is why most people are structuring their psychological process around a nonsensical idea of immortality – as if they are forever. Every day, there is no reminder in their thought that this is a limited amount of time and that you are just a baton carrier from the previous generation to the next. Right now, it takes a lifetime for people to understand that they are mortal; they need a heart attack or the appearance of a malignant lump somewhere to remind them.

Profile Image for Dvya Rathore.
24 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2016
I read some book of Osho some years back but wasn't able to understand it so well....while buying this one I was a little skeptical but I just fell in love with this one. It is a good book, holds a beginner's interest with stories which are essence of hasidism. Should try this one.
Profile Image for Bella.
Author 5 books62 followers
April 20, 2014
For those who wants to believe in nothing !
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