The Ant Bully (2006) Trailers | Trailer Transcripts Wiki | Fandom
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Teaser Trailer[]

[The teaser starts with the 2003 version of the 1998-Present Warner Bros. Pictures logo with the TimeWarner byline, the unused 2005 Legendary Pictures logo, and the Play Tone logo, as they fade in and fade out, transitioning to the next logo. A bell is also heard at the beginning]

Interviewer: Okay, auditioning for "The Ant Bully", the role of terrified ant number 1,697.

[We then see a hand holding up a clapperboard with the film’s title, along with scene 1, take 1, and the words "The Ant Bully Auditions" written on it. He then claps it, as we see a female ant on a U.S. quarter holding up a script]

Female Ant: [reading the script] Run! Run for your lives. The Destroyer is coming. I am terrified!

[She then wails as she tosses the script out of her hand]

Interviewer: Thank you.

[A beep is heard as it transitions to a tough male ant who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger]

Tough Ant: It is Destroyer! Come with me if you want to live!

[The same beep is heard as it transitions to Wizard Ant Zoc dressed as Harry Potter, (complete with glasses, and scar) and is holding a wand]

Wizard Ant Zoc: Expecto patronum!

Interviewer: [chuckles] Wrong movie.

[It then transitions to Beetle, who’s also trying to get the part]

Beetle: Run! Run I say!

Interviewer: Yeah uh, pardon me.

Beetle: Uh, what yes?

Interviewer: You’re not an ant, are you?

Beetle: I can do ant!

Interviewer: I’m sorry, we need a red ant.

Beetle: I can do red!

[it then transitions to two rapping ants]

Rapping Ant #1: Yo, I’m ant number 1-6-9-7! I’m here to send The Destroyer straight to heaven!

Rapping Ant #2: You best believe that!

[He imitates a record scratch sounds, which after them, transitions to Beetle, now covered in red paint]

Beetle: [different voice] Oh no! The Destroyer has come to destroy me, because I’m an ant now!

Interviewer: Excuse me, did you just paint yourself red?

Beetle: [different voice] No!

[A bucket of red paint then falls off of Beetle]

Beetle: [normal voice] Yes.

Interviewer: Yeah, listen, the movie is called "The ANT Bully"-

Beetle: Hey, what about the bully role? I can do real mean, watch this! You bloody ant!

Interviewer: I’m sorry I’m sorry, the bully role has been cast already.

Beetle: Aww...

Interviewer: Yeah.

Beetle: To who?

[The interviewer then clears his throat and points his finger up who got the part, as Beetle looks up, we see Lucas Nickle (with a mean look on his face) from Beetle’s POV, then it cuts back to Beetle, but from a different camera angle]

Beetle: [chuckles] Hey, you’re just a little kid! aren’t you the cutest thing?

[It then cuts back to Lucas from Beetle’s POV as he proceeds to step on him]

Beetle: (offscreen) Oh my goodness.

[After he stomps on him, it then transitions to the film’s logo, along with text fading in, saying "STOMPING INTO THEATERS SUMMER 2006". Afterwards, it cuts back to Beetle, who managed to survive from Lucas stomping on him]

Beetle: I’m okay!

[Lucas steps on him again, as we only see his shoe. It then cuts to the film’s URL, along with print logos for Legendary Pictures, and Warner Bros. Pictures. WB’s print logo has a 2005 copyright on it]

Beetle: [wearily] CUT!

[The teaser ends with the same transition used for auditions as it then goes to black]

Theatrical Trailer[]

