Technology in the 21st Century Classroom |
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Technology in the 21st Century Classroom

Instructor Derek Hughes

Derek has a Masters of Science degree in Teaching, Learning & Curriculum.

Technology is becoming an integral part of any modern classroom. As a teacher, it is important that you can recognize and understand the usefulness of various types of technology you might find in your classroom.

A time traveller from the mid-20th century would probably have a heart attack if they walked into a modern classroom during a lesson. Gone are the days when teachers stand in front of the classroom and talk at their students all day. Now, you'll likely find students working together using various forms of educational technology. In this context, the term technology refers to any device used to supplement and enhance student learning. There are various types of devices that fall under this umbrella, and each will be discussed in this lesson.

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When you think of technology, you probably think of computers. These wonderful machines are found everywhere. People use them for a wide variety of reasons, including socializing, shopping, and creating. However, they are also powerful pieces of educational technology that can enhance student learning in amazing ways.

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Students today are basically trained from birth to interact with technology through touch. For example, you may have seen a young child attempt to swipe the screen of a laptop or television, only to be perplexed that nothing on the screen moved.

Touchscreen technology has revolutionized the way with interact so it makes sense that these devices would be used for educational purposes, as well. In many schools and classrooms, you'll find a set of tablets, which are small, touch-screen based portable computers, that students can use to practice skills and sometimes even create. There are a huge number of educational 'apps' that schools can load onto these tablets to facilitate learning.

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In classrooms of the past, if you wanted to show something to the whole class, you probably had to draw or write on a clear sheet of paper to use on an overhead projector. If you showed a student today this device, they would probably try to find a place to plug their phones into it. Luckily, modern classrooms often come equipped with interactive whiteboards.

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There are many amazing uses for educational technology, and you might find yourself with many of these tools at your disposal. You will surely want to use the tools and have your students use them, as well. One of the most important things to remember when using educational technology is that your students need to be trained and taught how to use it effectively. Technology should never be used just because it's there. Instead, use it only when it can enhance and supplement learning and teaching.

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Technology in the 21st century classroom is any device used to supplement and enhance teaching and learning. In many modern classrooms, you will likely find many kinds of technology, including computers (a tower with external monitor attached), laptops (portable computers), tablets (portable, touch-screen based devices), and interactive whiteboards (a projector and a whiteboard that can be attached to a computer). Using these devices effectively requires some training for both teachers and students. Once you have the knowledge, these devices can be amazing tools for creating and learning.

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