Terminator 2 restored anew by enthusiasts - - Gamereactor

Terminator 2 restored anew by enthusiasts

Arnie is back... and better looking than ever.

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Perhaps the best sequel in film history, or at least one of them, has despite its cult status never received a wider release on either Blu-ray or most recently 4K. Something that finally prompted enthusiasts to take matters into their own hands, as with Star Wars and project 4K77.

Using old 35mm prints, work has slowly but surely begun to recreate Terminator 2 as it was intended. Without digital trickery, colour changes or noise reduction, which of course sounds incredibly promising, and is made clear in some example images below.

What do you think of the Blu-ray and 4k releases of Terminator 2?

Terminator 2 restored anew by enthusiasts

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