Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

Ceker Ayam

Revisi Ceker Ayam
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Ceker Ayam

Nun jauh di sana ...
Mengawali pagi yang sibuk ...

iN RUSSIA, ROOSTER SCREAMS "ку-ка-ре-ку (KU-KA-RRE-KU`)"!!!!!
In Spanish they scream "QUIQUIRIQUÍ"

English roosters say Cock-a-doodle-doo !
and French roosters say Cocorico!
In Germany they say Kikerikie!
and in Finnish kukkokiekuu!
In Dutch: Kukeleku
In Danish they say kykkeliky
In Taiwan they crow in the North "喔喔喔 (Wo-wo-wo!)" and in the South "咕咕咕 (Gu-gu-gu!)"

In Afrikaans they crow "koekelekoe"
In Turkish they say ü-ürü-üüüü
Mr. rooster says in Arabic “كُك كو كو كو (Kuk koo koo kooo)”

In Japan they say “コケコッコー (Kokke-Kokko--- )”In Korean, rooster says “꼬끼오 (kkokkio)”
In Tagalog they say “tik-tila-ok”
In Thai they say “เอ้ก-อี-เอ้ก-เอ้ก (ake-e-ake-ake)”

Sementara di sini, sang don juan berkokok "ku ku ru yuuuk"
Demi menyemangati bokinnya tercinta dalam memendeli cacing-cacing yang sedang asyik ngulet
Dengan modal sepasang ceker jeleknya
Demi dua buah hatinya yang masih piyik
Yang menciap-ciap meneriakkan amanat perut mereka

In English:
Chicken Claws

Far away over there ...
Starting the busy morning ...

iN RUSSIA, ROOSTER SCREAMS "ку-ка-ре-ку (KU-KA-RRE-KU`)"!!!!!
In Spanish they scream "QUIQUIRIQUÍ"

English roosters say Cock-a-doodle-doo !
and French roosters say Cocorico!
In Germany they say Kikerikie!
and in Finnish kukkokiekuu!
In Dutch: Kukeleku
In Danish they say kykkeliky
In Taiwan they crow in the North "喔喔喔 (Wo-wo-wo!)" and in the South "咕咕咕 (Gu-gu-gu!)"

In Afrikaans they crow "koekelekoe"
In Turkish they say ü-ürü-üüüü
Mr. rooster says in Arabic “كُك كو كو كو (Kuk koo koo kooo)”

In Japan they say “コケコッコー (Kokke-Kokko--- )”In Korean, rooster says “꼬끼오 (kkokkio)”kkokkio”
In Tagalog they say “tik-tila-ok”
In Thai they say “เอ้ก-อี-เอ้ก-เอ้ก (ake-e-ake-ake)”

While here, the don juan crow "Ku ku ru yuuuk"
To encourage his beloved mistress to peck worms enjoying their wake-up wiggle
Provided with a pair of her ugly claws
For the sake of two of her darling baby chicks
tweeting to utter the messages of their tummies

Nun jauh di sana ...
Mengawali pagi yang sibuk ...

english roosters say Cockle-doodle-dooo! and the Francophone roosters say Co-co-ree-co!
In Germany they say Kikerikie!
and in Finnish kukkokiekuu!
In Dutch:KukelekuIn China they crow in the North "Wowowo!" and in the South "Gugugu!"Turkish ü-ürü-üüüü

Sementara di sini mereka berkokok "ku ku ru yuuuk"

Demi menyemangati bini tercintanya dalam memendeli cacing-cacing yang sedang asyik ngulet

Dengan modal sepasang ceker jeleknya

Demi dua buah hatinya yang masih pitik
yang menciap-ciap meneriaki amanat perut mereka

by Ivo Abdurrachman

Penerjemah Bahasa Ayam

Dalam rangka menyelesaikan puisi saya, berikut saya ungkap tentang bahasa ayam yang ternyata juga diterjemahkan berbeda-beda di masing-masing negara :)

ivo abdman Indonesia
jan 21 2008
English to Indonesian

Hi all,
Recently, I need the sound of crowing of a rooster that most exotic for my poem.
Would you like to provide me with a crowing sound of a rooster in the morning of your country,
for example in my country (indonesia)
kukuru yuuuk (in indonesian)
pronounciation in english ---> cu cu ru yuk, u sound like u in procedure
Thank you so much

Answers from all over the world

chord0 United States
English to Spanish
the sound of a rooster Jan 22

hello In most Spanish speaking countries the sounding of a rooster is described as:
whether you can use it in your poem or not I do not know, this is used in prose and also in children's stories.
good luckgeorgina

French to English Jan 22

English-speaking roosters say Cockle-doodle-dooo! and the Francophone roosters say Co-co-ree-co!

Heinrich Pesch
Finnish to German Jan 22

In Germany they say Kikerikie! and in Finnish kukkokiekuu! But these must NOT be pronounced the English way of course!

Jan Willem van Dormolen
English to DutchDutch Jan 22

In Dutch:Kukeleku
Pronounced as German Kükelekü.

Wenjer Leuschel
English to Chinese
Chinese roosters Jan 22

They crow in the North "Wowowo!" and in the South "Gugugu!"

Özden Arıkan
English to Turkish
Turkish Jan 22

They crow like this over there: ü-ürü-üüüü - the ü at the beginning is short and sudden, whereas the one at the end may be extended as much as you wish

Amy Williams
United Kingdom
Italian to English
www.Bzzzpeek.com Jan 22

Take a look at this site (mentioned on these forums before), which contains some fantastic interpretations of animal noises by children in different countries. http://www.bzzzpeek.com/.

ivo abdman
Indonesia English to Indonesian
the winner at a moment Jan 22

the winner at a moment goes to
In Canada
English-speaking roosters say Cockle-doodle-dooo! and the Francophone roosters say Co-co-ree-co!

and the one that make me laugh:
Chinese roosters
They crow in the North "Wowowo!" and in the South "Gugugu!"
Wenjer Leuschel
Thank you very much

María Teresa Taylor Oliver
English to Spanish
In Spanish = quiquiriquí
Jan 22

chord0 wrote:
hello In most Spanish speaking countries the sounding of a rooster is described as:

Actually, the rendering would be: QUIQUIRIQUÍ (with the accent on the last syllable).
According to the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española:
quiquiriquí.1. onomat. U. para imitar el canto del gallo. U. t. c. s. m.2. m. coloq. Persona que quiere sobresalir y gallear.
(1. Onomatopeia: to imitate the crowing of a rooster)
You can also check the Wikipedia article for "Onomatopeia", which uses precisely the example of a rooster, see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OnomatopeiaIn Spanish, "quiquiriqui" for a rooster crow
The article also lists other languages. A good resource, I think...
Good luck!

Yuliya Gritsyuk
United States
English to Russian


Jumat, 16 November 2007

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