Team Leader | Job Description, Role & Responsibilities - Lesson |
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Team Leader | Job Description, Role & Responsibilities

Hugh Zimmerbaum, Molly Gigli
  • Author
    Hugh Zimmerbaum

    Hugh Zimmerbaum is a prospective PhD student in Slavic Languages and Literatures; After earning his BA degree in Literature with a concentration in Russian Studies in 2018, he spent two years as an EFL teacher in Russia.

  • Instructor
    Molly Gigli

    Molly has an MBA in HR and a BA in Organizational Leadership and Supervision.

Learn about team leaders. Understand what a team leader is, learn the job description of team leaders, and explore the responsibilities of team leaders. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 most important roles of a leader?

The three most important roles of a leader are as an organizer, monitor, and communicator. The team leader uses these roles throughout the entire work process and guides team members from the first to the last step of a project.

What is a good team leader?

A good team leader is open, approachable, organized, good at communication, and able to take responsibility and share success. When team members see that a leader is competent, working alongside them, and being fair, they will feel satisfied and work well.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a team leader?

A team leader has a number of organizational, monitoring, and communication duties and responsibilities. They have to write up plans, delegate tasks, provide feedback, work through problems, and listen to their team members.

So, what is a team leader? A team leader is an individual who directs, instructs, and guides a group of people who are working together as a team. According to this definition, a team leader needs to be able to communicate effectively, monitor the work of others, and solve any problems that might arise during a project. The team leader has a number of important roles, meaning they need to ensure necessary information reaches all members of the team, remove obstacles to productivity, motivate team members, and provide support to the team.

Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), USAID builds leadership skills among East Africans.

Team Leader

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  • 0:04 Team Leader
  • 0:21 Roles
  • 1:06 Responsibilities
  • 1:51 Lesson Summary

A team leader's job description shows how the leader helps team members achieve their goals and contribute to an organization's growth. Team leaders inspire others and foster open and constructive communication in the organization in which they work. A leader is not a boss. This means that the team works with the leader, rather than for them. The job description will also include some hard skills, such as creating plans, setting deadlines, and delegating tasks.

There are some requirements and skills which are usually expected to become a team leader:

  • A high school diploma
  • At least two years of job experience
  • Communication and negotiating skills
  • The ability to use a computer
  • Organizational skills

Those looking to pursue a career path in team leadership should foster optimism, competence, warmth, and planning and organizational skills in themselves. Team leaders also need to have certain qualities. A team leader needs to want to surround themselves with people who are smarter than they are and create the strongest team possible. They should work alongside others and foster the growth of others. They also need to be lifelong learners and foster emotional intelligence.

Team Leader Role

Team leaders have to be versatile and fulfill a number of different roles. These include organizational, monitoring, and communication roles.

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What does a team leader do exactly? There are many different team leader responsibilities. The following examples review a number of important ones:

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A team leader is an individual who directs, guides, and instructs members of a team. The team leader is responsible for planning, organization, monitoring, and communication work. They are responsible for establishing meeting times, managing day-to-day operations, and keeping members on track. They ensure that and organization's goals are met.

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Video Transcript

Team Leader

A team leader is someone who provides direction, instructions and guidance to a group of individuals, who can also be known as a team, for the purpose of achieving a certain goal. An effective leader will know her team members' strengths, weaknesses and motivations.



Team leaders serve various roles in an organization. Their job is to get tasks done by using all of the resources available to them, including other employees or team members. Below is a list of some important roles a team leader must often take on:

  • Develop a strategy the team will use to reach its goal
  • Provide any training that team members need
  • Communicate clear instructions to team members
  • Listen to team members' feedback
  • Monitor team members' participation to ensure the training they are being provided is being put into use, and also to see if any additional training is needed
  • Manage the flow of day-to-day operations
  • Create reports to update the company on the team's progress
  • Distribute reports to the appropriate personnel


A team leader is responsible for guiding a group of employees as they complete a project. They are responsible for developing and implementing a timeline their team will use to reach its end goal. Some of the ways team leaders ensure they reach their goals is by delegating tasks to their members, including themselves.

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