Arabic keyboard 2016 ™ أسرع موقع للكتابة بالعربية

Arabic keyboard

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تعريب الأحرف اللاتنية transliteration (غير فعال)

arabe ِTransliteration of arabic keyboard letter:

ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
a b t c j 7 5 d 'd r z s ch S D T Z 3 '3 f q k l m n h o y

arabe rest letter:

ة أ إ آ ء ئ ؤ ُ َ ِ ٌ ً ٍ
H 'a I e 2 ee o' =o =a =i =on =an =in

arabe Arabic keyboard

This is an Arabic keyboard that helps you write arabic words and phrases more easily on the Internet.

arabe Instructions

This keyboard is for Arabic people who do not own a keyboard in Arabic or any other person who would like to write or study the Arabic language. This website allows you to write with the mouse by clicking the appropriate letter on the site’s virtual keyboard or, alternatively, to directly press the key on your keyboard that corresponds to the desired Arabic character..

arabe Improvements

If you have any advice or comments that can help us improve this keyboard, or add or change something, do not hesitate to contact us at the e-mail listed at the bottom of this page. Thank you and regards. Arabic Keyboard..

arabe Links:

Arabic keyboard
web 2.0 arabic keyboard (English Version))

Clavier arabe
web 2.0 arabic keyboard (French Version))

Language: Clavier arabe | Arabic keyboard | Arabische Tastatur | Tastiera araba | Teclado arabe