FREE Tarot Card Reading - Online Tarot Readings You Can Trust

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Free Tarot Reading

Please choose 10 Tarot cards for your Free Tarot Reading!

Click on the cards for your reading!

Shuffle Virtual Tarot Deck

Welcome to Trusted Tarot! This Tarot card reading uses a virtual tarot deck containing all 78 Tarot cards. Select 10 cards for your Celtic Cross reading, or press the 'Switch to Classic Selection' link above if you prefer to choose to cards from our classic Tarot spread.

Before you begin your free Tarot card reading, it is very important that you ground yourself. This will protect you from bad energy, and help connect you to your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guide. Listen to this audio file I recorded for you, or read the text below.

(I recorded this meditation exercise to help you ground yourself)

If this sounds too "newagy" for you, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly ten times and think about something wonderful that makes you happy.

With your feet planted comfortably and firmly on the ground, gently close your eyes. Feel the earth beneath your heels, toes and pads of your feet. Clear your mind of all thoughts but love and joy.

Breathe in slowly, and breathe out.

Imagine tiny roots growing from the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the ground, connecting and intertwining with the roots of plants and trees around you. Grow your roots deeper – thicker – past insects and through rocks, right into the core of the Earth. Feel your connection with the planet. Feel its warmth, love, strength and joy.

Now imagine a pearl-white light emanating from your heart, enveloping your body and illuminating the area around you - brightening all shadows and darkness. Visualize a purple shimmer rippling through the white light as it calms and protects you. Know you are safe - grounded to the Earth and shielded by warm, loving, joyous light.

Think of the question you would like to answer, and read the following aloud:

Mother Nature, my Spirit Guide, Guardian Angels, and Spirits of the Earth, I ask for your help and guidance.

Guard me with a circle of white, joyous light – encapsulated in shimmering purple – and send my grounding cord deep into the Earth.

Please speak to me through this reading and guide me on my journey towards an answer.

The Fool Tarot Card

Free Tarot Reading

Tarot readings are a powerful form of divination that use an ancient deck of cards to help you find answers to your most important questions about love, relationships, your career, finances and more. Psychics and fortune tellers have used Tarot cards for hundreds of years, and Trusted Tarot will give you an accurate reading that's personalized based the cards you choose and the order you pick them. Every card has a different meaning depending on its position, so you will get a unique and detailed perspective on your current situation. To prepare for your reading, I recommend that you listen to this grounding excercise - then scroll down and select your cards.

When you are ready to start your Tarot card reading, scroll up and select your cards.

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