Biography « Tammy Bruce


Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, is a radio talk show host, New York Times bestselling author, blogger, Fox News Political Contributor and columnist at the Washington Times and

A lifelong Democrat, Ms. Bruce worked on a number of Democratic campaigns in 1990s, including the 1992 Boxer and Feinstein senate races and the Clinton for President campaign. President Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and the liberal and feminist establishment continued support of him was one of many tipping points in Ms. Bruce’s consideration of conservative ideals.

Ms. Bruce also has a consistent history of supporting conservatives as well, including President Reagan, both Presidents Bush and, quite reluctantly, John McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign. She also served on California Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar’s Transition Team after his election-by-recall in 2003. In 2015 she became a supporter of now President Donald Trump, anticipating his ability to bring about an economic revival as a result of his business experience, but also because the establishment status quo had clearly lost sight of the problems facing the average American.

A free-speech and Second Amendment advocate, an important contributor to her position on the issue comes from her experience as a radio talk show host. The “Tammy Bruce Show” premiered in 1993 in Los Angeles and was nationally syndicated in 2005, enjoying over 200 terrestrial affiliates. In 2009, in a move to gain more freedom, Ms. Bruce took her radio show independent, making it an exclusively New Media program available online and via podcast. Tammy Radio has enjoyed being consistently in the Top 10 programs through the worldwide internet radio hub TalkStreamLive.

Additionally, Ms. Bruce has been profiled, and her editorials and commentaries on significant social issues have been published nationally and internationally, in a wide variety of magazines, newspapers including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the San Francisco Chronicle, Esquire, and The Advocate among others.

In addition to her media work, Ms. Bruce speaks to a variety of groups nationwide, including college, business and civic organizations with her speech, “Contrary to Popular Belief: How Conservative Ideas Empower Women, Gays and Blacks.”

Ms. Bruce’s first book, “The New Thought Police,” was published by Forum, an imprint of Crown/Random House, in October 2001. An analysis of freedom of expression and the culture wars, it explores the importance of freedom of expression and personal liberty and how that liberty is under attack by the dangerous rise of Left-wing McCarthyism. Her second book, “The Death of Right and Wrong,” also for Random House (April 2003), addresses the rise of moral relativism in society and quickly became a New York Times best seller. Ms. Bruce’s latest work, “The New American Revolution,” was published by Harper Collins/Morrow and is now available in paperback.

Besides Ms. Bruce’s website, radio program, books, and columns, and commentary at the Fox News and Fox Business television networks, she can be seen in in two short films. In “2081,” an adaptation of Vonnugut’s “Harrison Bergeron,” she portrays the “Inspector General” and in 2010 she was featured in the Sarah Palin documentary “The Undefeated.”

Drawn into feminist activism in the late 1980’s, Ms. Bruce focused on women in the workplace, violence against women and ending international subjugation of women. Just two years after joining the National Organization for Women, with a brand of feminism that places her somewhere between Donna Reed and Thelma and Louise, Ms. Bruce was elected president of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW at the age of 27. Until she saw the conservative light, she also served on their national board of directors.

A native of Los Angeles, Ms. Bruce holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Southern California, from which she graduated cum laude. Ms. Bruce notes her interest in politics and individual liberty was sparked during her childhood in part because of the work of authors Ray Bradbury and George Orwell, both of whom remain her favorite writers. Ms. Bruce divides her time between New York and Los Angeles, along with Sydney, her Shepherd/Collie rescue, and Snoopy, a long-haired Calico who enjoys sleeping in a kitchen cabinet by day and wreaking havoc by night.