French synonyms | French dictionary | Reverso
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Online dictionary: French Synonyms translation of words and expressions, definition, synonyms

Using synonyms in verbal and written communication shows that you have complete mastery of a foreign language. Reverso gives you free access to an extensive French synonyms dictionary that can help you face communication challenges in French with confidence. When you translate into French and feel you’re using the same words over and over again, you can go to our online dictionary and search for a French synonym. When you come across a French word you don’t know, looking for a synonym is an effective way of finding out its meaning.

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de ouf
incroyable ; de fou ; génial ; fou ; dingue
passage clouté
passage protégé permettant de traverser une chaussée. En France, autrefois, les passages piéton étaient délimités par 2 rangées de gros clous métalliques plantés dans la chaussée avec une tête bombée et dorée d'un diamètre de 12 cm.
expression anglaise pour qualifier un espace d'habitation avec une partie privative et des parties communes, comme le co-working pour le travail
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  • Add words and phrases and their definitions or synonyms
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Help us write our French synonyms dictionary

If you are looking for synonyms of French words and phrases, launch a search in our online dictionary and you will find not only clues to the meanings of words, but also useful alternatives. As well as a regular online synonyms dictionary, our dictionary includes synonyms and definitions of common words, technical terms, colloquial words and idioms, and slang phrases, all added by users. You can become a contributor by adding a synonym or a French definition which is missing from our online dictionary.

A wide-ranging dictionary lookup tool

In addition to French definitions, the synonyms dictionary is a useful tool when you translate into French. Our French synonyms dictionary will give you a deeper understanding of the meanings of words. The results will include not only the synonyms of a given word, but also its antonyms and examples of use. Additionally, you will find French definitions and synonyms added by our community members.

Why use French synonyms dictionary

  • When you’re translating from French and you come across a word or phrase you don’t know, you can easily look it up in our online dictionary
  • When writing in or translating into French, you can avoid repeating the same words by using synonyms
  • You can further enrich your mastery of French by finding out the antonyms of words in the French synonyms dictionary
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"Dictionnaires français de définitions et de synonymes, © Synapse 2007 pour les données et © Reverso 2007-2022 pour le logiciel et la mise en page"