Sunday Morning Worship Service | Welcome to the Sunday Morning Service! 04/28/2024 - Sermon Title: To Go | By North Park Baptist Church | Good morning, everyone. Let's stand and sing come into his presence Come into his presence with Thanksgiving in your heart and give him praise. Praise comes into his presence with thanksgiving in your heart and voices your voice is the name take a minute and greet each other this morning. Make sure everybody feels welcome. Come into his presence with thanksgiving in your heart and give him praise and give him praise come into his presence with thanksgiving in the name above all and we bring the sacrifice of praise bring the sacrifice of queen sacrifice of praise into the lord and we hold the and sacrifice and we the of joy bring the house of sacrifice of praise into the house Thanksgiving over up to you the sacrifices and praise him, praise him. We're going to sing the first and the third verses praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer this wonderful love proclaim him Jesus will call his carries them all day long grace to excellent greatness to spread Jesus our blessed redeemer reigneth forever him prophet and priest world victorious and glory unto the lord belong of his excellent ever in joyful song lord of all all your tabernacle glory to the orders beyond darkness exceed the universe declares your majesty morning celebrate I will call your name us beyond our galaxy the universe declares your majesty to the lord lord of wonders beyond our galaxy the universe declares your majesty and you are holy holy god of wonders galaxy are holy the universe declares your majesty and you are holy, holy Man, you may be seated. Amen. Give god praise this morning. He is truly the lord of heaven and earth Even though at times, it doesn't seem like that he is lord of this Earth but he truly is lord of heaven and earth. We want to welcome you today to North Park Baptist Church. Appreciate you being here. If you happen to be a guest with us on our Facebook Live feed, my name is Dewey Burge. I'm pastor here at North Park Baptist and we want to welcome you and if you have any questions about the ministry here at North Park, we would love to answer those questions. You can write that in the and we can answer any of those questions. If you happen to be a guest with us today in house, we want to say welcome. Glad you're here. Also, if you have any special prayer needs, anything that you would like for us to know about, we have a prayer card that we'd ask you to fill that out and looks like this. Should be in the cart, in the chair in front of you and card holder and we'd ask you to fill that out and drop that in the offering plate here in just a little bit and then, our deacon of week. At the end of the service, we'll be sharing those needs. We really want to encourage you to fill this out. Uh a lot of times when we have comments at the end of the service, not everybody has a microphone. So, it is Death Spade, Dead Silence on our Facebook Live feed and a lot of times when we have comments from the floor, people on our Facebook site is going, what they say? Tell me what they said I need to know. I'm dying here. No, I'm kidding. Um but so, encourage you if you have any prayer needs or any praises. Um let us know about that and we will mention that at the end of the service. Don't know where you were last week but we were in Oklahoma and had spent some time in Oklahoma at family. So, thank you for the opportunity that we had to do that. Have you ever had a vacation? Were you said, I need to get home to rest. That's what I had last week. My mother-in-law, hopefully, she's not watching. No. Uh you should be in church, Darlene if she's, no. Um she had a lot of projects that's needing to be done at her house. So, we went down and did a lot of those projects. So, I'm glad to be home. So, thank you mister Vernon. Appreciate your words that you shared last week. Thank you so much for your willingness to do that. We have some things coming up that you want to be aware of. One of those was supposed to today. We had a cruise in that you were needing to bring your boats So, but no, we, Paul and I talked early this morning with the weather. Uh we have cancelled the cruise in. So, that means we've cancelled the pizza. Okay. I'm very, you know, we've cancelled the pizza, everything part of that but we are looking to reschedule that event before maybe sometime middle of May. So, just be aware of that. That that is not happening to today but we are getting ready for this coming Saturday is the Craft Fair. We like to encourage you to advertise this for us. We have a great number of vendors already signed up. I think Dora said, there's well over. Thirty-eight. Thirty-eight So, vendors, that's going to be a part of this. It's going to be outside. So, pray for no rain. It is rain or shine event but it's better if there's no rain but so, it's it'll be a great day. We will have a concession stand Part of that, the money from the concession stand will go toward the mission trip. So, but this is an outreach event to our community. So, I'd encourage you to come out Saturday. We will have a mission trip meeting this coming Wednesday night at six. If you're available, we will be talking about the craft fair and organizing the craft fair so that's a big part of what we will be talking about this Wednesday night at six. Even if you're not able to go on the mission trip this year but would like to help with the Craft Fair, maybe you don't have a booth, maybe you're not very crafty like me but I've got a booth anyway but we'll see but if you like to come out and help with the craft fair, we will need help with the concession stand and this kind of traffic and everything like that. Everything will be happening outside. So, we'll have the and open for restrooms but that is some of the things that are coming up. Uh so, just be aware of those. I'm getting a big echo on myself either that's in my head or out there. So. Hey, Dewey. Yes. Do you, do you, oh, it is an echo. Do you think that those who are church members who come to the craft fair should wear their North Park shirts? Good idea. Yeah, we're going to talk about that Wednesday. Yeah. If you got a North Park Baptist Church, shirt and you would like to wear that Saturday, that would be awesome. Make sure you have washed it. You know, so you smell good. So, alright but yeah, that's a very good idea. So, we are glad you're here. It's a great day to worship him even though it's raining outside and whether we do want to lift up in our prayer this morning. I know there's been areas in our nation, neighboring states that have been hit by the tornadoes that have come through with this storm. I know there's some in Nebraska and other states and in Oklahoma. So, we do want to lift up people that are dealing with that today. So, you may be connected some of those in a little bit. So, we want to pray for those this morning. If I can have those who going to help with the offering to go ahead and come forward at this time as we look to prepare to give back to the lord this morning. Paul, you're the last one to stand up. So, would you lead us in prayer? Wonderful day. Thank you for all you have been doing. Blessings Lord. Thank you for this opportunity to be here keep us safe. Amen. In Francis I cried to his reach in his into my heart was the you his name trust he saved me from sweet within there at the cross where he took me my heart was the blood glory to his name. Fourth verse. Are rich and sweet cast thy poor soul at the savior's feet plunge into death and be made his name glory to his to to see his as music us in store though I tried to talk some path sunshine I love Jesus how I love because can feel my deepest woe who I love Jesus first loved me Jesus name above all names beautiful glorious blessed redeemer living touched me something touch me oh touch me my soul something happened he touched me and to I'll shout eternity it hurts me something Amen. We're going to invite our children to go to Children's Church at this time. Miss Alice Hess is leading the group today and I think Pam is going to help her and so we like to invite our children to go to Children's Church. The Mariah Max, you're in trouble. You come down here please. Alright, Mariah. Oh, they got called on the carpet. I tell you. No, they're not in trouble. Not too much. Are they? No, never? Alright, go ahead and start adding one, one of each person, pretty please. Now, this funny while ago, I got a request that it was that it was hot in here, okay? So, we turn the fans on. Then, I got a request a few minutes later that it was cold in here. Not from the same person, two different people. We can't win around here. No. So, but hopefully it will get straighten down a little bit. As they are handing out your little ping pong ball Now, this is not like the Castaway movie where he had a basketball that he talked to and he named it Wilson. I guess you can name it Penn, I guess if I think that's, I remember what the name of the bat ping pong ball is but I want you to hang on to that please. No playing, no throwing. This is not like a stadium giveaway where if you hear, you have a bad play or something you don't like at the ballpark. You start throwing the stadium giveaway at the preacher anything like that. So, You got everybody? Everybody got your ping pong ball. Alright? Yeah, I think they're still distributing. Hang on to those. You'll find out why in a little bit. Well, we're glad you're here. A few weeks back we were talking about our action statement and if you know, if you look on the front of your bulletin, if you have your bulletin with you and we have been adding this into our promo and things that and you'll see it on the screen there in front of you, our our not yeah, behind me to know, to show, to go with god's love. We have kind of as a church and myself, we have labeled this as our action statement. Lot of times I think you say a vision statement You, it's something that you just think about and you but this is our action statement. This is something that we do. This is something that ought to be part of our life. Part of your life, I see a ping pong ball just, it just escaped right down here. Go ahead and get up. She's embarrassed now. Alright? And part of that action statement was the first to know and then to show and then to go with god's love. Does that mean to you? What does that mean to me? How do we, as a church, how do we as individuals, actually go with god's love? Does it even matter? If you go with god's love. I hope it does. Now, if you say, how do you go with god's love? A lot of times, we think of things that have been done in the past and things that we have done but how have you gone? How have I gone this week how have I gone to go with god's love this week? Now, Vernon, I mentioned a while ago. I thank you very much for your message last week. I I played it one evening and it was talked, he talked about walking with god and what that means and how that looks and thank you very much for that. A lot of times in our life, we know it okay? As our action statement talks about, we know it and it shows in our life but then we forget to actually go in his love and what that looks like. How does that affect us and how does that affect your life and my life What keeps you from going with god's love every single day. What keeps you from doing that? What keeps that from my life to actually going with god's love. Are you bolder? Am I bolder? Here than I am out there. Have you ever thought about that? It's easy sometimes to speak up in Sunday school classes or right here in the pew and say, yes, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ but all of a sudden, when you're at the workplace or you're at a family function that you know is not going right, do we stand up? Do we actually go with god's love every place that we go? If you turn to first John chapter four, this is a lengthy scripture. So, stay with me. In first John I gotta get to it. It talks about god's love and ours. Not just god but ours and you've heard this verse before. It says, dear friend, let us love one another for the love comes from god. Everyone who loves has been born of god and knows god's love. Whoever does not love does not know god. Because god is love. This is how god his love among us. He sent his only son into the world that we might live through him. This is love. Not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for us, our sins. Dear friends, since god so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen god but if we love another, god lives in us and his love is made complete in us. We know that we live in him and he in us because he has given us of his spirit and we have seen and testified that the father has sent his son to be the savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the son of god, god lives in him and he in god. And so we and rely on the love god has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in god and god in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of the judgment because in this world, we are like him. There is no fear in love but perfect love dries out fear because fear has has to do with punishment. The one who his fear is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us. If anyone says I love god, yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, Wrong has seen cannot love god whom he has not seen and he has given us this commandment. Whoever loves god must also love his brother and sister. Lot of love there. Not an example of love there Could that scripture be applied to us today? Yes But what keeps us from loving? What keeps you from being that love? One of the first thing that keeps us his adversaries. There's a lot of adversaries out there. There's a lot of things that hinder us in first Peter five eight and nine, it says, be alert and sober minded. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in the faith because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of suffering. We don't want to talk about the adversary of the devil in our life. We we don't want to say that that there's an adversary out there but we know there is and as a Christian, He doesn't have control of us. He has no more control of us. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, the devil lost. He can't have control over us. That adversary is beaten. It is struck down It is no longer truly an adversary but he can affect us. He can he can influence us a lot of times and he can keep your mouth shut. He can keep my mouth shut. Of standing up and sharing about our savior. In Ephesians chapter six verses ten and twelve, it says, finally be strong in the lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against the flesh and blood but against the rulers, against authorities, against the powers of the darkness, dark world and against the forces of evil in heavenly realm. Have you put on your armor? When you get up on Monday morning to go out to work or go out to school, do you put on that armor that god is providing? Now, the scriptures not up up here but I want to read what is that armor? In Ephesians chapter chapter six starting with fourteen says, stand firm then in the belt of truth. But around you with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith. With which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the word of the spirit which is in the word of god. Have you taken up that armor? Do we take up that armor every single day against our adversaries? Because this world will try to break us. This will try to put anything in its way to make us even deny our savior. When at a crucial point, in your walk. At that moment, where you say, man, this is an opportunity to share the gospel maybe not to take the Bible and hit him up against the side of the head you know, with the family Bible that used to be on our family Bible that was this thick, this big, this, like that not wearing that around your neck but just simply sharing what god has done in your life. With our adversaries. What else keeps us from going in god's love anxieties Now, when I've started to put this line together and I put in anxieties, this was a picture that came up. It was a spider. I don't like spiders myself. I probably like, well, less like snakes. Only a good snake for me is dead snake, okay? I know there's some good snakes out there they say but I don't believe em. But what's your anxiety What's my anxiety whenever a situation comes up that it is a time for me to share god's love? What is that anxiety that both, you know, boys up in my stomach the church me into, turns me into knots, it keeps me from speaking up about my savior. What is your anxiety? In first Peter five seven, it says, cast all your anxiety on him. Because he cares for you. And in Psalms 5five twenty-two, it says, cast your cares on the lord and he will sustain you. He will never let the righteous be shaken. And in first John four eighteen, it says, there is no fear in love but perfect love dries out all fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. How much do we love our neighbor? How much do we love that situ in that situation we come upon when we think about the fact that we know people that's in my life, I know people that is that is in your life that if their heart stops, that last beat that they will spend their next thought their next situation is eternity in hell. And maybe we have worked right beside them for years or they've been in our family for years and our fear has kept us from sharing about Jesus with them. Fear of rejection Are you there with me? Fear of rejection, that's one of mine. That they'll reject me, they'll make fun of me. But when we realize that that fear is not from god, that fear is from the devil that keeps us from sharing that fear keeps us from sharing the good news with a world that needs to know Jesus and they do they're not rejecting me. They're not rejecting you. If they reject they're rejecting Jesus Christ. Can you imagine one day getting to heaven? Knowing You know, I don't know if it's true or not but knowing that there's people in hell that we never shared the gospel with. Don't know if that's possible or not. But here on earth, we can know We can know that we never shared the gospel with them. You say, well, they can see it in my life. They can see all the good things that I did. Let me tell you right now, the Jehovah Witness of the Mormon Church does great things okay? They will come and clean out your garage. They will put up they will build you a room on your house maybe. They will do great things in the name of their Jehovah. And people will sit back and think, man, they're great people. But in their mind, their salvation is work is based on works and the more works that they do, that outweighs their sin Well, god will say, I, you did more. Good works than bad. Welcome into heaven. But they've never accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. They're basing their own works and they're good people great people What keeps you from sharing? That anxiety what keeps you. Another thing that keeps us from sharing is allurements. What draws you away from your savior at times. May not be big things, may not be tremendous sins in my life but what draws me away In first John two sixteen, it says, for everything in the world, the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life comes not from the father but from the world. This lust of the flesh I give into it. How about you at times This lust of my eyes, what I want to look at and god has said, no, you shouldn't look at that. Do we give in to that? And the pride of life. To me, that's a big one. I want to be big man on campus. I want to be the life of the party. In high school You know, I wanted to, I wanted everybody to think I was a great person I had pride and that pride kept me from sharing about my lord and savior In first John chapter five verses one to four, it said, everyone who believes that Jesus is Christ is born of god and everyone who loves, the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of god by loving god and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for god to keep his command and his commands are not burdensome. For everyone born of god overcomes the world, this is a victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Through god, those allurements We can push him aside. Through god, those anxieties we can push him aside. Through god, those adversaries, we can push em aside and focus our eyes and our feet and our mouth and and our eyes and our pride. We can focus on our lord Jesus Christ. While ago, you were given the ping pong ball Would you take it out, put it in your hand Not going to ask you to do anything with it this morning but I want you to hold that ping pong ball in your hand This ping pong ball represents somebody that you need to share the gospel with this week. You can take it. Yes. Write a name on it. But let this ping pong ball represents somebody not just say, well, they can see me that I'm a Christian. I wear a Christian T shirt that they'll recognize that fact. But this ping pong ball represents somebody this week that god wants you to literally share the gospel with this week You know somebody right now that needs Jesus Christ as lord and savior and you don't have to go through the Roman road of salvation all fifteen verses of it but you simply Let god lead The outcome is not my responsibility. The outcome is not your responsibility whether they accept Jesus Christ or not but our responsibility is to go. Is to share are you am I willing to do that? And I want to challenge you this week that if when god leads somebody to you to share the gospel with, Once that happens, next Sunday, when you come put it in the bucket. No ceremony Not that. If you get a chance to lead somebody to Christ, celebrate. Tell us about it. But all we're responsible is to be willing to share. Are you willing to go this week? Are you willing Am I willing to put all this aside, all the anxieties, all the adversaries, all the allurements, that will come up this week. Are we willing? To share the gospel. What does that look like in your life What does that look like in my life? This little story I found this week It says, his name was Bill. He had wild hair wearing T shirt and holes in it, jeans, and no shoes. This is literally his wardrobe for the entire four years of college. He is brilliant, kind, and very bright. He became a Christian while attending college. Across the street, the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry to students but are sure how to go about it. One day, Bill decided to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T shirt, and wild hair. The service had already started and so Bills started down the aisle looking for a seat. The church was completely packed. And he can't find a seat. By now, people are really looking a bit uncomfortable. But one says anything. Bill gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit when he realizes there is no seats. He just squats down right on the carpet. Although perfectly acceptable behavior in a college fellowship, trust me, this had never happened in this church before. By now, the people are really uptight and in with tension in the air about this time, the minister realizes that from the back of the church, a deacon is slowly making his way toward Bill. They always pick on the deacons. Now, the deacon is in his 80s and has silver gray hair and wears a three-piece suit. He's a godly man, very elegant, very dignified. He walks with a cane and he starts walking toward this boy. Everyone is thinking that you can't blame him for what's he's going to do. How can you expect a man of his age, of his background, to understand some college kid on the floor. It takes long time for the man to reach the boy. The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him. You can't even hear anyone breathing. The minister can't even preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to do and now they witness this elderly gentleman drop his cane on the floor with considerable effort. He lowered himself and settled down next to Bill. Joining him in worship so that he won't be alone. Everyone choked up with a motion when the minister gains control. He says, what I'm about to preach, you will never remember. What you have just seen, you will never forget. Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible. Some people will ever read. What's keeping from going what's keeping as a church from going into a world that needs Jesus Christ as lord and savior. Would you bow your heads with me? Lord, I pray this morning that these few words that's been shared this morning will that you have laid on my heart that you will prick my heart that this week when I see, when you lead somebody into my life, that I need to, to be bold, to stand up, to share, that you will help me and you will give me that boldness this week. Help us as a church to be bold with willingness to share to get right where the sinner is to have the opportunity to share with them you convict my life Convict us as a church to go with his love every single day that you have given us here on this earth. Jesus said, my prayer, amen. Would you stand with me As Lynn leads us in the time of invitation, this altar will be opened. As well, our deacon of the week will be here up here as well. Jean will be here. If you like to talk to one of us, we'd love to talk but Lynn, would you lead us? Kiss for me he to I'll praise his name to his soul praises Okay, we have a prayer request for Andy and Kim. It just states that god knows what the prayer request is on this. And for Debbie for improved breathing we praise god for that. We just pray to keep improving excuse me my allergies are killing me. For Gary, for prostrate test results Tomorrow and Ron, we continue to pray for him also. We have the five-year-old Brooks Brooke I hope I pronounced that correctly first chemo Monday six months of treatments and we'll continue to lift up this child in our prayers also. Each and everyone of us. Jody starts nursing school for LPN. Caden, we want to continue to lift her up and for Jane on upcoming shoulder surgery. Okay, we want to continue to uplift her also. Okay, let's bow our heads and pray falter for each one that has been lifted up to you this morning and the prayer request. You know which in each and everyone what the needs are on each one of them. Father we just praise you for that. We know you are the great physician father. And we know it's in your hands Father, I have another friend that's going through chemo with the cancer, John. I just pray for him also. And father, this morning, I just praise you and thank you so much for each and everyone that's here today. For the ones that are not able to be here, we just ask special blessings for them. And most of all, Father, I thank you for Jesus Christ, my savior, for it's in his name, we pray. Amen. It's been good to be here this morning, hasn't it? We're going to sing ourselves out with we bring the sacrifice of praise. Into the a sacrifices of thanks Have a great week.