Rappler's AI-powered article summarizer, at a glance
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Rappler’s AI-powered article summarizer, at a glance


This is AI generated summarization, which may have errors. For context, always refer to the full article.

Rappler’s AI-powered article summarizer, at a glance

ARTICLE SUMMARIZER. The button found on the sidebar can provide readers with a quick summary of an article

With one click, Rappler's article summarizer will set up an at-a-glance summary of English and Filipino text stories

Rappler readers who want an at-a-glance summary of a text story on the site can try out a story summarizer – powered by artificial intelligence (AI) – on the sidebars of most English and Filipino-language stories.

Initially released on July 6, 2023, the summarizer was iterated on with improvements from user feedback, with a final build released on July 26.

What to expect

Rappler’s summarizer is a button represented by three four-pointed stars that, when clicked, will summarize some of the salient points of a given article within three bullet points.

While the AI will try to summarize or grab the most important points of an article, the summarizer may not be able to encapsulate all of Rappler’s text stories, especially longer-form stories, within the bullet-point format.

As such, consider the summarization as an enticement to read our stories in full for further information on a particular topic.

While the summarizer works with text stories, visual stories on the site – including the graphics in text stories and article pages for video stories – are currently not able to be summarized by the feature.

Rappler’s summarizer is free for all readers to use. – Rappler.com

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