175+ Movies And Shows With Soul In The Title
Photo: Sony Pictures Releasing / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Herts-Lion International Corp.

175+ Movies And Shows With Soul In The Title

Jason Bancroft
Updated May 8, 2024 179 items

Are you ready to dive into the soul-stirring world of cinema and television? There's something undeniably captivating about movies and shows that incorporate the word "soul" in their titles. It hints at a deep dive into human emotions, existential quests, or perhaps a journey filled with rhythm and blues. That’s why we’ve scoured the archives to bring you the ultimate ranked list of the best movies and shows with "soul" in their title, voted on by none other than fans like you.

Why does this theme resonate so deeply with audiences? Perhaps it's because these titles often explore profound themes that touch on the essence of what it means to be human. From narratives that explore personal redemption to plots centered around musical prowess, each entry promises a unique glimpse into diverse interpretations of what it truly means to have "soul". Whether you're in for some introspective moments or looking for an uplifting experience, there’s something here for every mood.

Compiled through fan votes, this list isn’t just about critical acclaim, it’s about what resonates most with viewers. Each movie or show has been ranked based on its popularity among those who cherish soulful storytelling. So sit back, relax, and get ready to add some compelling recommendations to your watchlist as we unveil which titles truly capture the spirit of "soul"!