Watch Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4 Online - TV Fanatic

On Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4, the murderer is on the run but Layton's detective work leads him into a First Class carriage. Sophie makes contact with an ex-Tailie.


Nikki's body is discovered and Layton and Till realize the killer's still in Third Class.
Erik hides in an old crate in Third Class.
Layton talks to Miss Audrey and they discuss how Third will react if the killer is not brought to justice.
In The Tail, they form a plan to use the key chip that Layton got to Sophie so that they can communicate with their people uptrain. Sophie joins the Sanitation crew and makes contact with Astrid, a Tailie who apprenticed out of the Tail years ago.
Layton interrogates the First Class passengers and LJ discloses that Erik didn't come home after the fight night and that he has a gun.
Layton searches Erik's quarters and finds a J-hook which LJ tells them is for bee-keeping. Cavill sends Till to the old aviary crate.
Till and Osweiller find Erik but he escapes through a porthole to the second level and they chase him into the Third Class market where he takes Jinju hostage, forcing a face-off in the sub-train with the jackboots.
Layton and Cavill question LJ about Erik and Cavill leaves to talk to her parents.
Left alone, LJ puts on one of Erik's records and dances while Layton talks out the crime, finally concluding that LJ did the killing while Erik subdued the victims.
LJ offers to get blueprints and weapons to The Tail if he keeps quiet.
Cavill informs the Folgers that Erik is dead. LJ fakes a crying breakdown and Layton silently clues Cavill that LJ was involved and Cavill brings a Jackboot in. Layton tells the Folgers that LJ is a killer and LJ tries to attack him. She is taken into custody.
Cavill drugs Layton and puts him in the Drawers.

Episode Details

On Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4, the murder investigation reaches a cat-and-mouse climax but Layton is getting dangerously close to discovering Cavill's secret

Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (4 Votes)
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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Systems resist change. Even without their maker.


Adapt. That's what humans do, isn't it? Our great leg-up? We roll. We hack. Knuckle down and change.
