Super Smash Bros. Reset/Tier List | Fantendo - Game Ideas & More | Fandom
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

This is the official and most widely-accepted Super Smash Bros. Reset tier list. It's currently on Patch 9.0 as of June the 2nd, 2029. It was organized by the Smash Back Room on Smashboards. According to the list, 2B is the best character in the game, and Slippy & Peppy as the worst. According to the community,

2B has been notoriously top tier for her impressive movement, wide and powerful moves, and her infamous Perfect Evade ability on top of that. On the other side of the spectrum. Slippy & Peppy are only known as the "crappy Fox and Falco", both made to be the joke character of the roster with slow movement and his fan-favourite move "Ultimate Holoshield" being super laggy but incredibly powerful for a shine, but his weird mobility and lackluster moves make him at the bottom.

Though, it should be noted that the tier list does not neccesarily mean that one character is good while the other is bad. Characters can be buffed with patches, such as Gardevoir or Wonder Red who've shot up in popularity since 8.0, and some may have exploits they can have use to win, such as Ganondorf's Death Volley special or Marx's Black Hole special. Tier lists are also never solid, as they can change all the time, who knows, you could see Charizard shoot up someday.

