Slope | Definition, Formula & Examples - Lesson |
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Slope | Definition, Formula & Examples

Danielle Sands, Kimberlee Davison, Dawn Mills
  • Author
    Danielle Sands

    Danielle provides STEM education to youth in grades 3-12 through informal teaching and also trains other adults how to teach STEM to youth.

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    Kimberlee Davison

    Kim has a Ph.D. in Education and has taught math courses at four colleges, in addition to teaching math to K-12 students in a variety of settings.

  • Expert Contributor
    Dawn Mills

    Dawn has taught chemistry and forensic courses at the college level for 9 years. She has a PhD in Chemistry and is an author of peer reviewed publications in chemistry.

What is slope? Find the slope definition, slope formula, and explore how slope works in the real world. Practice finding the slope with example problems. Updated: 11/21/2023
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In this exercise, you will plot different x and y points on a graph and determine its slope. Using the slope and the points on the graph, you will answer additional questions involving the line equation.


Pen or pencil

Graphing paper



1. Draw an x and y axis to graph a line.

2. Plot the following points on your graphing paper:

  • (0, 4)
  • (2, 8)
  • (4, 12)
  • (6, 16)
  • (8, 20)

3. Draw a line to connect the points on the graph.


1. What is the change Δ in y from the lowest point on the graph to the highest? (Hint: subtract the highest y value from the lowest y value)

2. What is the change Δ in x from the lowest point on the graph to the highest? (Hint: subtract the highest x value from the lowest x value)

3. What is the slope of the line? (slope = m = Δ y / Δ x)

4. What is the y intercept (b) of the line?

5. Write the line equation where y = mx + b

6. Using the equation you have written above, what is the value of y when x is equal to 5?

7. Using the equation you have written above, what is the value of x when y is equal to 10?


4. 4

5. y = 2x +4

6. y = 14

7. x = 3

How do I find the slope?

You can find the slope by plugging in 2 points from a line on the graph and using the slope formula, (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). Then, solve for the slope.

What does a slope represent?

A slope represents the steepness of a line. A slope can be on an incline or decline or it can be flat (horizontal line). The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

Which definition best describes the word slope?

The best way to describe slope is the rise over the run of a line. As the y-axis increases or decreases, the x-axis will increase.

Slope is used to describe the steepness of a line. The definition of slope is the rise of a line over the run of a line, or the change in the vertical direction (y) over the change in the horizontal direction (x). When one thinks of skiing down a hill or climbing up a mountain, the angle at which they are descending or ascending is the slope. Sometimes the slope can be fairly flat or very steep depending on what it is.

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  • 0:01 Definition of Slope
  • 0:24 Steepness
  • 3:33 Slope on the Cartesian Plane
  • 5:28 Negative Slope
  • 6:38 Lesson Summary

The slope formula definition is a mathematical formula used to calculate the steepness of a line.

{eq}slope = \large \frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} {/eq}

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The slope formula can be solved by plugging in points from a line on a graph.

Let's use the slope formula to find the slope of a line that goes through points (4,5) and (2,7).

Step 1: Identify the values of x1, x2, y1, and y2.

{eq}x1 = 4 \\ x2 = 2 \\ y1 = 5 \\ y2 = 7 {/eq}

Step 2: Place the values into the slope formula.

{eq}slope = \large \frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} \\ slope = \large \frac{7-5}{2-4} \\ slope = \large \frac{2}{-2} {/eq}

Step 3: Simplify to find the slope.

{eq}slope = -1 {/eq}

This line has a slope of -1. This value represents a negative slope.

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Now that we have learned how to use the slope formula, let's use it to find the slope in the following problems:

  • Problem 1: Find the slope of a line with the points (7,11) and (3,5). Plug the values into the slope formula to find the slope.
  • Problem 2: Find the slope of the line from the equation {eq}y -2 = 2(x+3) {/eq}.
  • Problem 3: Find the slope of a line that runs through the points (1,7) and (9,5).
  • Problem 4: What happens in the slope formula when x2 = x1?


Problem 1

Step 1: Identify the values of x1, x2, y1, and y2.

{eq}x1 = 7 \\ x2 = 3 \\ y1 = 11 \\ y2 = 5 {/eq}

Step 2: Place the values into the slope formula.

{eq}slope = \large \frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} \\ slope = \large \frac{5-11}{3-7} \\ slope = \large \frac{-6}{-4} \\ slope = 1.5 {/eq}

This slope has a value of 1.5. This value represents a positive slope.

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Slope measures the steepness of a line. A line can have a positive slope, negative slope, no slope, or the slope can be undefined. Slope can be found as everyday objects and can measure the pitch of a roof or grade of a hill. Knowing the slope of everyday objects helps people to make important decisions.

The slope formula is used to measure the slope, or steepness, of a line between two points on a graph.

{eq}slope = \large \frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} {/eq}

Slope can also be found from the equation of a line, where slope is "m" in the formula {eq}y = mx+b {/eq}.

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Definition of Slope

The slope of a line is the ratio of the amount that y increases as x increases some amount. Slope tells you how steep a line is, or how much y increases as x increases. The slope is constant (the same) anywhere on the line.


One way to think of the slope of a line is by imagining a roof or a ski slope. Both roofs and ski slopes can be very steep or quite flat. In fact, both ski slopes and roofs, like lines, can be perfectly flat (horizontal). You would never find a ski slope or a roof that was perfectly vertical, but a line might be.

We can usually visually tell which ski slope is steeper than another. Clearly, the three ski slopes get gradually steeper.

Fairly Flat Ski Slope

Steeper Ski Slope

Steepest Ski Slope

In mathematics, we often want to measure the steepness. You can tell that slopes B and C are higher than slope A. They are both seven units high, while slope A is only four units high. So, it appears that height has something to do with steepness.

Slope C, however, is clearly steeper than slope B, even though both are seven high. So, there must be more to steepness than height. If you look at the width of slopes B and C, you see that slope B is ten units, while slope C is only six units. The narrower ski slope is steeper.

It is not height alone or width alone that determines how steep the ski slope is. It is the combination of the two. In fact, the ratio of the height to the width (the height divided by the width) tells you the slope.

Think of it this way: suppose you need to change seven feet in height to get from the bottom of the ski slope to the top. For the moment we will pretend you are trying to climb up to the top of the slope. We will discuss going downward later. If you have only four feet straight ahead of you (the width in the picture) in which to get to the top, you have to climb up at a very steep angle. If, on the other hand, you have six feet ahead of you in which to ascend those seven feet, the angle is less steep. It is the relationship between height and width that matter.

You could write the relationship like this:

Slope = (Change in height)/(Change in width)


Slope = rise/run

If y represents the vertical direction on a graph, and x represents the horizontal direction, then this formula becomes:

Slope = (Change in y)/(Change in x)


Slope formula using delta notation

In this equation, m represents the slope. The small triangles are read 'delta' and they are Greek letters that mean 'change.'

For the first ski slope example, the skier travels four units vertically and ten units horizontally. So, the first slope is m = 4/10.

The second ski slope involves a seven unit change vertically and ten units horizontally. So, the slope is m = 7/10. The second slope is steeper than the first because 7/10 is greater 4/10.

The third ski slope involves a seven unit change vertically and six units horizontally. So, the slope is m = 7/6. The third slope is the steepest of all.

Slope on the Cartesian Plane

The Cartesian plane is a two-dimensional mathematical graph. When graphing on it, a line may not start at zero as in the ski slope examples. In fact, a line goes on forever at both ends. The slope of a line, however, is exactly the same everywhere on the line. So, you can choose any starting and ending point on the line to help you find its slope. It is also possible that you might be given a line segment, which is a section of a line that has a beginning and an end. Or, you might be given two points and you are expected to draw (or imagine) the line segment between them. In all these situations, finding the slope works the same way.

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