Slavoj Žižek Zitate (100 Zitate) | Zitate berühmter Personen

Slavoj Žižek Zitate

Slavoj Žižek [ˈʒiʒɛk] ist ein aus Slowenien stammender Philosoph, Kulturkritiker und Theoretiker der lacanianischen Psychoanalyse. Bekannt geworden ist er durch seine Übertragung und Weiterentwicklung der Psychoanalyse Jacques Lacans in das Feld der Populärkultur und der Gesellschaftskritik. Er wird häufig dem Poststrukturalismus zugerechnet, hat sich selbst jedoch mehrfach von dieser Einordnung distanziert.

✵ 21. März 1949
Slavoj Žižek: 100 Zitate8 Gefällt mir

Slavoj Žižek Zitate und Sprüche

„In allen Bereichen haben wir zunehmend das Ding ohne sein Wesen. Wir haben Bier ohne Alkohol, Fleisch ohne Fett, Kaffee ohne Koffein - und sogar virtuellen Sex ohne Sex.“

—  Slavoj Žižek

Der Krieg und das fehlende ontologische Zentrum der Politik, novo-magazin, Heft 55/56, November 2001 - Februar 2002,

Slavoj Žižek: Zitate auf Englisch

“We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

"Introduction: The Missing Ink", in Welcome to the Desert of the Real!: Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates (2002), p. 2

“I think that the task of philosophy is not to provide answers, but to show how the way we perceive a problem can be itself part of a problem.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

Lecture "Year of Distraction", at 1:07.

“Insofar as the gap between essence and appearance is inherent to appearance, in other words, infsofar as essence is nothing but appearance reflected into itself, appearance is appearance against the background of nothing - everything appears ultimately out of nothing.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

Quelle: Less Than Nothing (2012), Chapter One (The Drink Before), Vacillating The Semblances
Kontext: The implicit lesson of Plato is not that everything is appearance, that it is not possible to draw a clear line of separation between appearance and reality (that would have meant the victory of Sophism), but that essence is "appearance as appearance,"that essence appears in contrast to appearance within appearance; that the distinction between appearance and essence has to be inscribed into appearance itself. Insofar as the gap between essence and appearance is inherent to appearance, in other words, infsofar as essence is nothing but appearance reflected into itself, appearance is appearance against the background of nothing - everything appears ultimately out of nothing.

“Darcy wants to present himself to Elizabeth as a proud gentleman, and he gets from her the message 'your pride is nothing but contemptible arrogance.' After the break in their relationship each discovers, through a series of accidents, the true nature of the other - she the sensitive and tender nature of Darcy, he her real dignity and wit - and the novel ends as it should, with their marriage. The theoretical interest of this story lies in the fact that the failure of their first encounter, the double misrecognition concerning the real nature of the other, functions as a positive condition of the final outcome: we cannot say 'if, from the very beginning, she had recognized his real nature and he hers, their story could have ended at once with their marriage.' Let us take a comical hypothesis that the first encounter of the future lovers was a success - that Elizabeth had accepted Darcy's first proposal. What would happen? Instead of being bound together in true love they would become a vulgar everyday couple, a liaison of an arrogant, rich man and a pretentious, every-minded young girl… If we want to spare ourselves the painful roundabout route through the misrecognition, we miss the truth itself: only the working-through of the misrecognition allows us to accede to the true nature of the other and at the same time to overcome our own deficiency - for Darcy, to free himself of his false pride; for Elizabeth, to get rid of her prejudices.”

—  Slavoj Žižek, buch The Sublime Object of Ideology

The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989)

“The famous MacGuffin, the Hitchockian object, the pure pretext whose sole role is to set the story in motion but which is in itself nothing at all - the only significance of the MacGuffin lies in the fact that it has some significance for the characters - that it must seem to be of vital importance to them…”

—  Slavoj Žižek, buch The Sublime Object of Ideology

that's a MacGuffin, a pure nothing which is non the less efficient... what Lacan calls object petit a: a pure void which functions as the object cause of desire.
The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989)

“Prohibition of desire leads to desire for prohibition.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

Quelle: Slavoj Žižek: Wokeness, Psychoanalysis, and Quantum Mechanics | Robinson's Podcast.

“What cannot be described should be inscribed into the artistic form as its uncanny distortion.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

Quelle: Less Than Nothing (2012), Chapter One (The Drink Before), Vacillating The Semblances
Kontext: The horror of the Holocaust cannot be represented; but this excess of represented content over its aesthetic representation has to infect the aesthetic form itself. What cannot be described should be inscribed into the artistic form as its uncanny distortion.

“I found there, on the central square (Václavské náměstí), a café that miraculously worked through this emergency. I remember they had wonderful strawberry cakes, and I was sitting there eating strawberry cakes and watching Russian tanks against demonstrators. It was perfect.”

—  Slavoj Žižek

Anecdote about the Soviet suppression of the Prague Spring in 1968, quoted in The New Yorker (5 May 2003), p. 39

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