Coronavirus poster templates

Coronavirus poster templates

Make sure you share the right information during challenging times. Whether you provide healthcare or other essential services, our printable coronavirus poster templates can help you stop the spread of misinformation.

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Coronavirus poster templates
Coronavirus poster templates

279 templates

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Printable coronavirus posters by Canva

Keeping everyone protected starts with the right information. But at a time where resources are scarce, creating compelling and accurate coronavirus posters from templates will save you a lot of time and effort.

Dish out health tips for your community or workplace with Canva’s ready-made poster templates with COVID-19 messaging. Not only are these templates visually appealing, but they are also educational no matter the age range of your audience.

For instance, you can urge everyone to curb coronavirus with a poster about washing your hands. Break down the process step by step with our intuitive text editor. Accompany text with beautiful photos from our library so your readers have a clear idea of what should be done at each step. For a much younger audience, our kid-friendly coronavirus posters help you explain a serious health issue in an age-appropriate way. Make your poster lively by adding fun elements like stickers and hand-drawn animals. Echo the casual feel of your design with playful text that keeps the focus of the conversation around health, not fear.

On the other hand, businesses can use our coronavirus posters for the workplace in various ways. Those in the public service can use it to post FAQs or give updates on basic services. Private businesses can make use of these templates to announce closures or reduced operating hours. They can also be posted in private or public spaces to bring awareness about Covid-19 symptoms, proper use of masks, and social distancing.

Launching your health campaign is also easy with Canva. Upload your finished poster on social media with just a few clicks. You can also download it or send it to Canva Print. We'll deliver it straight to your doorstep so you can stay at home. The small steps you do to keep everyone safe can go a long way. With Canva, you can make a difference, one poster at a time.