Sepsis | Diagnosis, Intervention & Protocols |
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Sepsis | Diagnosis, Intervention & Protocols

Dan Washmuth, Leasha Roy
  • Author
    Dan Washmuth

    Dan has taught college Nutrition, Anatomy, and Medical Terminology courses. He has a B.S. in Exercise Physiology from Furman University and a M.S. in Dietetics & Nutrition from Florida International University. He is a Registered Dietitian (RD) and a Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP-C)

  • Instructor
    Leasha Roy

    Leasha is licensed as a registered nurse and clinical nurse specialist. She has over 17 years of nursing experience in a variety of settings and roles including long-term care, acute care, critical care, education, and leadership.

Find out what sepsis and sepsis shock are. Learn about nursing care plans and interventions for sepsis. Understand nursing diagnoses, including the use of NANDA. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a nursing diagnosis?

A nursing diagnosis is a clinical determination or judgment about how a patient is responding to a health condition. Some examples of a nursing diagnosis for sepsis include risk for shock, risk for impaired gas exchange, and hyperthermia.

What are some interventions for sepsis?

There are several possible interventions for sepsis. These interventions include giving a tepid bath, providing a cooling blanket, administering IV fluids, giving antipyretics, and providing perineal care.

What is a NANDA-accepted nursing diagnosis?

A NANDA-accepted nursing diagnosis is: Hyperthermia related to sepsis secondary to third-degree burns as evidenced by a temperature of 101.9 degrees Fahrenheit, constantly sweaty skin, rapid heart rate, and low blood pressure. Hyperthermia refers to a body temperature that is significantly above normal levels.

This lesson will cover information about how nurses should diagnose sepsis. Specifically, this lesson will provide information about the nursing diagnosis for septic shock, the nursing care plan for sepsis, and a septic shock nursing diagnosis.

Sepsis is a very serious, potentially life-threatening condition in which the body responds to an infection by damaging its own tissues. Normally, when a person has an infection, the immune system responds by releasing a type of protein known as cytokines. Cytokines function to regulate and control the immune system. When a person has an infection, cytokines instruct the immune system to destroy the microorganisms that caused the infection while not harming the normal, healthy tissues of the body.

However, during sepsis, cytokines do not function properly, and the body responds to an infection with a systemic immune response. A systemic immune response refers to when the immune system starts to attack the entire body including normal, healthy tissues. Sepsis has a high mortality rate with nonspecific symptoms. There are three stages of sepsis:

Stage of Sepsis Description
Stage 1: Sepsis During stage 1, an infection gets into the bloodstream and spreads to other parts of the body causing widespread inflammation.
Stage 2: Severe Sepsis Severe sepsis occurs when the infection becomes worse and starts to impact and damage the organs of the body.
Stage 3: Septic Shock Septic shock occurs when the infection becomes very serious and widespread which leads to organ failure, hypotension (low blood pressure), hypoperfusion (low blood flow), and possibly death.

Who is at Risk for Sepsis?

There are several groups of people who are most susceptible to sepsis. These groups include:

Infants and very young children are at increased risk for developing sepsis. These groups are also at risk of infection.

photo of a hospitalized infant

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Nurses have a pivotal role in the early identification of sepsis. Early symptoms of sepsis include:

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Symptoms of advanced sepsis include:

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A nursing intervention refers to the actions a nurse will perform to take care of their patient, and these actions include treatments, medical procedures, and educating the patient. Nursing interventions for sepsis include:

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Nursing care plans and nursing interventions are used interchangeably. Additional nursing sepsis care plans include:

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A nursing protocol refers to a standard set of nursing procedures used to treat a specific condition. Examples of sepsis protocols for nursing include:

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Sepsis is a life-threatening condition in which the immune system responds to an infection by damaging the body's healthy, normal tissues, and it requires early and aggressive treatment. There are three stages of sepsis which include sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. A nursing diagnosis for sepsis includes risk for shock, risk for impaired gas exchange, and hyperthermia. People who are at increased risk for sepsis include young children, seniors, immunosuppressed conditions (ex: cancer and pneumonia), and patients exposed to invasive devices. Symptoms of sepsis include fever (temperature over 100.4), hypotension, hypoperfusion, rapid pulse (heart rate above 100), rapid breathing (more than 20 breaths per minute), mental changes, severe weakness, bluish skin, and white blood cell count above 12,000.

A nursing intervention and a nursing care plan for sepsis include monitoring vital signs, giving a tepid bath, providing a cooling blanket, administering IV fluids, giving antipyretics, and giving perineal care. Nursing protocols refer to a standard set of nursing procedures used for a specific condition, and nursing protocols for sepsis include obtaining serum lactate levels and blood cultures, giving IV fluids, and administering antibiotics. Nurses do not order medications used to treat sepsis. Doctors order these medications, and nurses administer the medication.

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is for your information only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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Additional Info

A Serious Illness

Amanda is a new graduate nurse who has reported for duty on her first day at her new job in the intensive care unit. She is assigned to train with Donna, a registered nurse with over fifteen years of experience. They get reports in the morning and sit down to plan their day. One of the patients in their assignment is Dan, a 43-year-old gentleman who was admitted for sepsis after a cut he sustained at work became infected. Amanda wonders how a simple cut could lead to Dan's being admitted to the intensive care unit. Let's discuss what happened to land Dan in this condition.

What Is Sepsis?

Sepsis is the body's devastating response to an infection, and it can be life-threatening as the chemicals the body uses to fight the infection provoke severe reactions in the body itself. Sepsis can happen quickly and if left untreated or not treated in a timely manner, it may lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and even death. There are over a million diagnoses of sepsis each year in the United States, and it kills just over 250,000 people annually. Although anyone can develop sepsis, the very young, very old, and immune-compromised are at the highest risk.

Signs and symptoms of sepsis include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Elevated heart rate (over 100 beats per minute)
  • Fast breathing (over 20 breaths per minute)
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Muscle aches
  • Poor appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Recent or current infection

The most important sign is the presence of a current or recent infection. These signs and symptoms can also be related to other healthcare conditions; thus, it is important to determine if infection is present or was recently present.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Sepsis

Sepsis can be broken down into three stages: sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock. When left untreated or undertreated, sepsis can develop into septic shock, the most severe and deadly stage of sepsis. A fourth stage that is sometimes included in the sepsis cascade is systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). SIRS, like sepsis, is the body's response to an insult; however, SIRS may develop secondary to trauma, ischemia or inflammation, as well as infection. Determination of the stage of sepsis depends on the symptoms that are present.

Stages of sepsis

Donna tells Amanda how important their nursing assessment is in identifying sepsis as early as possible. Donna teaches her about each stage of sepsis and stresses the importance of notifying the physician as soon as sepsis is suspected so that treatment can begin. Amanda is starting to put the pieces together to better understand Dan's illness. She asks Donna what treatment for sepsis may include.

Donna begins to explain the treatment process. Treatment for sepsis must begin as early as possible and should be aggressive to avoid progression of the condition or organ damage. Treatment is multi-factorial and several elements must often occur concurrently to ensure that every component is timely. Current sepsis treatment guidelines recommend:

  • Drawing blood cultures and lactate level within three hours of sepsis identification.
  • Administering broad spectrum antibiotics within three hours of sepsis identification.
  • If the blood pressure is low or lactate level elevated, administering intravenous fluids (at least 30 mL/kg).
  • If blood pressure remains low after fluids, beginning intravenous vasopressor (blood pressure support) therapy.
  • Ongoing monitoring and treatment of symptoms to maintain blood pressure and tissue perfusion.

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