Scientific Method - Group Project

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fish bowl

Instructions: Give each group or pair one of the scenarios below. Ask the group to design and experiment to answer the experimental question. Students should identify a control group, dependent and independent variables and possible outcomes or what type of data would be gathered.

Stress to students that they will not actually be performing these experiments. Have students either turn in their design on paper or do a mini-presentation to the class.

I print these on slips of paper, but you could also write them on notecards. Add more scenarios for larger classes!

Students have five minutes to design an experiment, making a rough sketch and identifying the variables. I usually pick a few groups to share their designs with the class.

1) Does the wavelength of light (R.O.Y.G.B.I.V.) affect a plant’s growth?

2) Does tomato juice make hair grow faster?

3) Is acid rain causing a decline of frog populations?

4) Does the hormone estrogen increase the milk yield of dairy cows?

5) Does the size of a fish tank determine how large a fish will grow?

6) Will crickets chirp more if the temperature is warmer?

7) Do wounds heal faster when they are covered by Band-Aids?

8) Which brand of battery lasts longer?

9) Does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

10) Do tanning beds cause skin cancer?

11) What causes leaves to fall in autumn (light, temperature, or both)?

12) Do citronella candles keep mosquitoes away?

13) Does salt water boil faster than pure water?

14) Do seatbelts prevent injury in car crashes?

15) Do plants need oxygen?

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