scientific research methods Flashcards | Quizlet

scientific research methods

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Scientific method
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Terms in this set (17)
Scientific method
an organized way of using experience and testing ideas in order to expand and refine knowledge
Formulations of apparent observed relationships among events
a specific statement about behavior or mental processes that is tested through controlled methods such as the experiment
repeating a study to see if the findings hold up over time
Group targeted for study
Individuals from a segment of the population who are studied
Investigate whether one observed variable (behavior, trait, etc.) is related to or "correlated" with another, helps us predict but doesn't explain, Ex: rape and ice cream sales
Positive correlation direction
Investigate whether one observed variable (behavior, trait, etc.) is related to or "correlated" with another, bottom to top
Negative correlation direction
as one variable increases, the other one decreases, high to low
Correlation Strength
mathematically expressed as a correlation coefficient; a number that varies between +1.00 and -1.00, the closer the number is to 1.00, the stronger it is, the closer the number is to 0 the weaker it is between the two variables
Involves experimental variables manipulated by the researcher and Looks at the impact of those variables on a particular outcome
Independent variable (IV)
Manipulated by the experimenters so that the effects may be determined
Dependent Variable (DV)
The measured outcome or result
experimental group
obtain the treatment
Control group
do not receive the treatment