Scientific Calculator — Calculator.iO

Math Calculators
Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

This scientific calculator is a free tool that solves complex mathematical expressions by supporting several built-in functions.


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Table of Contents

  1. Using the Calculator
  2. Trigonometric Function
  3. Degree and Radian Modes
  4. e and π
  5. Exponents/Powers
  6. Roots
  7. Logarithmic Functions
  8. Parenthesis
  9. Reciprocal of a Number
  10. Percentage
  11. Factorial
  12. Memory Buttons
  13. Back
  14. Ans
  15. RND
  16. EXP
  17. Conclusion

Scientific Calculator

We use scientific calculators when we need quick access to certain mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions or logarithms. Scientific calculators are used to calculate very large or very small numbers. These can be useful to scientists in some aspects of astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Such calculators have replaced logarithmic rulers and math tables. They are widely used for both educational and professional purposes.

HP 9100A became the first scientific calculator in 1968.

The first pocket calculator from Hewlett-Packard, the HP-35, is considered the world's first portable scientific calculator.

On January 15, 1974, Texas Instruments released the widely used TI SR-50 handheld scientific calculator. Texas Instruments remains a significant player in the calculator market. Their TI-30 series is one of the most commonly used scientific calculators.

Casio, Canon, and Sharp have also been major manufacturers of scientific calculators. And Casio's fx series became a prevalent brand among students.

In the 1990s, hardware scientific calculators were superseded by personal computers and graphing calculators. Computer calculators combined the capabilities of scientific and programmable calculators and had output capabilities in the form of graphs and charts.

Until now, some companies still make classic scientific calculators with digital output.

This online scientific calculator is a free and readily available version of a physical device. In the following sections, we will disclose the functions and uses of this advanced online calculator.

Using the Calculator

Calculators are used to make computations easier. Performing the math manually is not the most practical in scientific and mathematical calculations requiring complex operations and sophisticated numbers. Complex manual calculations are time-consuming and would be prone to errors. Calculators execute this work flawlessly and make our lives easier if we know how to use the calculator correctly and efficiently.

Trigonometric Function

Trigonometric functions are usually used to calculate angles and measurements. The advanced online calculator supports the three main trigonometric functions, such as sin, cos, and tan, which stand for the sine, cosine, and tangent functions. Moreover, the inverse of the before-mentioned functions are also found as sin⁻¹, cos⁻¹, and tan⁻¹, which stand for the arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent functions.

Example: Find


This is a straightforward example where the user plugs in the equation to compute the value of x.

Example: Find x if


Finding the value of x in this example is not as easy as in the previous example. Here, the user must be familiar with the basic trigonometric formulas and rules to know that if sin(x)=0.5, then x=arcsin(0.5)=30°.

To avoid confusion, the user selects the function sin⁻¹ in the calculator. However, in the top display section, arcsin is displayed. As mentioned before, sin⁻¹ and arcsin are equivalent.

Degree and Radian Modes

Once the user accesses the scientific calculator online, one can see that the mode is set to "Deg" by default. The abbreviations "Deg" and "Rad" stand for degree and radian, respectively, but what are these? You can write an angle in degrees and radians, where the transformation between them is as follows: 2π radians = 360 degrees, or 2π rad = 360°.

Since the user is given the flexibility to perform computations in both modes, the user must be careful by selecting the right mode before entering the equation. Let's calculate the value of tan(30) while using degrees for the first time, then while using radians.

We can see that tan(30°) = 0.57735 while tan(30 rad) = -6.40533, which is totally different.

e and π

These two famous numbers are part of several equations and constants used in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) related fields.

e: Although this symbol has many names, some of its most famous names are Euler's number, the natural number, and the natural exponential.

π: Pi is the constant number that shows up whenever one is computing the circumference and area of a circle. This is because π is the constant denoting the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

The value of e and π can be obtained and displayed using the calculator. Both e and π cannot be written as fractions because their values have infinite decimal places. We can see that the calculator displays only 10 decimal places, which is significant for high resolution and accuracy.


The scientific calculator provides a number's square and cubic power for easy use. Besides, there is the option to use the button to compute the value of x raised to the power of y. For example, if one needs to calculate the value of 2⁵ (two raised to the power of five), the user must type 2 and then enter the exponent value 5. Moreover, the user can provide exponent values to Euler's number and the base 10 using the buttons and 10ˣ, respectively.


The calculator provides easy access to the square and cubic roots of a number x using the √x and ∛x buttons, respectively. It is also possible to compute the root of a number x by using \$\sqrt[y]{x}\$.

Logarithmic Functions

A scientific calculator can solve operations using logarithmic functions using the buttons ln and log. The logarithm is the inverse function of exponentiation.

log: This refers to a logarithm to the base 10 and is called the common logarithm.

ln: This refers to a logarithm to the base e (remember Euler's number?). It is called the natural logarithm.


Parenthesis are used to help sort out the computation order while using the calculator. Remember, while evaluating a mathematical expression, the following order is used: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). The science calculator follows the same sequence of evaluation.

Reciprocal of a Number

The user can directly find the reciprocal of a number x, which is defined as 1/x. For example, the reciprocal of the number 4 is 1/4 or 0.25.


Consider buying a T-shirt for $30. You saw that this T-shirt is on sale 13.5%. Type it in the calculator to calculate how much money you would save from this discount.


The factorial of an integer is defined as the product of the integer with all the previous integers (excluding 0). The factorial of the number 3 is 3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6. You can use the calculator to compute the factorial of 3 by typing 3 and then using the "n!" button.

Memory Buttons

There are three memory buttons in the advanced calculator online, namely M+, M-, and MR.

"M+" (memory plus) to add the presently displayed number to the value in memory.

"M-" (memory minus) to subtract the present value from the stored value in memory.

For example, if you have "100" in memory, "50" on the display, and then press "M+", the value in the memory will change to "150." The calculator will not display the result, but you may confirm your adjustments by pressing "MR."


Suppose you entered a wrong number or operation. In that case, the Back button will bring you one step backward instead of deleting the whole thing and starting over.


The Ans button returns the last answer obtained when operating. This is beneficial when the user accidentally clears the screen after computation is performed and needs the answer.


By clicking this button, the calculator returns a random number between 0 and 1.


The exponent is essential while working with scientific notation. An example of scientific notation is 5.23×10⁴.


This online scientific calculator is beneficial for students and professionals performing complex mathematical computations. The user should be familiar with the fundamental background of the problem in hand to use the calculator efficiently.