Scarlet Fever History, Symptoms & Significance - Lesson |
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Scarlet Fever History, Symptoms & Significance

Amanda Knapp, Christopher Muscato, Ana Benito Gonzalez
  • Author
    Amanda Knapp

    Amanda Knapp has taught and tutored English at the college level for over ten years. She taught English to Chinese children for over two years. She has a Master of Arts degree in English from Northern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in advertising from Marquette University where she also minored in marketing and psychology. She has numerous articles and essays published.

  • Instructor
    Christopher Muscato

    Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado.

  • Expert Contributor
    Ana Benito Gonzalez

    Ana has a PhD in Biology. She has taught college classes at leading U.S. universities, also works as a Biology tutor. She has published several scientific journals.

Learn about scarlet fever’s history, when scarlet fever was identified, and occurrences of scarlet fever in the 1800s. Read about the status of the illness today. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Can You Diagnose Scarlet Fever Yourself?

From the lesson, we know that Scarlet fever is not that prevalent these days. However, there are still some cases of Scarlet fever that will need to be diagnosed. Please, try to answer some of the following questions and determine if the patients have Scarlet fever.

Scenario 1:

A little boy (2 years old) comes to your office with flu-like symptoms, a fever of 98.5 F, a sore throat, and swollen neck glands. There is not rash at this point. You confirm that he currently has strep throat.

  1. The boy definitely has Scarlet fever, he needs to be hospitalized.
  2. He is at risk of developing Scarlet fever, so you tell the mom to come back if he develops a rash.
  3. He could never get Scarlet fever from strep throat, since Scarlet fever is caused by a virus.
  4. You need to send him for an X-ray to be able to confirm if he has Scarlet fever.

Scenario 2:

A 7 year old girl comes to your office for the second time this week. She previously came complaining of an earache, and you confirmed she had an ear infection. You prescribed antibiotics to treat the ear infection. Five days later she comes back with a rash all over her body and a swollen face. Do you think she at risk of having or developing Scarlet fever?

  1. No, I think she is likely having a allergic reaction to the antibiotic.
  2. Yes, she is definitely having Scarlet fever because she has a rash.
  3. Probably the ear infection was viral, not bacterial, and it developed in Scarlet fever as a result.
  4. She has never been diagnosed with Scarlet fever before so she is probably at high risk of having the disease.


Scenario 1: the correct answer is #2

Scenario 2: the correct answer is #1

How common was scarlet fever in the 1800s?

Scarlet fever reached pandemic proportions in the 19th century. It was not frequently seen in rural areas but was quite prevalent in overcrowded urban areas.

How long did scarlet fever last in the 1800s?

Scarlet fever never definitively died out in the 1800s. It did decrease with the advent of pasteurization and the understanding of germ theory in the 1860s.

Why is scarlet fever rare now?

Scarlet fever is rare in industrialized nations today. This is because of increased sanitary conditions and the understanding of germ theory. Germ theory explains the origin of infection as occurring with microscopic organisms.

When was scarlet fever a pandemic?

Scarlet fever reached its greatest pandemic proportions in the 19th century. Between 1820 and 1880 a worldwide pandemic of scarlet fever raged.

How many people died of scarlet fever in the 1800s?

The exact number of people infected with scarlet fever in the 1800s is not readily known. At times, however, the fatality rate rose to 30% in some cities.

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection related to strep throat. It has caused many deaths throughout history. It is generally easily treated and rarely seen in industrialized countries, but it is still prevalent in countries undergoing industrialization. However, during the 1800s, it was one of the deadliest diseases known to man.

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  • 0:04 Scarlet Fever
  • 1:08 Period One
  • 2:19 Period Two
  • 3:43 Period Three
  • 5:28 Lesson Summary

Scarlet fever is a type of streptococcus infection caused by group A Streptococcus. Scarlet fever occurs when certain strands of strep throat develop into further inflammation and infection. Unlike strep throat, scarlet fever produces the erythrogenic toxin that causes a skin rash.

Symptoms: Why is Scarlet Fever Called Scarlet Fever?

While the disease is a streptococcus infection, it is called scarlet fever because of its characteristic rash. This rash typically is bright red, like a sunburn, with raised bumps that look like goosebumps.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Severe sore throat
  • Fever often over 103 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Rash
  • A red tongue that looks like a strawberry
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Peeling of the skin after the first week

The symptoms of scarlet fever can, indeed, be quite severe. Historically, many measures were taken to avoid infecting more people during outbreaks. At one point, the District of Columbia, among other measures, said that any carpets or other fabrics exposed to people with the disease must be boiled, burned, steamed, or soaked in a solution that would kill the bacterium.

Comparison of the rashes seen in measles and scarlet fever

Measles rash with paler skin and scarlet fever rash with redder skin

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Scarlet fever has been around for quite a long time in many different places. Scientists and historians are unsure when it was first discovered, but a couple of theories exist. Most likely, it was first described in Ancient Greece by Hippocrates in the 4th century BCE. Others believe that Rhazes in 9th century Persia was the first to discover scarlet fever.

When Did Scarlet Fever Start?

While the first date of occurrence is up to speculation, it is known that Italian Giovanni Ingrassia gave the first definitive description in 1553. He named is "rossalia." In the 17th century, Thomas Sydenham named it "febris scarlatina."

For the people at that time, scarlet fever was not too much of a concern. It was relatively rare, and many years occurred between outbreaks. There were, however, a few epidemics in the cities of Europe during this time.

Scarlet Fever in the 1800s

The course of the disease changed drastically in the 1800s. By this time, it was one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind. This is the result of the Industrial Revolution, which brought a large number of people into the cities. These cities were overcrowded with poor sanitary conditions. While the disease was rarely seen in rural areas, cities saw constant rounds of epidemics.

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Prior to the 19th century, the prevalence of scarlet fever paled in comparison to other epidemics. As outbreaks and severity increased dramatically in the 1880s, it became one of the deadliest diseases of that century, and it overwhelmingly affected young people.

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Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection related to strep throat and caused by group A Streptococcus. It primarily affects children between the ages of 6 and 12. While a list of common symptoms exists, marked symptoms are a high fever, extreme sore throat, and a red rash with raised bumps. Left untreated, it can lead to death or life-altering complications.

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Video Transcript

Scarlet Fever

Strep throat is a common diagnosis today. Every kid expects to get strep throat at some point, and it's known to be pretty uncomfortable. A century ago, however, this could have been the sign that something much, much worse was coming. Historically, strep throat was often a precursor to scarlet fever.

Strep throat is caused by an infection of Group A Streptococcus, a type of bacterium that makes you sick. Certain strains of Streptococcus then cause further infection and inflammation, generally noticeable by skin rashes (from which scarlet fever gets its name). Scarlet fever itself is a bacterial infection similar to strep throat, but which can cause rash, high fevers, and fatalities. Scarlet fever was once among the deadliest diseases in many societies. It was greatly feared and difficult to treat. So, where did it come from, and where did it go? The history of scarlet fever can be divided into three rough time periods, so let's take a look and see how this deadly disease has impacted human history.

Period One

We don't know exactly where scarlet fever came from or when this bacteria first started infecting humans. Some paleoepidemiologists (people who study ancient diseases) think that the Greek founder of Western medicine, Hippocrates, may have described scarlet-fever-like symptoms back in the 4th century BCE. Others claim that the first person to positively identify scarlet fever was the Persian physician and philosopher Rhazes, who lived in the 9th century CE. The first absolutely definitive description of the disease dates to 1553, when Italian physician Giovanni Ingrassia identified it and named it ''rossalia''.

The name ''scarlet fever'' came later, when British physician Thomas Sydenham labeled it febris scarlatina in 1676. It was, at the time, seen as a relatively mild disease. There were good reasons to feel this way&madsh; the scarlet fever of this period appeared rarely and with years between diagnoses. There were a few epidemics in some of Europe's larger cities, but they were brief. In a world that had seen hundreds of thousands lost to plagues, the relatively lower number of deaths to a rare scarlet fever weren't that frightening.

Period Two

This all began to change around the 1820s. Western Europe and the United States were going through the Industrial Revolution. Social changes that resulted from this included huge population booms, the rise of dangerously overcrowded cities, and poor hygiene in low-income urban areas. In this world, the bacteria that caused scarlet fever thrived. In fact, the fatality rates of scarlet fever in Great Britain rose from 2% of cases in the late 18th century, to 15% in 1834. In some cities, fatality rates reached over 30% of cases, making it one of the deadliest diseases of the mid-19th century.

Children were always the worst affected, and proved to be highly susceptible. Charles Darwin lost two children to scarlet fever in the 1850s. Scarlet fever is also believed to have caused the 19-month old Helen Keller to lose her hearing and sight. John Rockefeller lost a two-year old grandson to scarlet fever, which is why Rockefeller University remains one of the world's leading biomedical research centers in the world today.

While scarlet fever had been a rare disease before, it bred in the unhygienic and overcrowded urban centers and started becoming a fact of life, constantly reoccurring in cycles of epidemics. This was a trend, but one limited to industrializing urban centers. Rural areas around the world did not see the same spike in aggressive scarlet fever, so we can pretty confidently attribute this to urban living conditions.

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