Linux下使用什么命令操作 安卓的QDL Mode(9008).?

bootload下可以用fastboot命令来写入, QDL mode怎么进行操作呢? 翻了一下小米9008刷机教程,基本都是window下用mifl…

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进入recovery,adb连接下 adb sideload 你要刷入的rom,其实windows下方法一样,只是那些软件封装好了命令而已

fastboot 使用方法:

1.apt / dnf install android -tool

2.fastboot devices 确定是否连接手机在fastboot模式


3.fastboot flash boot _____.img

  • Replace the dotted space with an actual name of a kernel file.
fastboot flash recovery _____.img
  • Replace the dotted space with an actual name of a recovery file.
  • fastboot flash boot ____.img – Flashes kernel file in your device (Replace dotted space with an actual name of a kernel file).
  • fastboot flash recovery ____.img – Flashes recovery file in your device (Replace dotted space with an actual name of a kernel file).
  • fastboot devices – Checks whether your device is connected in fastboot mode.
  • fastboot reboot – Reboots device normally.
  • fastboot reboot-bootloader – Reboots device in bootloader.

adb 使用方法:

  • adb reboot recovery – Device boots in recovery mode.
  • adb reboot bootloader – Device boots in bootloader mode (For non-Samsung devices) .
  • adb reboot download – Device boots in download mode (For Samsung phones only).
  • adb install _____.apk – Installs apk file in your device. Replace dotted space with an actual name of the apk file (Place an apk file in the same folder where ADB & fastboot files are located).
  • adb push <local path> <remote path> – Transfers file from PC to your Android device (Change the parameters accordingly).
  • adb pull <remote path> <local path> – Transfer file from Android device to PC.