祭祖的英文單字,祭祖的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典



祭祖/上供offer sacrifices to ancestors ; offer r sacrifices to ancestors


祭祖節ancestor worship

祭祖禮sacrifice to ancestors

祭祖時點的香火joss sticks and candles

祭祖宗offer sacrifices to ones ancestors ; s ancestors ; offer sacrifices to one's ancestors ; offer sacrifices to one"s ancestors


做節祭祖Filmed in China


  • 女人不能履行祭祖的職責,所以女嬰常常被父母弄死。

    since women cannot perform the duties of ancestor worship, girl children are often murdered by their parents.

  • 第一個就是祭祖的儀式,不忘記祖先的意思。

    the first is a ceremony to worship ancestors, which means not to forget ancestors. ancestors are worshipped at the home all around the year.

  • 吾推祭祖,與夫人同走。

    i will feign to offer a sacrifice and leave with my wife.

  • 清明節是我國傳統節日,也是祭祖和掃墓的日子。漢族和一些少數民族大多都是在清明節掃墓。

    qingming festival is both a traditional chinese festival and the day of worshiping ancestors and sweeping tombs. han and minority ethnic groups mostly sweep tombs on qingming festival.

  • 盡管交通擁擠,花上每年七天假期的幾天去祭祖比思考未來來的更有趣。

    despite the traffic jams, spending a few of their seven days’ annual holiday venerating the past is more fun than contemplating the future.

  • 例如,人們在寺廟里鞠躬,祭祖時鞠躬,但在迎來送往中卻沒有這個禮節,不像在日本那樣折騰外國人。

    people bow at temples and in honor of ancestors, for instance, but they don’t go in for the bows of greeting and farewell that so often bedevil foreigners in japan.

  • 在秋夕,一個慶祝豐收的節日,上百萬人加入了返鄉祭祖的隊伍之中。

    the chuseok festival, a harvest celebration, sees millions of people engage in a mass exodus back to their ancestral villages.

  • 對上海人而言,青團是清明祭祖時必不可少的供品。

    as for shanghai, green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings.

  • 是貴州苗族最隆重的祭祖儀式.

    guizhou miao is the most solemn ceremony of worship.

  • 在過去,冬至來臨前每家每戶都會制作年糕來祭祖、或者作為走親訪友的禮物。

    in the past, before the approach of the winter solstice, every household would make the cakes to worship their ancestors or use as gifts for relatives and friends.

  • 祠堂的作用又是甚麼 呢 ?他們為甚麼祭祖?

    why did they spend so much money in ancestral halls?

  • 清明節是我國傳統節日,也是最重要的祭祀節日,是祭祖和掃墓的日子。

    ching gming festival is a traditionalchinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice holiday, is the day ofworship their ancestors and the grave.

  • 在這一特別的日子里,祭祖表達后人對祖先的尊敬、虔誠和思念。

    offering sacrifices to ancestors shows respect, piety, and missing departed relatives on such a special festival.

  • 這一點,是祭祖與其他祭祀活動有根本不同的地方。

    this is the fundamental difference between ancestor worship activity and other sacrifice activities.

  • 他們很虔誠地祭祖、掃墓.

    they, devoutly offered sacrifices to ancestors and visited the ancestors「tombs.

  • 在有些地區人們沿襲過去祭祖敬神活動,祈求新的一年風調雨順,平安、豐收。

    in some areas it adheres to its old ancestors worship, pray for the new year favorable weather, peace, good harvest.

  • 300多年來,流行於三都鄉及松陽縣城一帶,是酉田村民逢年過節、拜神祭祖、喜慶豐收的必備節目。

    over the past 300 years, popular in sandu township and songyang county area, is the essential program for unitary tian village festivals, worship worship, harvest festival.

  • 卡西:這棟房子的中心就是我們祭祖的地方。

    kathy : the very center of the house is where we worship our ancestors.

  • 《侗族祭祖歌》,楊國仁選編,貴州人民出版社1988年版.

    yang guoren ( 1988 ) . dong songs for ancestor worship . guizhou people press.

  • 清明是我國的二十四節氣之一,清明節是我國最重要的祭祀、祭祖和掃墓的日子。

    tomb-sweeping day is one of twenty-four solar terms that is the most important festival of the day for sacrifice, ancestor worship and the graves.

  • 清明節是我國傳統節日,也是最重要的祭祀節日,是祭祖和掃墓的日子。

    ching ming festival is a traditionalchinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice holiday, is the day ofworship their ancestors and the grave.

  • 在中國的禮儀文化中,婦女只有在男人舉行祭祖儀式時,才會作為最微不足道的角色參與。

    in china」s ritual culture, only when men offer sacrifices to the ancestors do women play a minor role.