The Shell Newsletter - June 23, 2022 - St. James' Episcopal Church Mt. Airy MD

The Shell Newsletter – June 23, 2022

A Sabbatical Prayer

Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. 
Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly.
 May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.





Those of us on the vestry would like to thank everyone that has helped prepare our congregation for the upcoming sabbatical. Lots of people stepped up, here are a few that merit a special mention –

  • Our sabbatical team (Lynda Ellis, Annie Horrigan, Joan Fader, Blix and Lucy Winston) has done a lot already and will continue their ministry throughout our sabbatical.
  • Our diligent parish administrator Laura will pick up new responsibilities while Kristin is out.
  • And finally, we thank Kristin. She not only prepared her family’s sabbatical activities, but also worked with many parishioners and the visiting clergy that will work with us.

The sabbatical runs from July 1st through October 8th. A few processes will be handled differently, we hope to achieve the same goals. If you have any questions, you can either –

  • Review sabbatical newsletters,
  • Contact Dave Rak, he’s on the executive committee with Jim Bullington and Natalie DelRegno, or
  • Contact Laura Davis, because she knows just about everything that’s going on.

Please attend this Sunday’s 9:30 service to send off Kristin’s family as they begin their sabbatical. We’ll provide lunch after the service, courtesy of a grant from the Lilly Endowment.

Finally, if you’re traveling this summer, enjoy your trips, take some pictures, and post them on our summer vacation board.

Dave Rak, Senior Warden




The Return of the Common Cup

Beginning this Sunday we will re-introduce the chalice during communion. I know many of you have been waiting for this, while others have expressed to me that they’re fine with receiving just the wafer/bread from here on out. The good news is that sacramentally you’re good either way! The church understands “communion in one kind” – that is, only receiving the bread or the wine – as “fully efficacious” – meaning you’ve still fully received the sacrament. Or as we once discussed in Youth Group, you got all of Jesus not only part of him!

One thing that will change if you are receiving the wine, is that under direction of the bishop we will no longer be practicing intinction where the wafer/bread is dipped into the chalice – so going forward it will be sip it, don’t dip it!

I am grateful to Deb Schaeffer who led this ministry faithfully until it was put on hold by Covid, and for Jeannie Pellicier who is the new ministry chair. She will be working with returning chalice ministers to brush them up on best practices, and will train new people who would like to join this ministry. Please talk to her on Sundays or drop her an email if you’re interested.

It is exciting to add this piece of pre-Covid normality back to our Sunday worship and I’m personally glad to be a part of it before heading out on sabbatical. I hope to see you Sunday for our leave-taking liturgy and picnic!

Yours in God’s peace,



Thrift Shop

Things are going well at the shop.  Donations continue to pour in, volunteers are numerous and employees are working hard.  One of our employees took part of Deb’s job handling all the paperwork to include payroll.  She received a pay increase for the extra work and the extra hours she has to perform these new duties.

We are still in need of someone to take over Cheryl’s position as a volunteer manager.  She provides supervision of the employees, provides direction, hires new employees, volunteer coordinator, leads staff meetings as well as working two days a week at the shop.  It sounds like a lot, but the shop essentially runs itself.  The employees are great and they all work together like a well tuned machine.  They know what to do and what is expected of them.  She would really appreciate someone to take over this position.  We cannot afford to pay a full-time manager to assume all the duties.

We a had minor incident at the shop.  We think that a bb gun pellet was shot at the store window, however it did not penetrate.  The window cracked from top to bottom and started to separate.  After it was noticed, our landlord was notified and his repairman was there within a half hour and boarded up the window on the outside and put support tape on the inside.  The window will be replaced soon.

The shop received a grant from the town to buy new signs.  We had to submit a proposal with a cost estimate and why we needed new signs.  We were very fortunate to receive this grant and the town paid for one half of the cost and the shop paid for the other half.  One sign has been installed on the facade of the building and other sign will be centered over the double doors and part of the windows.

We receive many compliments from our customers about how organized and tidy our shop is in addition to the quality of items we have for sale.  Stop by and take a peek!  Come and volunteer!  We always have a good time!




Back by Popular Demand!

After over 2 years, Coffee Hour is returning to St. James’ in July!  It’s time for our parish family to begin socializing again.  Coffee Hour is an important ministry because it allows us to spend time in fellowship with other parishioners.  Since we are combining for one service over the summer, we will have the opportunity to meet new people and begin new friendships.

Coffee Hour will look a little different than in the past.  We are keeping things very simple for the summer.  We will be having light snacks that are easy to serve.  Drinks will include bottled water, juice boxes and possibly some lemonade.  For now, Coffee Hour will not include coffee.  Don’t worry, it will be coming back once we have had the opportunity to have our coffee maker serviced.

Finally, we are still in need of people to be Coffee Hour hosts.  No experience needed.  Our current hosts are more than willing to train!  If you are interested, please contact Carla Kaufman.

Sunday Worship Information

Join us on June 26th for The Third Sunday after Pentecost, Sabbatical Leave-Taking Sunday.  We will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 9:30 am in the Memorial Garden, or watch the livestream on Facebook.

A printable bulletin can be found here.

Lectionary Readings

Facebook Livestream
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 9:30 am.  If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen.  There is a delay.



Youth Group Summer Hang Out

Come hang out around the campfire and enjoy some s’mores in the field behind the church on Sunday 6/26 at 7:00 pm. Bring a chair or blanket and your water bottle, we’ll supply the treats. It will be a chance to catch up on how your school year ended and hear about ideas for Youth Group in the fall! Sign up here.



To help continue the ongoing maintenance and beautification of our Memorial Garden, St. James’ is happy to announce our 2022 Brick Campaign has begun!  Please pick up your order forms in the narthex or contact the office and we will be happy to send one in the mail.



The time is getting near!!  Your Basket Raffle Committee is in the pre-planning stages for the big event in downtown Mt. Airy on September 24th.

For those who are new, this year will be our 16th Annual Basket Raffle and Silent Auction.  Our committee creates large beautifully filled themed baskets to raffle, as well as, we have many special items displayed in the Church for our Silent Auction.  This event is an exciting and important fundraiser for our Church.

Please consider donating any items in good condition that may be suitable for men, women, or children of all ages.  Some of our previous basket themes have been for babies, teens, teachers, pets, game/movie night, spa, jewelry, tea time, taco night, crab feast, sports memorabilia, fishing, golf, car wash/auto supplies, cooking, gardening, birding, crafts, tools, healthcare, exercise and inspirational.  Donations may be placed in the big blue tub in the Church Narthex.

Items for the Silent Auction would be those that would generate higher bids by themselves rather than as a part of a basket.  Such items could include paintings, quilts, unopened perfume, fine jewelry or high-value gift certificates, and the like.

The “Basket Brigade” will begin our creations in late July/early August.  We would like to invite anyone interested in joining us to learn and enjoy our creation process to please contact Marilyn at  We are in need of individuals to help with, not only the basket creation process, but wrapping the baskets, making bows, making phone calls to businesses, picking up business donations and many other small tasks leading up to the event. Thank you, in advance, for helping us in any way you are able with our greatest fun fundraiser!!

Marilyn Hancock , Basket Raffle 2022 Chairperson

Next Week’s Commemorations:

22 Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c. 304
24 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
25 James Weldon Johnson, Poet, 1938

Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2022 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Jim and Patty Bullington
James and Vivian Carden
Lynn and Donna Carr

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.

Bishop Sutton issued a call for volunteers to assist with General Convention in a video published today. There are still nearly 400 volunteer shifts that need to be filled in order to offer hospitality to the in-person presence at General Convention in Baltimore. Sign up to volunteer.

The updated General Convention schedule is here.

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland and the City of Baltimore are ready to welcome the whole Episcopal Church to Baltimore this summer, virtually or in person, and to share our story of reconciliation and transformation. Visit to learn more.