Haunting of Winchester House (2009) Horror, Thriller, Mystery Mov...

Haunting of Winchester House (2009) Movie

Haunting of Winchester House (2009) Movie Release Dates / Movie Details

Rated R | Threatrical Sep 29, 2009 (US) | Genres Horror, Thriller, Mystery | Runtime 1h 26m
User Score: 60/100
Haunting of Winchester House (2009) Movie Poster
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  • 1,441 votes, 2.02 / 5 rating (40% score)
  • Overall Score: ☆ 4.03/10
    IMDB: ☆ 3.4/10

Haunting of Winchester House Plot Synopsis:

A family moves in to look after the Winchester mansion for a few months, and soon find themselves terrorized by vengeful spirits. With the help of a paranormal investigator they'll unravel the mystery of the house.

Synopsis / Plot Summary: A family moves in to look after the Winchester mansion for a few months, and soon find themselves terrorized by vengeful spirits. With the help of a paranormal investigator they"ll unravel the mystery of the house.

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Official Trailer

  • Haunting of Winchester House Official Trailer

Haunting of Winchester House Movie Information:

Type: Movie
Year: 2009 (more 2009 movies)
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 86 minutes / 1h 26min
Genres:  Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Horror Genres:  Haunted House
Horror Subgenres:  Haunted, Haunted House - Cursed
Directors: Mark Atkins
Stars: Lira Kellerman, Michael Holmes, Tomas Boykin, Kimberly Ables Jindra, Patty Roberts … (full cast)
Release Date: Theatrical Release Date Sep 29, 2009
Website: http://www.theasylum.cc/product.php?id=160
Language: English
Country: USA
Release Dates: Movie Release Dates / Haunting of Winchester House Release Dates In Theaters: Sep 29, 2009, DVD: Sep 29, 2009
Writers: Mark Atkins, Jose Prendes
Producers: Paul Bales, Anthony Fankhauser, David Michael Latt, David Rimawi
Musicians: Chris Ridenhour
Cinematographers: Mark Atkins
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Haunting of Winchester House Cast

Cast overview, first billed only:Character(s)
Lira Kellerman...Susan
Michael Holmes...Drake
Tomas Boykin...Harrison Dent
Kimberly Ables Jindra...Sarah Winchester
Patty Roberts...Haley (as Barry Womack)
Jennifer Smart...Annie
Rob Ullett...James Clayhill
David McIntyre...Officer Cooper
Savannah Schoenecker...Margo Hunter
Sari Sheehan...Jessica Lloyd
Rya Meyers...Marlene
Mitch Toles...Blind Ghost (as Mitcheal Toles)
Jefferson Wilmore...Civil War Ghost
Frank Weitzel...Gunshot Ghost
George Michael Lampe...Nasty Ghost
Gregory Paul Smith...Faceless Ghost / Redneck 2
David Hendrex...Ghost
Sarah Hendrex...Ghost
Kimberly Trew...Girlfriend
Joey Ruggles...Redneck 1


Actor Lira Kellerman from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Susan."

Actor Michael Holmes from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Drake."

Actor Tomas Boykin from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Harrison Dent."

Tomas Boykin Fun Facts:
Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)

Actor Kimberly Ables Jindra from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Sarah Winchester."

Kimberly Ables Jindra Fun Facts:
Kimberly Ables Jindra is also known as Kimberly Ann Ables Jindra | Kimberly Jindra | Kim Jindra, Height: 5' 3" (1.6 m)

Actor Patty Roberts from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Haley (as Barry Womack)."

Actor Jennifer Smart from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Annie."

Actor Rob Ullett from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "James Clayhill."

Rob Ullett Fun Facts:
Rob Ullett is also known as Robert Ullett

Actor David McIntyre from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Officer Cooper."

Actor Savannah Schoenecker from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Margo Hunter."

Actor Sari Sheehan from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Jessica Lloyd."

Actor Rya Meyers from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Marlene."

Rya Meyers Fun Facts:
Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)

Mitch Toles's real age is 58. Actor Mitch Toles from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Blind Ghost (as Mitcheal Toles)." Mitch Toles (born May 26, 1965) in Santa Maria, California, USA, is a known Special Effects, Stunts, Actor.

Mitch Toles Fun Facts:
Mitch Toles is also known as Mitchael Toles | Mitcheal Toles, Birth Sign: Gemini

Actor Jefferson Wilmore from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Civil War Ghost."

Actor Frank Weitzel from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Gunshot Ghost."

Actor George Michael Lampe from Haunting of Winchester House is cast as "Nasty Ghost."

Source: IMDB, HellHorror.com fans like you!

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