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How do I counter/play against Rumble?

Everytime the enemy team locks in Rumble, I either have to dodge that game because I never learn how to counter Rumble or actually try and counter Rumble.

I don't hate Rumble that much but I really do hate playing against him in lane.

Are there any matchups that Rumble really hate and are there any effective ways to play against Rumble?

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Don't stand in your minion wave when rumble's q is up. That's just asking to be burned.

I tend to do that alot actually, thanks for the advice.

It's definitely the number 1 mistake melee toplaners make. If you do stand in it just be prepared to make a trade. Runble wants you to run away from the q. If you start fighting him, you stand a better chance of winning the trade.

So I can comfortly pick Kled from now on. I do have a question though.

Do I just give up the lane if I'm playing Malphite?

When you're low health yes for sure. Rumble beats you early and also kind of late as well if you let him get his ult damage off on you. You're only hope is to not get too far behind and burst him with your ult combo or ask for ganks.

Also kled is pretty good into him. Just be careful of rumble's level 3 power spike. Kled is insane right now so if you play it smart and not allow him to get free harass on you, I would think Kled wins the lane. I haven't fought a Kled yet but that's my intuition.

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But he always has Q so when can i stand anywhere near minions to farm as a melee champ?`

Farm under tower and ask for a gank


Was afraid u'd say that. I can't be bothered to sit under turret and take scraps of the wave that come my way, too boring and tilting. Especially if the rest of the team isn't ahead enough for me to know I will get carried, and eventually he just screws u over with missiles and fire anyway

Sadly, sometimes you just have to accept you've lost the lane instead of feeding by trying to contest farm. If you can get a gank, you can maybe then start bringing the fight to him.

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u/HolyXerekas avatar

Hello, I was main rumble in seasons 6, 7 and 8, but today I play casually. The heroes that bothered me most at the time were hard poke, and especially Yorick, because when I arrested I couldn't jump and ended up taking a lot of free damage without being able to retaliate decently. This was between Plat 3 and D4. Sorry if you don't understand something, I'm using google translator

Thanks alot for your advice!

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u/Mohamad_Zakaria avatar

Most of mobile bruisers are skill matchups like Camille, Irelia who can jumb on him and take a good trade. Renekton has a shield breaker on empowered W. He should win lane if he doesn't walk up and lose his HP at levels 1 and 2. Kled also has kill pressure on Rumble while being able to farm with Q and he has no resources to worry about as well.

His early level is both weak and strong. Most people think his flamespitter has a low cooldown. Is like 10 secs early. So trade with it down or right after it stops. His shield is really strong early, but not late imo. He can chase you down pretty easy with his harpoons. His overheat auto damage early can surprise people, so kite him in that state. If your low, and he overheats with flamespitter on, you will most likely die.

His level 6 is really strong if he gets a good ult off. I’ve gotten 1 for 1s when a jungle ganks or even a double kill. Specially when they dive me. Ulting during a tower dive will wreck you.

Yorick counters hard rumble

Are you playing top or mid?

Both , but mostly Top

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u/Scharpnel avatar

You have 3 big moments for attack him and win the trade (I repeat : WIN THE TRADE, not kill him) :

— his flame spitter is down — he's not in danger zone (about 0-20 heat, it's free for you : the passive won't proc) — his robot says warning

If it's not one of theses moments, be extremely careful.