Chapter 23: Endocrine System Drugs Flashcards | Quizlet

Chapter 23: Endocrine System Drugs

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A client has been prescribed levothyroxine (Synthroid) for hormone replacement therapy. Which advice does the health care practitioner know would be MOST useful in preventing errors in administering this medication?
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b. Use caution with decimal point placement.
A client has been prescribed levothyroxine (Synthroid) for hormone replacement therapy. Which advice does the health care practitioner know would be MOST useful in preventing errors in administering this medication?
a. Dosage adjustment of insulin may be necessary.
A client with a history of diabetes has been placed on a thyroid agent. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the interaction of thyroid and insulin?
d. Rash
A client has been prescribed an antithyroid agent to relieve the symptoms of hyperthyroidism in preparation for surgery. What rare but serious side effect of antithyroid agents should the health care practitioner educate the client to report?
a. This is an indicator of an overdosage of thyroid.
A client receiving thyroid replacement therapy came to the health clinic with complaints of heart palpitations, menstrual irregularity, and insomnia. The health care practitioner notes that she has exophthalmos. What could these signs of hyperthyroidism possibly indicate?
a. Hyperglycemia
A client with diabetes has arrived at the clinic for his regularly scheduled medication management appointment. He tells the health care practitioner that he has been extremely thirsty, has been urinating frequently, and has flu-like symptoms. The health care practitioner notes a fruity odor to his breath. What physical condition is this client most likely experiencing?
b. IM
A client diagnosed with an acute exacerbation of ulcerative colitis has been prescribed corticotropin hormone (ACTH) for its anti-inflammatory action. Which route of administration does the health care practitioner know is used to administer this medication?
a. Regular
What is the only type of insulin that can be administered intramuscularly, intravenously, and subcutaneously?
d. Methylprednisolone dose pack
A client has come to the health medical center experiencing an acute allergic response to poison ivy exposure. Which of the following medications would MOST likely be administered?
c. Overeating
A health care practitioner is caring for a client with a known diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. When the health care practitioner enters the client's room, she notes that the client is perspiring, irritable, confused, and acting in a bizarre manner. The health care practitioner suspects these may be symptoms of hypoglycemia and offers the client four ounces of orange juice, followed by a protein bar. Which of the following situations would NOT result in hypoglycemia?
c. Anorexia, weight loss, and hypoglycemia
A client is taking metformin (Glucophage), a biguanide oral antidiabetic agent, to treat Type 2 diabetes. Which symptom below is a known side effect of drugs in this class?
b. Avoiding abrupt discontinuation
When educating a client that has been prescribed long-term corticosteroids, which of the following should the health care practitioner caution the client about?
c. Prescribed dosage should be taken on an empty stomach 30-60 min before meals.
A client diagnosed with myxedema has been placed on thyroid replacement therapy. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
b. This client should be closely monitored for loss of diabetic control.
A client with Type 2 diabetes has been taking chlorpropamide, a first-generation sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic agent, for many years with good effect. Recently, the client was started on a six-month course of isoniazid for a positive PPD test. Which of the following statements is TRUE about taking isoniazid while receiving sulfonylureas?
b. The use of thyroid agents for weight reduction is contraindicated, ineffective, and dangerous.
A client who is obese tells the health care practitioner that her friend was recently placed on thyroid medication and lost weight. She asks the health care practitioner if she can take thyroid agents to help her lose weight. Which statement is the health care practitioner's BEST response?
a. As replacement therapy in Type 1 diabetes and in clients with type 2 diabetes whose blood glucose is not controlled with diet or when illnesses develop
When is insulin required for clients who have diabetes?