Rosie Shuster Biography (1950-)

Rosie Shuster Biography (1950-)

Born June 19, 1950, in Toronto, ON, Canada; daughter of Frank (a comedian) and Ruth (an interior designer; maiden name, Burstyn) Shuster; married Lorne Michaels, October 2, 1971 (divorced, 1980); married John Alexander (an artist),January 16, 1987. Addresses: HOME--New York, NY. AGENT--c/o Nancy Blaylock, The Gersh Agency, 130 W. 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.

Rosie Shuster told CTFT that she was recently married in Nepal and that she is a "shrill and strident" left wing feminist and a "world and peace lover."

Birth Details
June 19, 1950
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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