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While some fans may have viewed them as underdogs, their 'Team Pinoy' strategic alliance with Eric and Rona to take out Indonesia's Treasuri and Louisa helped cement their victory.
Rona, one of Scotland's leading writers for stage and television, says her production will be taking the story back to its roots - the original novel written by Mary Shelley when she was just 18 years old.
Having said that, I think the security guard who shouted after Rona for using the "wrong" door in the DIY store should have been severely reprimanded.
It was cut and polished with painstaking care over 18 months from the second-largest rough diamond ever found - the 1,109 carat Lesedi La Rona, found in Botswana in 2015.
Rona is currently on her 32nd week so we advised her to just stay at home, watch stress-free movies.
"He's a lovely man, I met him with my son twice," said Rona, 59, of Wallsend, North Tyneside, at the celebration party held at the centre.
Robemar and Rona were taken to the CP Reyes Medical Center for treatment.
Rona, of Dunbar, East Lothian, worried she might never fulfill her dream of being able to hold her first grandchild.
A social activist who promoted the education and advancement of youth in Israel, Rona subsequently founded the Ramon Foundation, which "aims to ignite the three essential values which Ilan and Asaf Ramon stood for -- academic excellence, social leadership and groundbreaking courage." In 2016, she was among the torchbearers at the annual Independence Day ceremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.