REINO UNIDO - Traducción al inglés - lcp

Traducciones al inglés proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

Reino Unido masculine noun

United Kingdomel Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Reino Unido {nombre propio}

1. general
Reino Unido
La Comisión ha demostrado »la conducta negligente del Reino Unido» .
The committee has demonstrated the negligent conduct of the United Kingdom.
La Comisión ha demostrado» la conducta negligente del Reino Unido».
The committee has demonstrated the negligent conduct of the United Kingdom.
El problema es que la excepción se ha convertido en la norma en el Reino Unido.
The problem is that the exception has become the rule in the United Kingdom.
2. geografía
Reino Unido
La Comisión ha demostrado »la conducta negligente del Reino Unido» .
The committee has demonstrated the negligent conduct of the United Kingdom.
La Comisión ha demostrado» la conducta negligente del Reino Unido».
The committee has demonstrated the negligent conduct of the United Kingdom.
El problema es que la excepción se ha convertido en la norma en el Reino Unido.
The problem is that the exception has become the rule in the United Kingdom.

Spanish English Ejemplos contextuales de "Reino Unido" en Inglés

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

El Gobierno del Reino Unido está pidiendo un gasto más adecuado, no más gasto.
The United Kingdom Government is asking for better spending, not more spending.
Podría decir lo mismo sobre el sistema galés que fue aprobado en el Reino Unido.
I could say the same for the Welsh system which was approved in the United Kingdom.
Hace tres años estaban pagando ligeramente más que el precio medio del Reino Unido.
Three years ago they were paying just marginally more than the average UK price.
MacCormick que la vignette es para todo el Reino Unido.
But can I point out to Mr MacCormick that this vignette is for the whole of the UK.
Los especuladores centrarán entonces su atención en Italia, el Reino Unido y España.
The speculators will then turn their attention to Italy, to the UK and to Spain.
¿Ha cumplido el Reino Unido todas las condiciones establecidas en dicho acuerdo?
Has the United Kingdom met all the conditions that were laid down in that agreement?
(EN) Señor Presidente, el Reino Unido pasó por esto hace exactamente veinte años.
Mr President, the United Kingdom went through this exactly twenty years ago.
El problema es que la excepción se ha convertido en la norma en el Reino Unido.
The problem is that the exception has become the rule in the United Kingdom.
Se trata, por orden cronológico de Dinamarca, el Reino Unido, Suecia y Finlandia.
In chronological order they are Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden and Finland.
Al Reino Unido y a Portugal se aplican algunas restricciones suplementarias.
There are additional restrictions which apply to the United Kingdom and Portugal.
El número de trabajadores autónomos en el Reino Unido ha aumentado a 1,7 millones.
The number of self-employed workers in the United Kingdom has risen to 1.7 million.
Sin duda sería mejor para el Reino Unido participar en la OMC por derecho propio.
Surely it would be better for the United Kingdom to sit at the WTO in its own right.
dos suplentes designados por el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte,
two alternates nominated by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
(b) Territorio de ultramar del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
(b) Overseas territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
La deuda del Reino Unido es mucho mayor que la de la zona del euro en su conjunto.
The debt of the United Kingdom is much higher than that of the euro area as a whole.
En el Reino Unido existe una situación concreta respecto al pago a los donantes.
There is a particular situation in the United Kingdom regarding the payment of donors.
Se trata de un tema difícil en el que el Reino Unido tiene un problema particular.
This is a difficult issue but one where the United Kingdom has a particular problem.
Esto ya ha ocurrido en el Irlanda y bien pudiese ocurrir en el Reino Unido.
This has already happened in Ireland and it could happen in the United Kingdom.
Apelo al señor Brown a cambiar ahora los términos del debate en el Reino Unido.
I appeal to Mr Brown to now change the terms of the debate inside the United Kingdom.
Quiero señalar que en el Reino Unido no todos utilizan el sistema imperial.
I would point out that in the UK not everybody sticks to imperial measurements.
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Spanish Cómo usar "Union Flag" en una frase

In honour of the occasion, all government buildings with more than one flag pole are required to fly the Royal Union Flag (Union Jack).
The Union Flag is another name for the Union Jack.
Today's post brought a piece of the Berlin Wall wrapped in a Union flag.
Some of those celebrating the arrival of the royal baby have the Union flag tattooed on their souls.
This week, as the Union flag was lowered at Britain's Kandahar Air Base, another, altogether smaller ceremony, was taking place at Maidenhead Registry Office.

Spanish Cómo usar "Union Jack" en una frase

In the left-hand top corner (the pole end) was the Union Jack.
Their design elements included the Union Jack aknowledging Australia's connection to Britain and a Commonwealth Star with points representing Australia's states and territories.
Typical MINI: the white brand logo on the breast and the tonal Union Jack embroidery on the back.
Union Jack bunting lined the city's streets following the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Even Australia's closest Commonwealth facsimile, Canada, dropped the Union Jack from the dominant top left quadrant of its flag, in 1965.

Spanish Cómo usar "UKIP" en una frase

Then rsmith advised me to defect to UKIP, but I think that pragmatist was right to say that would be but a ten-day wonder.
A July poll of marginal seats put UKIP ahead in the constituency but only by a couple of percentage points from Labour.
Waiting in the wings is the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), a rising populist political entity that has been feeding off English discontent.
Nick Clegg has gone head-to-head with the UKIP leader because he passionately believes Britain should stay in Europe.
After Kilroy-Silk's demise, UKIP were soon back in the news for the wrong reasons.

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unido adjetivo
no unido adjetivo
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reino animal sustantivo
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muy unido adjetivo