Reed Smith Defeats Former Paralegal’s Discrimination Claims (1)
May 1, 2024, 12:50 PM UTCUpdated: May 1, 2024, 2:25 PM UTC

Reed Smith Defeats Former Paralegal’s Discrimination Claims (1)

Peter Hayes
Peter Hayes

Reed Smith LLP shook off a Black paralegal’s employment bias lawsuit alleging she was treated differently from her younger, white colleagues in training and advancement opportunities, and was laid off due to her age and race.

Plaintiff La Mecia Ross failed to show that “she suffered an adverse employment action under circumstances that suggest racial discrimination,” in her treatment or when she was let go as part of a reduction in force, Judge Renée Marie Bumb of the US District Court for the District of New Jersey said Tuesday.

Ross also failed to identify a “similarly situated, non-protected class member ...

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