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Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

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Riot's New Player Guide

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

Professional Play DOES NOT UNDERSTAND Urgot - And here's why
Professional Play DOES NOT UNDERSTAND Urgot - And here's why

hi i'm back hiii i'm urpog i'm a grandmaster urgot for like 3 years now and urgot's been gaining popularity again because he's overpowered at the moment, several professional players have started playing or talking about urgot in general but have a very flawed perspective on what urgot actually is

369 played Urgot and didn't even bother toggling which is one of Urgot's core mechanics which show's he's picking Urgot due to his temporary strengths

Bwipo has always been an Urgot enjoyer and actually inhibits what it takes to be good at Urgot because he frequently talks to Urgot players to help foundation his opinion, Bwipo is easily the best Urgot, followed up by Kiin who is also an Urgot player at his core. I'm pointing out this to open your eye to the fact Urgot is an actual contender champion at the moment and why he's getting some priority around him; he's a bit broken atm and I'll extrapolate on that at the bottom of the post.

LS himself said Urgot hard counters rumble when the opposite is true: https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1787032131320865056

A caster called "Emily Rand" was casting a game and said Urgot is great against Rumble as Urgot is a lane bully; this isn't true.

Urgot isn't a lane bully nor does Urgot counter rumble, infact Rumble is one of Urgot's hardest counters. Urgot is a mid game god who also happens to have a strong level 1 and 2 which makes people mistake him for being a lane bully; Urgot CAN lane bully but you won't see people in professional play locking something like Garen or Singed into Urgot where Urgot can continue to press advantages, even when gold accelerated Urgot struggles because at his core he's a scaling champion who spikes in mid game and then is great late game.


So, the reason people in professional play think Urgot is a certain way is because they're going off a 3 year old narrative which was the last time Urgot was prevalent and don't get me wrong, I don't blame them. Urgot literally hasn't surfaced so how would they know how he's changed? Urgot's identity is currently based around Fleet Footwork and it's the sole reason he's viable right now;

Urgot is currently overpowered due to how he interacts with fleet footwork as he has a unique animation with it where his w works towards energising, urgot's main issue is he has no sustain or mobility, fleet gives sustain and mobility so they nerfed his armor to hurt his reliability which was a good way of answering it, here's what it looks like vs what it should look like; https://twitter.com/Urpog1/status/1782675593303134612 (i'd attach it here but they don't allow more than 1 attachment on reddit for some reason, gg.)

Urgot's core used to be PTA - TP or PTA - Ignite but why would you ever run PTA - Ignite when it has more risks and scales worse? Defensive play in League of legends is absolutely the way to play correctly at the moment (especially to my displeasurement) so Urgot's identity has shifted. He isn't a lane bully, he's a broken scaling champion with relatively no weaknesses outside of ranged ADC's and control mages. Urgot fairs very well into the current proplay environment of toplane because a lot of toplaners are defaulting to picking melee champions which is what Urgot generically thrives against.

Urgot's old identity was a lane bully as he used to max Q and run arcane comet and would demolish you in lane, they slapped heavy mana nerfs onto his Q so now you only ever max W, even if you want Q for additional poke you put 3 points into it then pivot into maxing W, especially because of how good toggling is for Urgot as a whole. This is why the caster and professional play analysis don't understand how Urgot has changed, they look at old data and his old identity purely because he's made a recent resurgence

Here's a tierlist of what Urgot is good and bad against https://twitter.com/Urpog1/status/1787235913098985946

Again, I'd post it here but they don't let me add more than one attachment, sorry about that

Side note; I don't blame Emily or LS for being incorrect, in fact I like that they are incorrect because they're paying attention to my abomination of a champion who has been dusted for several years, the fact he's getting any attention is great and I'm happy it's happening, please don't throw any insults their way, I'm a LS shill anyway

Jensen after FLY vs PSG: 'They probably realized what mistakes they made against us. And when we beat them, we were kind of -- "Yeah," "Expected." We didn't really take too much away from the series ... I guess we just disrespected them a little bit.'
Jensen after FLY vs PSG: 'They probably realized what mistakes they made against us. And when we beat them, we were kind of -- "Yeah," "Expected." We didn't really take too much away from the series ... I guess we just disrespected them a little bit.'

FlyQuest vs. PSG Talon / MSI 2024 Play-In Stage - Group A Qualification Match / Post-Match Discussion
FlyQuest vs. PSG Talon / MSI 2024 Play-In Stage - Group A Qualification Match / Post-Match Discussion

MSI 2024

Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

FlyQuest 0-2 PSG Talon

- PSG Talon qualify to the Bracket Stage!

- FlyQuest have been eliminated from the tournament.

FLY | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
PSG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: PSG Talon in 33m
Game Breakdown | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FLY vi ahri wukong twistedfate udyr 52.4k 6 2 M2
PSG leesin taliyah orianna sejuani xinzhao 65.8k 13 11 C1 H3 HT4 HT5 HT6 B7
FLY 6-13-14 vs 13-6-36 PSG
Bwipo urgot 2 4-3-2 TOP 1-5-7 4 rumble Azhi
Inspired maokai 3 0-1-3 JNG 5-0-5 3 viego JunJia
Jensen hwei 3 1-2-3 MID 3-0-7 2 azir Maple
Massu varus 1 1-4-2 BOT 2-0-10 1 senna Betty
Busio renataglasc 2 0-3-4 SUP 2-1-7 1 nautilus Woody


Winner: PSG Talon in 27m
Game Breakdown | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FLY vi ahri senna twistedfate nautilus 43.6k 5 1 None
PSG leesin taliyah orianna sejuani urgot 58.2k 28 11 I1 HT2 H3 O4 B5 O6
FLY 5-28-8 vs 28-5-54 PSG
Bwipo renekton 3 0-7-3 TOP 5-0-11 3 rumble Azhi
Inspired viego 3 5-5-0 JNG 5-1-10 2 xinzhao JunJia
Jensen azir 1 0-3-1 MID 8-3-9 1 aurelionsol Maple
Massu varus 2 0-7-3 BOT 6-1-9 1 kalista Betty
Busio neeko 2 0-6-1 SUP 4-0-15 4 ashe Woody

Patch 14.8

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

Fnatic vs. GAM Esports / MSI 2024 Play-In Stage - Group B Qualification Match / Post-Match Discussion
Fnatic vs. GAM Esports / MSI 2024 Play-In Stage - Group B Qualification Match / Post-Match Discussion

MSI 2024

Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Fnatic 2-0 GAM Esports

Fnatic move on to the Bracket Stage!

FNC | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
GAM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


Winner: Fnatic in 33m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC draven senna rumble nautilus wukong 71.2k 25 11 M1 H3 O4 O5 O6 O7 B8
GAM azir vi lucian twistedfate nocturne 54.9k 8 2 HT2
FNC 25-8-60 vs 8-25-15 GAM
Oscarinin ksante 3 0-1-11 TOP 3-5-1 2 urgot Kiaya
Razork xinzhao 3 3-3-10 JNG 2-5-1 3 leesin Levi
Humanoid orianna 2 8-2-9 MID 0-4-4 1 taliyah Emo
Noah kalista 1 13-0-9 BOT 1-4-5 1 varus EasyLove
Jun ashe 2 1-2-21 SUP 2-7-4 4 maokai Elio


Winner: Fnatic in 43m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC senna draven varus wukong maokai 83.0k 29 11 H3 O4 O7 B8
GAM vi ashe kalista ksante udyr 76.9k 19 4 HT1 CT2 B5 O6
FNC 29-19-73 vs 19-29-45 GAM
Oscarinin ornn 3 3-1-16 TOP 5-8-8 2 rumble Kiaya
Razork xinzhao 2 5-4-10 JNG 4-4-12 3 nocturne Levi
Humanoid ahri 3 5-4-16 MID 4-3-9 4 orianna Emo
Noah lucian 1 15-6-7 BOT 5-5-9 1 zeri EasyLove
Jun nami 2 1-4-24 SUP 1-9-7 1 nautilus Elio

Patch 14.8 - Skarner disabled

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

FLY vs PSG Hupu Rating and Comments
FLY vs PSG Hupu Rating and Comments

My car broke down yesterday, so I was a bit less bored, but I'm free again today. I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.

The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10, and average is used. A total of 7.6k people participated in this series' rating.

Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link


Fly Quest

Player Rating Top Comment
Bwipo Urgot 6.6 Bwipo twitter: For Science (Pic of Dumpling). (Bwipo was caught eating it before Fnatic got reverse sweep in S10).
Inspired Maokai 2.3 American Clearlove.
Jensen Hwei 7.1 Drawing ult (I don't get this one).
Massu Varus 3.1 Massu? Ma Su (A general in the Three Kingdom era of China, known for great on paper but no actual experience or achievements, and fleeing from battle field.
Busio Renata Glasc 6.0 The Hostile Takeover is actually pretty good.
Nukeduck 3.4 Maokai and Renata, and team fights looks like this?

PSG Talon

Player Rating Top Comment
Azhi Rumble 6.5 Pay tribute to Xiaohu
JunJia Viego 9.8 Jiejie, 1 more game and I'm in MSI, where are you.
Maple Azir 8.8 Mbappé hat trick
Betty Senna 9.4 Soild!
Woody Nautilus 7.8 iWoody
GorGi 6.7 Maybe, just maybe, ban Urgot?


Fly Quest

Player Rating Top Comment
Bwipo Renekton 4.1 Yang haters talk! Who dare to question to power of XiaoYang Dumpling.
Inspired Viego 6.6 Give up been a jungle king in EU and went to retire in NA?
Jensen Azir 3.8 NA has its own hand. (Reference to Chovy and Knight been known as golden left hand and golden right hand, great in domestic league but lack international achievements.
Massu Varus 2.5 Super Minions has slain Ma Su (The general is also known for getting executed by Kong Ming, a famous strategist in Three Kingdom.
Busio Neeko 3.1 Able to engage, but that's about it.
Nukeduck 2.8 Mr.Beast, go back to youtube.

PSG Talon

Player Rating Top Comment
Azhi Rumble 9.2 This top can make it into the Main stage, the opponent must be bad at another level.
JunJia Xin Zhao 9.8 Jiejie, I'm going to the MSI main stage, hoping you could join me next year.
Maple Aurelion Sol 9.7 After 10 years of fighting, the dream is still alive.
Betty Kalista 8.9 Did you ult back your support because you are worried that he might get too much kill and get the MVP?
Woody Ashe 9.6 Your Elysia will always meet your expectations.
GorGi 8.7 Enrique, where you at?

Ex-Master Player Turned Data Scientist: How Analyzing Millions of Games Crafted Game-Specific Builds
Ex-Master Player Turned Data Scientist: How Analyzing Millions of Games Crafted Game-Specific Builds

Hey there, Griffin here. I started my shift from being a Master tier player to a data scientist six years ago, aiming to make statistic drive recommendations that were dynamic and tailored to actual gameplay.

What started as an initiative to provide better, less generic build recommendations has evolved significantly. You can see the early stages of this journey in this post about our initial build recommendations here. Over time, as I refined LoLTheory, it grew to include tailored champion recommendations based on the dynamics of ally and enemy team compositions, as detailed in this more recent post here.

Most recently, I've expanded LoLTheory to provide real-time build advice during champion select, ensuring every decision is informed by robust, data-driven insights. This ongoing project has been driven by my commitment to transforming how we think about and implement in-game strategies, making them as dynamic and specific as the matches you play.

LoLTheory's Build Recommendations:

  • Optimized Builds for Every Match: Leveraging my analytical skills, LoLTheory delves deep into the specifics of your current match—evaluating both allies and enemies—to craft custom recommendations for runes, items, skills, summoner spells, and starting items. Forget one-size-fits-all; our advice is meticulously tailored to fit the unique challenges and opportunities of each game.

  • Unified Game Plan: The system ensures that every suggestion—from rune configurations to item builds—is harmoniously integrated, optimizing your performance by aligning perfectly with your team's strategy and countering your opponents effectively.

  • Optimized from Millions of Possibilities: Analyzing up to 410 million combination scenarios for champions like Sion top, LoLTheory navigates through a vast ocean of potential strategies to identify the most effective approach for your specific situation.

  • Flexible Recommendations: While guiding you toward optimal strategies, LoLTheory respects your individual playing style by offering choices in crucial areas like your first item and keystone—enhancing your natural playstyle rather than overriding it.

See LoLTheory in action across different team compositions:

I share this journey not just as the creator of LoLTheory but as someone who believes deeply in the power of data to elevate our gameplay. I’d love to hear your thoughts, critiques, and suggestions. Your feedback is crucial as I continue to refine and expand LoLTheory.

Download LoLTheory here Thanks for being a part of this journey.

FNC vs GAM Hupu Rating and Comments
FNC vs GAM Hupu Rating and Comments

I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.

The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10, and average is used. A total of 12k people participated in this series' rating.

Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link



Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin K'sante 9.2 Wow, you are really a team player, Knight's Vow and Locket for your AD.
Razork Xin Zhao 9.5 Even your Xin Zhao today is better than Tian
Humanoid Orianna 9.4 Caps is still playing, sadly you can't inherit the throne yet.
Noah Kalista 9.6 Familiar ID, why does the game felt different compare to two days ago.
Jun Ashe 9.7 Wait, Ashe ult is a point and click ability?
Nightshare 8.6 Good, banning Love's ad.

GAM Esports

Player Rating Top Comment
Kiaya Urgot 3.2 Kiaya, last stand!(word play on a joke mocking Lebron).
Levi Lee Sin 8.9 Let try a protect the Karthus comp please, your teammates can't be trusted
Emo Taliyah 2.3 Missing, why can't I give someone a 0 star.
EasyLove Varus 2,4 Uzi Varus.
Elio Maokai 2.4 Elint
Archie 3.1 This BP, how did he not get hit by the baldy in the back stage.



Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin Ornn 9.4 Mad Goat, Hardest smash. (word play on the same mocking Lebron joke).
Razork Xin Zhao 8.9 Other teams Xin Zhao, can tank can fight, can engage and gank. TES Xin Zhao: ******, depression, *******, pressure teammates.
Humanoid Ahri 9.3 This rating is a bit high, he is good, but not that good this game.
Noah Lucian 8.8 Hexdrinker activated! (reference to the Hexdrinker bug in S12 between TES and GAM).
Jun Nami 8.3 Neuralink connected!
Nightshare 7.5 Harder than the game against TES.

GAM Esports

Player Rating Top Comment
Kiaya Rumble 9.3 Tried your best
Levi Nocturne 9.8 Again and again, bring this team back from the cliff, the undisputed last line of defense of Vietnam, see you at worlds.
Emo Orianna 8.8 You asking why I give him a 6, because 4396. (Trying to get the rating down to 7)
EasyLove Zeri 2.4 The only similarity between you and Jacky is your ID.
Elio Nautilus 3.2 Not Human. Playing like have 13 world championship title.
Archie 7.3 Man! What can I say, GAM Out (pic of GAM CEO).

Impact – Patch 14.9
Impact – Patch 14.9

Data will be for 14.8 -> 14.9.
Last update (UTC): 2024-05-05 18:44
EST: 2024-05-05 14:44 / PT: 2024-05-05 11:44

If you want to find out first about a new post:
Twitter: ADeadMansName

The full list with more details on: Impact - Patch 14.9 - Deadmansplate

A massive and mostly great patch with tons of changes but also a lot of really good changes.

Item changes are mostly fine and changed items are ok. Not great, not bad, just a bit more stiff in terms of slot options (locked to 1st/2nd or 3+)

  • Buffs:

  • Amumu: Does awesome in lower elos and is still ok in higher ones except for master+.

  • Vex: Like Amumu she is also great in lower elos but she differs in that she isn’t as bad in higher elos. She also falls off but only a tiny bit. Here we might see nerfs in a few months, once people found out.

  • Kennen: His buffs didn’t look that big, but these were massive. He performs fine in lower and really well in higher elos. I would say a pro play threat next split for sure.

  • Sejuani: She does well in soloQ now. Likely OP in pro play but has to be seen how the scaling buffs actually impact her in lower gold income enviroments.

  • Seraphine: She is better in support and bot, but in support mostly because people skill her wrong. Still nobody wants to play her bot. PR went from 0.3% to 0.5% only and the WR is around 53.5% which is fine for sure even for such a low PR. Nerfs:

  • Nilah: For being so niche and low elo skewed she is likely a bit overnerfed but the direction towards more DPS is still nice.

  • Master Yi: Overnerfed and Riot can likely revert 50% of the nerf to hit something slightly below 50% WR.

  • Olaf: He is nearly unchanged in the jungle but weaker top. His R feels lackluster later on.

  • ASol: I would say a tick overnerfed. The E nerf was likely not needed after the hitbox nerf.

  • K’Sante: I would say dead now also in pro play.

  • Size changes:

  • Hitbox size: These changes were definitely felt by most champs but not all. Laners mostly feel it while junglers not so much. Briar only feels the nerf because her items were also nerfed. +-10 hitbox size is ~0.8-1% WR delta it seems.

  • Clickbox size: This one is actually very interesting, too. If your champ got a ~+40-45 increased click size you are likely ~1% WR down in lower elos and ~0.7-0.0% down in higher ones. Examples for this are Garen, Jayce, Diana, Yone and then we have the outliner Yasuo. Garen for example lost ~1% WR overall but in higher elos 0%. His overall WR is now 50.8% and in Dia+ 50% which means he is only slightly low elo skewed. Same has nearly no elo skew anymore.


Sejuani jgl

0.4% BR

47.3% WR -> 50.9% WR | +3.6%

2.2% PR -> 3.7% PR | +64%

Games: 72,769

She does well in soloQ now. Likely OP in pro play but has to be seen how the scaling buffs actually impact her in lower gold income enviroments. For soloQ HP items do really well, so test out Heartsteel and other higher HP items on her. Next patch also Warmogs. Pls don't build Kaenic Rookern too early. It is a pretty weak 2nd slot item and most other MR items are better actually.

Kennen top

0.9% BR

48.7% WR -> 51.1% WR | +2.4%

1.1% PR -> 2.1% PR | +94%

Games: 42,002

One of the largest buffs this patch and a risky thing for pro play and high elo, but also something new for soloQ.

Amumu jgl

1.2% BR

49.9% WR -> 52.0% WR | +2.1%

2.8% PR -> 4.4% PR | +53%

Games: 85,593

Does awesome in lower elos and is still ok in higher ones except for master+. Liandrys is his best item. If you don't rush it, take it 2nd. As long as Liandrys is OP many of the AP tank junglers actually like it. Mao is not one of them as he has trash AP ratios these days. Conqueror is the right rune for him in most games. Aftershock is also ok.

Malzahar mid

5.9% BR

49.5% WR -> 50.9% WR | +1.4%

3.4% PR -> 5.0% PR | +46%

Games: 98,657

One of the larger lane buffs but with no impact after the laning phase as you get the E maxed 1st and the Q maxed 2nd and once you have the E maxed and Lost Chapter you don't really have mana problems. The buffs are actually better for top lane than mid, but they are enough to make mid ok.

Zoe mid

0.8% BR

48.0% WR -> 49.7% WR | +1.7%

1.6% PR -> 1.8% PR | +10%

Games: 35,237

Vex mid

3.2% BR

51.0% WR -> 52.5% WR | +1.5%

3.0% PR -> 3.6% PR | +18%

Games: 70,512

Darius top

22.5% BR

50.0% WR -> 51.4% WR | +1.3%

8.9% PR -> 9.3% PR | +4%

Games: 182,777

Seraphine sup

0.8% BR

49.8% WR -> 50.4% WR | +0.6%

3.3% PR -> 4.0% PR | +23%

Games: 79,585

She is better in support and bot, but in support mostly because people skill her wrong. Still nobody wants to play her bot, only support. PR went from 0.3% to 0.5% only and the WR is around 53.5% which is fine for sure even for such a low PR.


Nilah bot

5.1% BR

53.3% WR -> 50.0% WR | -3.4%

2.9% PR -> 2.1% PR | -28%

Games: 41,235

For being so niche and low elo skewed she is likely a bit overnerfed but the direction towards more DPS is still nice.

Master Yi jgl

15.6% BR

50.9% WR -> 48.3% WR | -2.6%

8.3% PR -> 6.5% PR | -21%

Games: 128,683

Overnerfed and Riot can likely revert 50% of the nerf to hit something slightly below 50% WR. If -10 on the W is -3% WR nearly then +5 should be +1.5% WR back, which is around 49.5% then.

Skarner jgl, top, sup

43.8% BR


53.0% WR -> 50.7% WR | -2.3%

6.4% PR -> 4.4% PR | -31%

Games: 86,983

A balanced jungler it seems. His WR incease per day is close to 0 now and his WR in lower elos is ok and he is strong in higher elos still. Jungle you want Heartsteel 1st.


50.6% WR -> 48.5% WR | -2.1%

5.4% PR -> 3.5% PR | -36%

Games: 68,394

He is a bit low in top but still playable with Grasp and Q or W max. Top you want more waveclear items 1st.sup

50.7% WR -> 49.8% WR | -1.0%

0.9% PR -> 0.6% PR | -33%

Games: 12,469

Naafiri mid

1.3% BR

52.1% WR -> 49.5% WR | -2.6%

1.5% PR -> 1.3% PR | -13%

Games: 26,114

Olaf top

2.2% BR

51.3% WR -> 49.5% WR | -1.9%

2.2% PR -> 1.8% PR | -21%

Games: 34,473

I would say Olaf top is meh for lower elo players except the most hardcore ones. But in higher elos he is still ok. So I would say mostly fine but not easy to play. Because I don't have him here, Olaf jungle is still bad, even worse than last patch. The problem is less the clear speed right now.

Aurelion Sol mid

8.2% BR

51.6% WR -> 49.8% WR | -1.8%

7.6% PR -> 5.8% PR | -24%

Games: 113,746

I would say a tick overnerfed. The E nerf was likely not needed after the hitbox nerf. But right now I would just give him a super tiny buff of +0.5 HP reg for -0.05 HP reg per lvl nerf. Is slightly better for most of the game and when HP reg matters.

Twitch bot, sup

11.0% BR


52.5% WR -> 50.8% WR | -1.7%

8.7% PR -> 6.4% PR | -27%

Games: 125,668

People slowly cought up to him being OP after a long time. He went up from ~4% to ~8% PR over the year and so Riot had to nerf him a bit. He is still fine and is still slightly high elo skewed. But I think the nerf could have been a tick smaller.


44.7% WR -> 42.5% WR | -2.2%

0.7% PR -> 0.6% PR | -12%

Games: 11,876

K'Sante top

2.0% BR

46.3% WR -> 44.4% WR | -1.8%

3.4% PR -> 3.5% PR | +4%

Games: 69,051

Briar jgl

14.4% BR

51.8% WR -> 50.4% WR | -1.4%

5.0% PR -> 4.0% PR | -20%

Games: 78,781

Ahri mid

12.2% BR

51.4% WR -> 50.2% WR | -1.3%

12.8% PR -> 11.1% PR | -13%

Games: 218,448

Ahri is nearly back to where she was before the Q buff. Right now you can take Malignance or Ludens, they look nearly equally good on her. Q>W>E or Q>E>W doesn't matter much either.

Kassadin mid

5.7% BR

51.2% WR -> 50.3% WR | -0.8%

3.9% PR -> 3.4% PR | -13%

Games: 66,967

Slight nerf, not too relevant. He still does fine. You can go ROA + Maligance + Seraphs easily and get a late tear (as it is only for your 3rd item).

Janna sup

3.9% BR

52.5% WR -> 51.9% WR | -0.6%

7.0% PR -> 5.8% PR | -17%

Games: 114,863

She looks weaker but she is still strong as long as you max E over W. Her WR is untouched if you max the E instead. It just changes her skill order from W max to E max and she is as OP as before, if not stronger.

Bel'Veth jgl

6.8% BR

51.2% WR -> 50.7% WR | -0.5%

3.8% PR -> 3.3% PR | -15%

Games: 64,332

I know that champ gets nerfed and nerfed and nerfed, but she still does fine and is mostly balanced now with a slight edge towards being good. With the removal of LT her WR should go up a tiny bit (~0.3%) in lower elos because 10% pick it on her.

Taliyah mid

3.5% BR

51.0% WR -> 50.4% WR | -0.5%

3.7% PR -> 3.3% PR | -11%

Games: 64,547

Taliyah nerfs were on point. She is still fine in all elos and in jungle and mid and she is slightly less high elo skewed, at least in the jungle.

Urgot top

1.3% BR

52.1% WR -> 51.5% WR | -0.6%

3.4% PR -> 3.2% PR | -6%

Games: 63,337

Nothing to say about it. He is close to being a niche pick and his WR is good. He can stay there.

Karma mid

4.7% BR

48.3% WR -> 48.6% WR | +0.3%

1.6% PR -> 0.8% PR | -52%

Games: 15,691

Buffs indirect

Galio mid

Tryndamere top

Akali mid

Fiora top

Brand mid

Graves jgl

Elise jgl

Dr. Mundo top

Nocturne jgl

Malphite mid

Kayle top

Ashe sup

Nerfs indirect

Rengar jgl

Wukong top

Qiyana mid

Yasuo top, bot

Aatrox top

Yone top

Talon mid

Jayce top, mid

Garen top

Diana jgl, mid



Milio sup

2.7% BR

51.1% WR -> 51.7% WR | +0.6%

5.7% PR -> 5.8% PR | +2%

Games: 114,894

Akshan mid

4.5% BR

51.7% WR -> 52.2% WR | +0.5%

2.2% PR -> 2.3% PR | +4%

Games: 44,800

Great change direction for him. His R doesn't feel as useless anymore. Overall I would say he is OP now in soloQ, especially in higher elos where he reaches 53+% WR numbers.

Karma sup

4.7% BR

47.3% WR -> 47.6% WR | +0.4%

5.8% PR -> 6.3% PR | +8%

Games: 123,435

She is a bit of a tricky one. One problem is that people too often go Malignance as a support, which makes no sense as you do not need the mana and the R CD reduction isn't that great. The RQ is ok with it, but you want to use the RE mostly at that stage of the game. Just take Shurelias, Moonstone or Ardent 2nd. For being the most expensive item for her with 2.7k the WR is way too low. And 3rd you go for more support or Imperial or Horizon. Just stop that terrible build that 64% of Karma support players are doing right now.

Lulu sup

6.6% BR

50.3% WR -> 50.7% WR | +0.4%

10.7% PR -> 10.6% PR | -1%

Games: 209,050

Warwick jgl, top

2.1% BR


51.3% WR -> 51.5% WR | +0.2%

4.0% PR -> 3.8% PR | -5%

Games: 74,870


51.4% WR -> 51.5% WR | +0.0%

1.5% PR -> 1.4% PR | -8%

Games: 27,256

Jinx bot

19.6% BR

51.7% WR -> 51.6% WR | -0.0%

25.7% PR -> 24.8% PR | -3%

Games: 488,630

This was also pretty much a placebo nerf. Nobody uses that ult on CD, especially early on. If it was 100/80/60 sec it would actually nerf her.

Yuumi sup

4.3% BR

49.0% WR -> 48.9% WR | -0.1%

5.0% PR -> 4.7% PR | -7%

Games: 92,567

Taliyah jgl

3.5% BR

50.4% WR -> 50.4% WR | -0.0%

3.1% PR -> 2.7% PR | -12%

Games: 53,742

Taliyah nerfs were on point. She is still fine in all elos and in jungle and mid and she is slightly less high elo skewed, at least in the jungle.

Evelynn jgl

7.2% BR

50.2% WR -> 50.2% WR | -0.0%

3.7% PR -> 3.1% PR | -18%

Games: 60,318

Mostly nothing. Your W slow nearly never comes into play and if it does, it only lasts for 0.75 sec. The R AP ratio is not what kills most targets, but the base dmg alone. If they are at 30% HP your 900 dmg execute will kill the 750 HP enemy. If your enemy has 212 MR (-45% W, -40% VS, -20 MPen => 50 MR) and 4k max HP you need now 425 AP to kill them with the R at exactly 30% HP. Who has that much MR? Nearly nobody. And that much HP only tanks and some bruisers. And you should have way above 450 AP at that time. Around 0.5 AP ratio (1.2 enchanced) it becomes a real nerf. But overall Eve is fine now and she still rides the OP Lich Bane train and her base kit is actually lacking. But the nerf is still funny as it looks impactful but has actually 0 impact. That is a true placebo nerf.

Blitzcrank sup

32.1% BR

51.1% WR -> 50.7% WR | -0.4%

7.6% PR -> 7.2% PR | -5%

Games: 142,702

Nothing really changed for him. The shield duration doesn't matter as it pretty much never lasted the full 4 sec when he got that low. The 10% lower MS buff is mostly just 8% after getting T1 boots or even just 5% later on. It is not a 0 nerf but i is also not worth mentioning.

Pyke sup

16.0% BR

50.4% WR -> 50.0% WR | -0.5%

7.3% PR -> 6.9% PR | -5%

Games: 135,227

The funny thing is that Riot wanted to nerf higher elo Pyke players more, which is why they used the W nerfs. They use W more often than lower elo Pykes. What Riot didn't think about is how often lower elo players spam their other spells and go oom faster because of that, while higher elo players nearly never go oom and rarely have to use the W on CD anyways. So in the end the CD nerf is a placebo nerf right now (you max QEW) and the mana nerf hits lower elo players. Sry Riot, but that was not it.

The full list with more details on: Impact - Patch 14.9 - Deadmansplate

Thanks for reading and discussing. I wish you all a good time in league.