Postcarding with Reclaim Our Vote | Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Postcarding with Reclaim Our Vote

The Every Voice, Every Vote campaign is made possible in part by the Leo and Libby Nevas Foundation.

Once again, the Reform Jewish Movement is partnering with the Center for Common Ground's Reclaim Our Vote (ROV) Campaign to engage under-represented voters through postcarding efforts in key states. Reclaim Our Vote has identified states in 2024 to target. These states all have a significant population of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals but have low voter participation in these communities due to voter suppression.

Postcarding will take place between now and October, 2024.

Postcard kits ordered between now and April 17 will be for voters in Georgia and will need to be mailed between April 22 and May 9.

Postcard kits ordered starting on April 18 will be for voters in Virginia and will need to be mailed between April 26 and June 3. 

These dates and states are subject to change depending the availability of addresses. We will communicate any changes to the schedule as they arise. Stay tuned for future states!

Before ordering postcards or attending a Postcard Party, please watch this brief Introduction to Reclaim Our Vote Postcarding Training Video. Note that this video is not publicly available so please do not share on social media.

Order your postcards now!