• Rebecca Black is 22 years old and still making music.
  • On the nine-year anniversary of her infamous music vid “Friday,” she hit Instagram to talk about what the post-release ridicule was really like for her.

Believe it or not, it’s been almost a full decade since Rebecca Black redefined the term “earworm” by releasing her infamous 2011 music video “Friday.” The then-13-year-old probably had no clue she’d entice everybody and their mother to start looking forward to the weekend, but while her song racked up hundreds of millions of views, people also mocked the hell out of it.

Just in case it’s not in your head already (or if you somehow don’t say “gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal” every time you eat breakfast), here’s a refresher:

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Today, though, on the nine-year anniversary of “Friday,” Rebecca has more to say about dealing with people mocking her. In a lengthy Instagram caption, she opened up about what she wishes she could tell her 13-year-old self, who was “terribly ashamed of herself and afraid of the world.”

Here’s what she wrote in full:

“*swipe ->* 9 years ago today a music video for a song called ‘friday’ was uploaded to the internet. above all things, i just wish i could go back and talk to my 13 year old self who was terribly ashamed of herself and afraid of the world. to my 15 year old self who felt like she had nobody to talk to about the depression she faced. to my 17 year old self who would get to school only to get food thrown at her and her friends. to my 19 year old self who had almost every producer/songwriter tell me they’d never work with me. hell, to myself a few days ago who felt disgusting when she looked in the mirror! i’m trying to remind myself more and more that every day is a new opportunity to shift your reality and lift your spirit. you are not defined by any one choice or thing. time heals and nothing is finite. it’s a process that’s never too late to begin. and so, here we go! this might be a weird thing to post but the honesty feels good if nothing else.”

In the spirit of not being defined by one thing, here’s a fun fact: Rebecca still makes music! And even though her YouTube comments are still full of people invoking “Friday,” she’s moving forward anyway!

Check her out:

Maybe one day, Rebecca will be best known for “Sweetheart” instead. After all, we’ve got, like, four days to kill until Friday comes along anyway.