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House Republicans' impeachment inquiry has yet to come up with evidence of wrongdoing.
A Los Angeles man who was already in custody in connection with another shooting investigation has been identified as the suspect in three recent killings of homeless men.
Unionized workers at Amazon, Starbucks, Trader Joe’s and REI have accused their employers of refusing to bargain. “That's absolutely part of their strategy."
A new revelation has rattled climate scientists and environmental activists, but it did not happen in a vacuum.
"Klete Derik Keller once wore the American flag as an Olympian," prosecutors said. "On January 6, 2021, he threw that flag in a trash can."
Brett McGurk has sought to put a Saudi-Israeli relationship "at the forefront" of the U.S.'s Middle East policy — downplaying Palestinian concerns and human rights.
The special election for the New York Republican's still-warm congressional seat has major implications for 2024.
A federal appeals court ruled Friday against one of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's aggressive measures aimed at stopping migrants from entering the U.S. illegally.
A federal inmate was charged with attempted murder in the Nov. 24 prison stabbing of the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd.
The candidates held dueling campaign events in Iowa. The caucuses are just six weeks away.
A federal judge has rejected Donald Trump’s effort to throw out his 2020 election subversion case in Washington.