Disney's Toy Story Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Super Nintendo - GameFAQs
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  1. Codes

    Stage SkipEnter the invincibility code. Press start to pause the game, and press select to skip to the end of the current stage.
    Contributed By: BasesLoadedWalk
    25    16

  2. Invincibility GEN

    To turn Woody invincible, just enter the second level, ''Red Alert'' and collect seven and only seven stars, then jump into the toybox. Press down for about five seconds or until you see the top-left star start spinning. This means you are now invincible.
    Contributed By: _ATadeo_
    18    9

  3. Level Select PC

    This is entered at Opening Screen
    Level selectabracadabra
    Contributed By: ArdynCaelum
    12    2

  4. Level Skip GEN

    enter A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A at the title screen. While in the game, press START to pause and hit A.
    Contributed By: _ATadeo_
    27    7

  5. Stage Select GB

    On the title screen enter: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A Start. Now during the game, press Select to enter the next stage.
    Contributed By: Pixel_Reality
    6    0


  1. Level Passwords GEN

    Enter these codes at the Password screen to advance to the corresponding level.
    Buzz Clip (Level 5)31241
    Day-Toy-Na (Level 16)51324
    Food and Drink (Level 9)54152
    Sid's Workbench (Level 13)34255
    Contributed By: alanbarr88
    41    63

  2. Passwords

    Passwords can be entered in all versions except the US version. On the main menu, scroll to the fourth option, press start, and enter any of the following:
    02 - A Buzz Clip251324
    03 - Food and Drink421553
    04 - Sid's Workbench343435
    05 - Light My Fire151423
    Contributed By: Guard_Master
    37    42


  1. Invincibility

    In The First Level, You will Come upon a dresser with an army man basket on top of it. There will also be a bouncy ball on the left of the dresser. If you have 5 lives in the top right corner (Displayed within the cowboy star), jump on to the bottom ledge of the dresser (Bottom shelf), Now duck until the cowboy star begins to spin. You are now invincible.
    Contributed By: jacob91
    27    14

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